***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

My Son scored 209 here in Michigan, September seems so far away


Good luck to your S. I went ahead and ran the numbers for Michigan hoping that I could give you some peace of mind either way. The past 2 years MI has been 210 (as you likely well know). My linear regression method indicates that this year’s cutoff number would be 209.4. Based on past year’s results the uncertainty is less than 1. There does seem to be some evidence that this year’s numbers for MI point to a slightly lower cutoff score than both of the previous two years. Whether it is enough to lower it one whole integer value, I don’t know. So, I likely haven’t given you any peace of mind, but at least the calculations do indicate some degree of hope for him to make the cutoff.

BTW, I pulled out all the stops on this one and found the MI public enrollment figures for juniors (easy to find for this state) and I weighted the math scores.

Thank you so much for working your magic and calculating the Michigan estimated cutoff, I appreciate your time, i’ll just keep crossing my fingers and hoping.

@Klettinator … Given your list of schools, NMF status wouldn’t really do anything for you other than give you a bullet point for your resume. UM gives nothing for NMF status. There’s always a possibility you might get selected for one of the one-time $2500 scholarships from NMSC, but no one knows for sure what the holistic criteria are for those. If you’ve already taken the SAT and achieved the historical “confirming” score (1960 or higher using M + CR + (Writing MC x 10)) then the rest of the NMF application package your school will get in the fall is relatively easy to complete. Make sure to send your SAT score to NMSC (Code 0085).

It’s always a good strategy to find a safety school to add to your list in the event you don’t get the admissions and/or financial results you’re hoping for from your top choices. Having a full-ride or near full-ride option in your hip pocket is never a bad thing. Good luck to you!!

@Wolverine86 My daughter had a 233 on PSAT and a confirming SAT score. Should she send the SAT score to NMSC now or is that something that is done in the fall? Thanks!

@uesmomof2 my d used one of her free send scores to send to NMSC

@uesmomof2 … You can send it now or in the fall and it shouldn’t make a difference. We ended up waiting until after our D’s were notified of SF status but we know families who sent the SAT score early as well. NMSC just “holds” the scores they receive until they have a NMF application package to marry it up with. I would’ve preferred to send it in early and have one less thing to remember in the fall…but D2 wanted to wait until officially notified in order to not jinx herself.

Congrats to your D on a fantastic PSAT score!! Depending on your family’s financial situation and what types of schools your D is interested in, NMF status can be a godsend. $-)

Thank you! I suspect my daughter will also want to wait for the official notification for the same reason but I will add it to my ever growing “To Do” list.

Thank you, I take it as an encouragement.

@WRUAustin Really appreciate your time!

So I just saw the score for Indiana in 2015. Yikes, my daughter scored a 215 for 2016. Now I am really worried. Ugh, not what I wanted to see.


I think your D should be just fine. For class of 2015 the score was 212. The year prior was 215, but that has been the highest score to date for IN. A linear interpolation shows a likely score this year of 212.2. I don’t think I would be very concerned as your D likely has a couple of points to spare. I don’t see any way that IN can be 216 this year.

I agree with @WRUAustin… Indiana test scores were not as high as two years ago…so definitely should be lower than 215 this year.

Just saw where the 2015 score was 215! Yikes she scored a 215 so as long as it doesn’t go up we should be fine.,

Can someone predict the semifinalist cutoff for Florida please?


See post #291

I see most people are saying that 202 is the cutoff for Commended. Is that definitely true? I got a 203 and I want to be sure!

Also I don’t know if it’s anybody’s area of expertise but will the National Achievement scholarship still be in effect for the class of 2016? I heard it was disappearing either this year or next year.

@WRUAustin Thank you. I got a 212 so hopefully I made it


I hope you make it as well. It will be likely be very close, but I think your chances are better than not.

@holayola Waiting with a 212 here also. Good luck!!! September is so far away…