***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

<p>Got my scores in OK through that link above!</p>

<p>CR 68 (-7)
M 76 (-1)
W 68 (-5)</p>


<p>Oklahoma Cut-off has historically been below 209</p>

<p>prognosis for CA?</p>

<p>Thanks to XCjunior2016 for providing this information. It was tedious, but I checked both of my kids’ scores, which came out to 194 and 190. They are a sophomore and freshman and need about a 204-207 in my state for NMSF, so there is hope for both of them if they will work on their math.</p>

<p>Unofficial scores for DS - using above method</p>

<p>CR - 70
MA - 71
WR - 68
Total - 209 in GA</p>

<p>Probably not enough for NMSF, but HUGE improvement from last year!</p>

<p>There’s also this site to check your scores: <a href=“jacobbrunson.me - This website is for sale! - jacobbrunson Resources and Information.”>jacobbrunson.me - This website is for sale! - jacobbrunson Resources and Information.;

<p>****It’s based on a Form S curve, so just use <a href=“Understanding PSAT/NMSQT Scores - SAT Suite”>https://www.collegeboard.org/pdf/psat/understanding-psat-nmsqt-scores-guide_0.pdf&lt;/a&gt; to convert :slight_smile: **</p>

<p>I used the first method and based on this my son will be 206-209 which wont make it in Texas. My question is what do they do with the deductions that are not whole numbers? Example: he missed 2 questions on math so that’s a .5 point deduction (.25 each) So his exact raw score is a 35.5. Does it round up to a 36 or down to a 35? I am figuring all this when the actual scores should be here today or tomorrow. Since he is a bit low either way, I am not sweating it much.</p>

<p>Thanks, XCjunior2016! I checked DS’ scores and unless I made a mistake he scored 222. We’re in NY, cutoffs have ranged from 215-219 in the last 6 years. Does anyone have information on whether the cutoffs are likely to change much?</p>

<p>He came home with his paper copy, and he did indeed get 222. </p>

<p>@brawny77 - Unfortunately, they round up for 1/2 and more. I did a search on it yesterday myself.</p>

<p>Yeah MommaBerd I kinda figured that. Oh well I think he has commended either way and even if they round it favorably I think he is still 8 or 9 points short. Still if he can hit near 2100 on the real SAT he should qualify for some merit aid. </p>

<p>@brawny77 you subtract the negative points and round it upwards rather than downwards, so it will be 36. They give student the benefit of rounding.</p>

<p>Anyone think a 225 in NJ is high enough? I know it’s over the cutoff from past years but wanted to hear others’ input</p>

<p>Received today for home school student in Idaho…213</p>

<p>It should be unless something is drastically different this year. Pushing the envelop on 224 score will start changing the NMSF landscape.</p>

<p>[this was a mistake comment so just ignore]</p>

<p>Thanks for the reply @texaspg‌ . I’m hoping for NMSF but we’ll see I guess. It would just be disappointing to miss out on it after scoring so upper-borderline in my state!</p>

<p><a href=“***Class Of 2015 NMSF Qualifying Scores*** - #3055 by ILfather - National Merit Scholarships - College Confidential Forums”>***Class Of 2015 NMSF Qualifying Scores*** - #3055 by ILfather - National Merit Scholarships - College Confidential Forums;

<p>Historic data suggests that 224 has not been breached and it is holding strong despite several years of repeats of 224 in several states.</p>

<p>Courtesy @ILfather</p>

<p>Recap of scores over the past 8+ years by graduation year with a plus sign (+) next to this year’s score matching that state’s high (including ties) and a minus sign (-) next to this year’s score matching that state’s low (including ties).</p>


