***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

Pushed post too quickly. So the commended letters come out with the application for finalists?
Thanks for your help. My guidance counselor is either clueless of very good at playing that way.

Same for everyone ~ Sorry, just looked, but I didn’t save the essay from last year. Not sure it’s the same year to year anyway. The response was limited in characters, it really wasn’t a big deal. The student’s part was fairly easy to complete. Assuming it is new, you can definitely get it from another applicant, if your school is slow in handing out the information.

@nycuws Not sure colleges ever specifically get a list of NMSFs. They seem to get a list of students over a score threshold (students who indicated they want college mail). If they participate they get a list of NMFs who have chosen the college as their first choice.

Now, high schools get a list of their NMSFs. Some states and school systems release the names of their students. Not sure how they get these lists.

Maybe the Sept 9 press release has a full list so those who subscribe to a press release service would get them? (Thanks @gettingschooled for sharing that info from NMSC with us!)

Another 2015 parent here. D said she recycled one of her supplemental essays she wrote for admissions for the NM essay. I also do not know what the prompt was. Her school was on it as far as notifying the kids and parents. I believe that the school counselor or principal also had to write a letter on her behalf. For parents in schools with a large student body and not many kids who qualify for NMSF, you may have to really be the pushy parent to make sure you child and school meets the required deadlines.

Schools get a book listing all the semi-finalists in the country. I asked, and we were given that book from last year since my son was the only one. Homeschoolers do not get this book. If you can find someone with access to the book, that’s another way to get early info, though by that time, schools should all have been notified.

The commended letters go out a week or two later. I can’t remember now if they go to the house or to the schools, but it’s a separate release. You would know long before the letter came though, as it’s 202 up through your state’s cut.

I’m pretty sure the commended letters go to the school. If I remember our school usually announces commend students the first week of October.

A little research showed that our school system announced the NMSF to the media on 9/10 last year, so the wait shouldn’t be terribly long. If notifications were sent to principals yesterday, I wouldn’t be surprised if students were notified not long after school starts this coming Monday.

Wow that would be great. What state are you in @mstomper?

We’re in Maryland. 223 is the highest cutoff we’ve ever had, and last year it was 221. S has a 224, so he should be ok.

Wow, lots of activity on the board today…

@gettingschooled : Thanks for the info regarding when the letters were mailed.

Post #474 indicated by @PAMom21 that the speed at which the letter came was slower than typical first class mail, unfortunately. It would seem we would know something by the weekend, but I’m not counting on it.

Indiana and at 215 last year which was the highest. So my fingers are crossed. Post office better be quick.

This one’s a nail-biter!

@crowlady Last week I contacted one of the NMF full ride scholarship schools to ask a couple of questions - the NMF representative at that school indicated to me that they (the college) does actually get a list, so in September they will be able to check “their list” to verify whether or not students are NMSFs.

Past essay question (from NMSF 2014): To help the reviewers get to know you, describe an experience you’ve had, a person who has influenced you, or an obstacle you have overcome. Explain why this is meaningful to you. Use your own words and limit your response to the space below (room for about 4 paragraphs @ 5-6 lines each).

Almost all of the common app essays prompts this year have one of those elements. Should be able to use one of those with a little rework.

@4kids2graduate good to know! Now here’s hoping my S16 is on that list!

I wouldn’t be surprised if S16 decided it isn’t worth the trouble to write an essay, since with his grades (D’s in English for the year as a Sophomore and Junior, 2-3 C’s as well). As far as his applications go he’s applying to a school that gives a good package to NMSF but not looking at ones that only give big merit aid to NMF. It’s up to him, and I wouldn’t necessarily blame him if he decided not to bother with it.

Just wondering how many homeschool kids or parents are on this forum, and what states they are from…

We home school until 9th grade (TX) so we are of no help with National Merit :frowning: but do try to keep in touch with other homeschoolers that might help with NM info :wink:

@4kids2graduate We homeschool in Idaho and are anxiously waiting for the mail each day!