Class of 2013 SEAS

<p>hi guise. im kinda pysched about getting in. what are you guys planning to study. im chemical engineering</p>

<p>i’m chemical engineering too :slight_smile: where are you from?</p>

<p>maryland u??</p>

<p>long island, ny. </p>

<p>theres a tiny group on facebook for us SEASers:
[Login</a> | Facebook](<a href=“]Login”></p>

<p>We seem to be a quite deal less social than the other schools, lol.
The reality still hasn’t completely hit yet.</p>

<p>haha i think im already in it. biut thanks tho (yeah it is pretty small)</p>

<p>I plan on doing Computer Science with maybe a minor in Business</p>

<p>Undecided major from PA. See you all next year :D</p>

<p>Also undecided major from PA lol.</p>

<p>i’m from PA too. Where in PA are you guys from?</p>

<p>NJ here and bioengineering (probably going to double major with CSE too). If you haven’t seen them yet, take a look at the SEAS career surveys b/c they are extremely impressive. I really want to get Google lol!</p>

<p>Where are the Career Surveys?? Working at Google is my dream job actually!!</p>

<p>[Career</a> Services, University of Pennsylvania](<a href=“]Career”></p>

<p>^^seems most people DONT go to grad school :(</p>

<p>^If you want to be successful then it makes more sense to work immediately and get some experience and then apply for an MBA or graduate degree.</p>

<p>Electrical Engineering major from MD. It feels weird knowing that we’ll actually be going to school together for the next four years.</p>

<p>chem engineering… from CT!</p>

<p>Northeast PA.</p>

<p>Nursing with a minor in History from South Jersey</p>

<p>where in northeast PA are you from _____?</p>

<p>Milford, PA.</p>