  State       2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  Max  Min
Alabama....... 207-..211...209...211...210...208...209...209...212..212..207
Alaska         210   212   204   212   214   211   212   213   212  214  204
Arizona....... 213...214...212...213...209...210...209...211...214..214..209
Arkansas       206+  205   202   205   203   203   204   201   206  206  201
California.... 222...223...220...221...219...218...217...218...219..223..217
Colorado       213   215   212   215   212   213   213   213   216  216  212
Connecticut... 220...221...218...220...219...218...218...217...221..221..217
Delaware       215-  218   215   217   215   219   219   219   219  219  215
Dist. of Col.. 224+..224...221...223...223...221...221...223...   ..224..221
Florida        211   214   211   214   210   211   211   212   215  215  210
Georgia....... 215...217...214...218...215...214...215...214...218..218..214
Hawaii         214   215   211   216   215   214   216   213   218  218  211
Idaho......... 211+..211...207...211...208...209...208...204...207..211..204
Illinois       215   216   213   216   214   214   214   213   218  218  213
Indiana....... 212...215...211...214...212...211...213...213...   ..215..211
International  224+  224   221   223   223   221   221   223        224  221
Iowa.......... 207-..210...207...210...209...209...210...209...   ..210..207
Kansas         213   216   212   214   211   211   211   212   213  216  211
Kentucky...... 210...211...208...212...208...209...209...208...212..212..208
Louisiana      208   209   209   209   210   207   208   206   209  210  206
Maine......... 212...215...210...212...213...213...212...211...213..215..210
Maryland       221   223   219   221   220   221   220   221   223  223  219
Massachusetts. 223...224...221...223...223...221...221...223...224..224..221
Michigan       210   210   207   210   209   209   209   209   211  211  207
Minnesota..... 215+..215...213...215...213...215...214...213...214..215..213
Mississippi    207+  207   204   205   205   203   201   202   204  207  201
Missouri...... 209-..213...210...213...210...211...213...211...214..214..209
Montana        206   207   203   209   208   204   208   207        209  203
Nebraska...... 209...209...207...209...210...207...206...207...   ..210..206
Nevada         208   212   208   209   208   202   206   208   208  212  202
New Hampshire. 212...214...211...216...214...213...211...215...216..216..211
New Jersey     224+  224   221   223   221   221   220   221   223  224  220
New Mexico.... 210+..210...208...210...206...208...209...208...   ..210..206
New York       218   219   215   219   217   218   216   219   221  221  215
North Carolina 212-..215...213...217...214...214...215...214...215..217..212
North Dakota   201   204   200   204   202   202   201   202        204  200
Ohio.......... 213...215...212...214...212...211...213...211...215..215..211
Oklahoma       206-  210   206   209   206   207   208   207   207  210  206
Oregon........ 217...218...213...216...215...213...213...213...215..218..213
Pennsylvania   216   217   214   215   216   214   213   214   217  217  213
Rhode Island.. 212...216...211...213...211...217...213...212...   ..217..211
South Carolina 209   210   208   211   208   211   212   210   214  214  208
South Dakota.. 203-..206...204...206...205...205...205...203...   ..206..203
Tennessee      212   212   210   214   212   213   213   213   217  217  210
Texas......... 218...219...216...219...215...216...215...215...217..219..215
Utah           208+  208   205   208   203   206   203   202        208  202
Vermont....... 213...217...214...217...212...213...213...216...   ..217..212
Virginia       219   222   217   220   218   218   219   217   220  222  217
Washington.... 219...220...216...220...218...217...217...215...219..220..215
West Virginia  201   203   200   204   202   203   203   200   206  204  200
Wisconsin..... 208...210...207...209...209...207...210...208...211..211..207</p>

<h2>Wyoming        204+  203   200   204   202   201   201   200        204  200</h2>

<p>State       2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  Max  Min
AVERAGE      212.4   214 210.8 213.6 211.9 211.6 211.75 211.5      214.7 209.9 AVG
MEDIAN         212 214.5   211   214   212   211  212.5  212        215  210.5 MED
MAXIMUM        224   224   221   223   223   221   221   223        224  221   MAX
MINIMUM        201   203   200   204   202   201   201   200        204  200   MIN


<p>Hi texaspg,
Do you have the data for boarding schools as well? Thank you!</p>

<p>@sannibel Boarding school numbers are derived from the highest performing state in the region. So if you know your region, you should look for the highest performing state and just use that for reference.</p>

<p>The numbers below were for 2014. I am guessing midwest is Texas, West is California, Southeast is Georgia, New England is Mass and Mid-Atlantic is DC.</p>

<p>5(?) Boarding school regions
IN, IA, KS, MI, MN, MO, OH, TX, WI region=219 (per post #781)</p>

AZ, CA, CO, ID, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY region =223</p>

AR, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC, TN, WV region =217</p>

<p>New England (?)
CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT region =224</p>

<p>Mid-Atlantic (?)
DE, DC, MD, NJ, NY, PA, VA region =224</p>

<p><a href=“***Class Of 2015 NMSF Qualifying Scores*** - #2 by ROCKFISHDG - National Merit Scholarships - College Confidential Forums”>***Class Of 2015 NMSF Qualifying Scores*** - #2 by ROCKFISHDG - National Merit Scholarships - College Confidential Forums;