***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

@CPADAD can you give the post # for the prior post you said confirmed 218 didn’t make the cut in NY? http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/discussion/comment/18764951/#Comment_18764951 is the last I could find and the student didn’t know about 219. I wouldn’t be surprised if we missed it; we’ll want to update with the right post#.

@WRUAustin – Also wanted to add my thanks to you for all you’ve done on this thread here over the last year. It’s parents like you that make CC so special, by unselfishly helping others. My S16’s well over our state’s cutoff, but I’ve been reading this thread avidly mainly to see your notes.

FWIW, my S14 missed the California cut by two points. At that time (before CC) we didn’t even know (when he took the PSAT) that the score was used for National Merit Scholarship stuff. If we’d known, he’d have prepped, and by virtue of his subsequent SAT scores he would have made the cut. However, despite not having NMF status he received merit scholarships at all the private schools to which he was admitted except for one. And of course, that one exception is the school that he’s attending.

Your son obviously has the combination of smarts and good parenting that will serve him well. You’ll have to come back on this thread in April and let us all know how it worked out, so we can be thrilled along with you.

@Firstchildof2 Thank you! That means my daughter made it too! :slight_smile:

Just looking at this thread makes my heart pound. As the parent of a class of 2010 Bubble Child, a class of 2015 Bubble Child, and, fortunately for my mental health, a class of 2012 Above-The-Bubble Child (thank you, middle child, for giving me that one year of respite), I am watching this thread and thinking positive thoughts for all of you!

Last night D got a phone call from the Scholar’s Office at OU wanting to explain their National Merit package. Maybe the colleges have the list of NMSF already?

@3scoutsmom, In past years, we determined that the colleges do not have a list in advance. I believe they can get lists of students with high scores such that the colleges can contact those students, but the colleges do not know the state cutoffs or names of semifinalists yet.

Anyone from PA yet? Have been checking the list on this thread.

Yes, @Barfly - Who can forget the infamous Carleton College “NMSF” postcard of 2014?! :wink:

Still no Michigan scores?

I believe there is a booklet of semifinalists with names by state and high school, in the past people have even posted it here on CC. The booklet goes out to principles so I don’t see why it wouldn’t go to colleges too. I know that the colleges don’t get a list of finalists but I’m pretty sure they get list of semifinalists.

Thanks for the tips, GoAskDad, I tried our school’s ‘announcements’ which are posted on their website, on the off chance there was a list “would the following students report to the principal’s office…”
An E-mail to the TAG teacher got an “end of the month?” reply.
Waiting to hear from the GC…
I don’t like candy corn. I need chocolate. Or booze. :-j

@goaskdad Carleton sent those NM postcards out this year too. Back is origami instructions, which we thought was cute enough. No idea who got them.

@Momof6PA. I’m waiting from PA with a 217. Still no news.

Just got word from my daughter that 215 qualified for Semi-Finalist in Colorado. : )

Still waiting in Indiana with a 215.

@divider Michigan has info here in our most recent summary table: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/discussion/comment/18768801/#Comment_18768801
It isn’t yet updated for RI yet but it would be nice to have a few more data points before updating.

Folks, you are welcome to keep asking but you can also use the search tool to look anytime.

For what it’s worth, here is a link to what I posted before with info about the application that semifinalists or their GCs have to complete. http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/discussion/comment/18015499/#Comment_18015499

@DominicBayer you should be fine with a 217. Daughter has 216. This is a nail-biter.

@piesquared, as I recall, the postcard spoke to NMSF status and arrived…like…on the equivalent of this day last year. It was the day everybody was waiting for cut-off scores, so at least a few of us called Carleton to see what they “knew.” Turns out it was just an oddly-worded postcard with terrible timing, because a few folks did get the postcard but their DCs did not make NMSF. Ugh. I am not kidding when I say that last year was one wild ride!

I just now posted in the High School Class of 2016 thread to see if any new NMSFs are willing to come over here to report their scores & states. I linked this thread to them, and I’m linking their thread to us. I will check back there today as I have time, but anybody waiting for info can check there periodically today, too.


I’m off to check the CC Homeschoolers threads & I will link them over here if that hasn’t been done already.

@goaskdad Carleton must have learned? Postcard came within the last 10 days. The language is not ambiguous, but I’m sure they sent it to students who were close. Carleton is a maybe school for my kid, so he put himself on their mailing list, but we have not sent them any scores.

Wording is:

The National Merit Scholarship program recognizes students with top scores on the PSAT. We don’t know if you’ll be considered, but, in case you are, we’ve put together some resources about the process. blah blah blah website info.