Class of 2011: Which school(s) do you turn down to attend Wisconsin?

<p>I only applied to University of Minnesota, University of Wisconsin and George Mason University. I got accepted into all three, but the final decision is to go to UW-M.</p>

<p>I just sent in my stuff for Wisconsin after I deposited at UMich....I just couldn't turn down the UW!</p>


<p>She struggled with her decisions for WEEKS!
We have a family of UM alums.
She attended one of the Wisconsin Real programs and that helped. </p>

<p>She felt the people at Wisconsin were more down to earth and friendlier than at Michigan...felt the overall feeling at UM was stuffy...loved the town of Madison as opposed to Ann Arbor. Both are fine academic institutions and have what she wants so that was a draw. Half her class is going to UM and she wanted to branch out, have new experiences, and to meet new people.
It came down to where she will be happiest.</p>

<p>It is out of state for us and the tuition is more...but she is so excited to be going there!</p>

<p>besides turning down syracuse and purdue, i'm rejected by duke, cornell and rice, also waitlisted by michigan, vanderbilt and rochester.
I turned down rochester's generous offer immediately, now still waiting for vandy and michy to tell me their decisions.</p>

<p>i have turned down purdue, um twin cities, uw seattle, and uiuc. still waiting for the waitlist decision from michigan, otherwise would definitely go to UW-M. i don't get it why would anyone turn down northwestern over UW-M? and can anyone tell me more plus sides from UW-M compared to michigan aa? thx ppl.</p>

<p>you can't possibly see? Gee, what failures, who dare turn down northwestern for "UW-M"</p>

<p>badger games
state street
not paying 120K for a degree that makes you no more competitive for law school
the quarter system sucks
actually going to a school with a social scene
actually going to a school with social students
actually going to a school with a personality and not a pre-professional oven, pre-heat, add another northwestern student, a touch of sugar, and wallah! a medill journalism student ready to go out at 31K a year and work in Topeka, KS
Madison having more top 10 departments than Northwestern
Madison having more research than Northwestern</p>

<p>I dont know, just a few reasons there.</p>

<p>I was accepted and will be turning down to attend UW-Madison:</p>

<p>University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
Syracuse University
University of Rochester
Indiana University - Bloomington
Carleton College</p>

<p>internation student
major: economics
class of 2011</p>

<p>Son was accepted at, and is turning down, U of Maryland-College Park, SUNY-Binghamton, and Syracuse.</p>

<p>I'm turning down:</p>

Carlson School of Management @ U of M</p>

<p>And I didn't pursue the waitlist at:</p>

Wash U</p>