***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

<p>@XCjunior2016 did you take the test on Wednesday or Saturday?</p>


<p>Thanks, looks like the writing curve is very different between Wednesday and Saturday.</p>

<p>@XCjunior2016 I guess you know your NMSF chances based on historic cutoffs for RI. Congratulations! </p>

<p>The curve seems brutal in Writing, and encouraging in Reading. </p>

<p>Thanks for the news! </p>

<p>@PilotKhyle: do not let the lack of emails discourage you. It’s not indicative of anything. Trust me, you’ll soon be receiving an avalanche. We are awaiting scores in Oklahoma, too, so please post when your school distributes yours. Good luck to you!</p>

<p>Oh and I got 0 college emails!</p>

<p>I found this on another thread. It includes the answer key. Understanding 2014 PSAT/NMSQT Scores: <a href=“Understanding PSAT/NMSQT Scores - SAT Suite”>https://www.collegeboard.org/pdf/psat/understanding-psat-nmsqt-scores-guide_0.pdf&lt;/a&gt;
Good luck to everyone! I’m new to CC with a D16.</p>

<p>My HS Principal got and email yesterday saying the reports were mailed. Sounds like some are already arriving. Here in rural Texas it will likely be a day or 2. Sound off your location when you get them. </p>

<p>Welcome, palm715! </p>

<p>Just got my report from my school today (PA). Saturday test.
CR - 71 (-4)
M - 73 (-3)
W - 63 (-6) Ugh.</p>

<p>Still waiting…NJ</p>

<p>Posted on a different forum (forgot who posted it) "Hi everyone.
I just found a time-consuming-yet-possible way to get your scores for the 2014 test, provided you have a mycollegequickstart account with 2013 scores in it already.

  1. Go to <a href=“Student Score Reports”>Student Score Reports; and sign in.
  2. Go to <a href=“Student Score Reports”>Student Score Reports;
    This page will show you the first question and will say at the top if you got it right or wrong.
  3. Change the ‘1’ at the end of the url to ‘2’ and repeat, until you have gone through all the CR questions.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 but with <a href=“Student Score Reports”>Student Score Reports; for math andhttps://quickstart.collegeboard.org/posweb/questionInfoNewAction.do?testYear=2014&skillCd=W&questionNbr=1 for writing.
  5. Count how many you got wrong and then calculate your score with the curve fromhttps://<a href="http://www.collegeboard.org/pdf/psat/understanding-psat-nmsqt-scores-guide_0.pdf"&gt;www.collegeboard.org/pdf/psat/understanding-psat-nmsqt-scores-guide_0.pdf&lt;/a&gt;"&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hopefully my school gives them out tomorrow.</p>

<p>@XCjunior2016 Thank you! Time consuming, but well worth it! </p>

<p>Now I need to ask if anyone has a copy of the 2013 “Understanding your PSAT scores”. College Board replaced last year’s version on their site with the 2014 version, and I can’t find an archived copy. Trying to figure out if the scores trended up or down nationally. The state percentiles don’t come out unitl February. DS got one point higher than this year’s cutoff. We will be sweating it out until September. :(</p>

<p>Report Class Data Mean SD 96th 97th 98th 99th 99+<br>
2014 2016 2015 141.9 30.7 198 202 206 213 224<br>
2013 2015 2014 142.7 31 200 203 208 215 225
2012 2014 2013 141.5 31 197 201 205 211 222
2011 2013 2013 141.9 30.9 197 201 205 211 222

2010 2012 2012 141.7 31.8 199 203 207 214 224
2009 2011 2011 141.1 31.3 197 201 206 212 222
2008 2010 2010 141.6 31.8 198 202 206 212 223
2007 2009 2009 140.9 31.7 198 201 206 212 222
2006 2008 2008 141.7 31.6 198 201 206 212 223
2005 2007 2007 146.3 30 201 204 209 215 225
2004 2006 2006 146 29.6 199 203 207 213 223
2003 2005 2005 146.7 29.2 200 204 208 214 224</p>

<p>Sorry the editing isn’t perfect, I’m cutting and pasting from an Excel spread sheet. Note the bolded years have roughly the same data, and both list the class of 2013 under “data”. This is the year that College Board changed how they reported the data, from a sampling of the current year, to the actual previous year in its entirety :(( . </p>

<p>Report = the year of the report
Class = the graduating class of kids who tested that year
Data = the graduating class whose data this is </p>

<p>@PAMom21 Wow! No kidding? So for a state like New Jersey one would need to not only be at 99th percentile, but at 99+ in order to qualify for NMSF?</p>

<p>Look at the mean- it really dropped significantly from 2005 and before to 2006 and after, while the SD barely budged. Did something affect student intelligence en-masse to cause that 4.5 point step-function drop just at that time in our history? Sun spots maybe? :wink: And the mean is well (1/4 SD) below the design norm of 150.</p>

<p>No wonder they want to reformulate the test for 2016!</p>

<p>There may be a connection here…</p>

<p><a href=“A Brief History of the SAT and How It Changes - Peterson's”>http://www.petersons.com/college-search/sat-scores-changes-test.aspx&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Lots of changes in 2005. Not sure how the PSAT ties into that. When looking for trends last year, I focused on 2006 forward for the most part.</p>

<p>@PAMom21 Thanks so much for the great info. Guess the percentiles don’t really mean anything to this year’s class and we will have to wait until the February reports come out before we get any more clues. :frowning: </p>

<p>My son’s Oklahoma public school distributed scores to students today. Awaiting news from him.</p>

<p>Got scores from child’s school in DC yesterday:
CR 80 (-1)
M 76 (-1)
W 73 (-2)