Class of 2011: Which school(s) do you turn down to attend Wisconsin?

<p>Minn Twin cities, Rutgers, U of MD,
UK: Edinburgh, Durhum, Bath, Birmingham, Bristol.</p>

<p>rejected at WashU and Yale
So I am officially going to Madison.</p>

<p>not sure, but i'll have to turn down these schools:</p>

UMich - Ann arbor
U of I - UC
Boston University
Ohio State
U of Miami Florida</p>

<p>Im going to Madison for sure!
I'm turning down (accepted at..)
Uillinois (really hard decision since i live in illinois and its cheap)
Umichigan (didnt like it when i visited)
Boston College

<p>got waitlisted at Wash U</p>

<p>I got rejcted by Emory, but got into NYU. Turning that down.</p>

<p>I'm for sure going to Madison but it took me awhile to decide between there and UMich...I think i made the right choice though</p>

<p>U of California, san diego
u of california, irvine
u of california, davis
(ca was WAY too expensive)
u of oklahoma</p>

Carnegie Mellon</p>

<p>not sure if i will turn down CMU though</p>

<p>I've noticed quite a few of you turned down the University of Michigan. For those of you who did, could you please withdraw your application from admissions, it would be greatly appreciated. There are still quite a few people waiting to hear back from Michigan (including myself) and it greatly encourages our chances with less applications in the pile. I also applied to The University of Wisconsin, so hopefully once I receive the final decisions I will be able to make a more clear choice. Thanks.</p>

<p>DBO, I never heard of anyone withdrawing application once an admission offer is made. Anyway, will you please start a new thread and leave this one for "final decision"-like post? Thx.</p>

<p>It is possible, as there is a sector of Michigan's website designed specifically for this purpose. Yes I will start a new thread, sorry to intrude.</p>

<p>Sorry for the late response, but yes HAD I gotten into Columbia (which I didn't.. lol) I would have turned it down for Wisconsin no doubt about it. First of all, Columbia, though it has a great Political Science Program and an equally great Graduate International Relations program, there is no undergrad IR major, and, after looking through the courses offered etc, I really did find that Wisconsin was better equipped with the types of things I wanted to concentrate on. </p>

<p>As for American University- SIS, when I visited I was not at all impressed by either the people or the place itself. I realize that is a very unfair generalization, but hey, gotta make a decision somehow. Also, having applied to GWU, which I like much much better than American anyway, I wasn't really feeling compelled to choose American over either GWU or UW.</p>

<p>Additionally, the personal connections I have with UW (family literally ALL went there, every last one of them) made it even more attractive to me. I loved everything about it and really feel that personally, I would be happiest there. </p>

<p>Unfortunately, UW did not give me enough financial aid, which is desperately needed that point, so I will be headed to Boston University next fall. Goodby, Wisconsin. I love you.</p>

<p>All the best at BU. You can always come back for grad school to continue tha family tradition!</p>

<p>If I go I will be turning down:
University of Buffalo
University of California-San Diego
University of Southern California</p>

<p>and possibly(waitlist):

<p>i'm turning down syracuse and purdue.</p>

<p>Let's not turn this into "If I go then I will turn down." Then it's just all the schools you applied to regardless of whether you're going to Madison or not.</p>

<p>I applied to too many schools, turning down</p>

<p>Univ of MN
Univ of Mich
Virg Tech
Univ of Miami - FL
Santa Clara Univ
Cal Poly
Univ of San Diego</p>

<p>Got big scholarships at Miami, SMU, Santa Clara, and San Diego</p>

<p>Was rejected at:

<p>turning down:</p>

<p>University of Illinois
Indiana university
University of Rochester
Miami university (Ohio)
University of Massachusetts Amherst
NYU General Studies Program (Florence)
University of Maryland (Spring 08)</p>

<p>waitlisted at Boston University</p>

<p>Rejected at University of Virginia</p>

<p>My daughter turned down:</p>

<p>University of Michigan (in state for us)
Loyola University Chicago
Michigan State</p>

<p>Will be attending Wisconsin in the fall!</p>

<p>michigan instate for wisconsin? can i ask why?</p>