***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

Hey so if a homeschooled got their letter today here in Idaho, is it likely that our public school should have the letter here by tomorrow? Or are is homeschool and public school times totally independent of each other?

@lcgusa I would think you are good You’ll find out soon enough. Good luck.

Everything was mailed out on August 25th. Just depends on the mail and how fast the school tells you.

Does anyone who has actually received a letter or word from GC know what score NM has for a validating SAT score? In past years, it’s been under 2000…

Ok thanks @wlester and everyone else. I feel better knowing that im good but I hope I get the letter soon. Any other Ohioans waiting on letters?

@Stanton2016 I believe the last two years the confirming SAT score has been 1960.

@lcgusa I think you are very very lucky that the NMC allowed you to use your SAT scores because a “scheduling conflict” prevented you from taking the PSAT on the dates that it was given to all of the other juniors in the country. For the record, my D actually scored better on the PSAT than she scored on the SAT administered in the same month. How do you know that the curve is easier for the SAT than the PSAT?

@Stanton2016 I believe the letter has already arrived in the mail at my school, since other FL schools have already been notified. My school only has a NMSF once every 10 years, so I doubt they are familiar with this process, or they mistakenly think they have to wait until September 9 to notify me.

When I talked to NM last week they said they would tell you confirming SAT score required if you call on September 9.

@Stanton2016 I called NM last Friday. The confirming score is a national threshold, and it is 1960. CR+Math+Multiple Choice Writing *10 is the formula.

Wow I’m surprised they gave it to you early, are you sure it is for this year? @bmolloy97

I tried calling today and they gave me no info

Thanks. We should be okay with confirming score already but I do know it’s from one sitting and not a super score like some schools do for admittance.

so is there a general upward trend in scores cause every state I see has gone higher than last year?

@divider not always, it does fluctuate, but you can normally tell the direction based on the trend of past scores. Look your specific state up and look at trends (state cutoffs aren’t related)
you also might want to talk to someone who knows how to do the calculations for predictions

@divider as long as the scores are all marked <= then we still have not gotten an actual cutoff score. If it says = then we have except Texas was mismarked, it should read <= 218.

@VaishS Yes. The context of the conversation was for this year. And it is in one sitting. I believe there is some information in the booklet about the window of time the score has to be from. My memory says it is quite generous. But I believe December of 2015 is the last opportunity. Don’t hold me to that. I’m talking from memory.
I’m sure this is a very stressful week to work in that office. I must have caught them in the calm before the storm. They were very helpful and patient with my questions.

@bmolloy97 is this 1960? What is this Multiple choice writing *10 component?

@suzy100 The SAT is harder than the PSAT, in that the content tested on is more advanced. For instance, the SAT includes content from algebra 2, whereas only concepts from algebra 1 and geometry are tested on the PSAT. Not only is the content harder, but there are more questions on the SAT, which increases the probability of one missing more questions. Therefore, the curve is a bit more lenient on the SAT, depending on which month the test is administered, because of this increased difficulty.

@Ballerina2016 The formula is = Math + Critical Reading + (10*Writing Multiple choice)
The Writing Multiple choice score should be 80 or less. You have to click “Your Score Details” under Writing to see it. There were 49 questions. If you get them all right, your score is 80. Hope this helps.