***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

Huge congrats to all those who qualified!

We seem to have heard very little from New Englanders so far? My score is very borderline for MA and it’s especially nerve-wracking seeing that cutoff scores for a good number of states have risen.

@all4heels - the lack of PA news is truly painful

Does a 209 make Michigan?

@botmom, congratulations! That’s fantastic news for you & your DS. I have a friend w/a DS who is below 213, which is the lowest score we have reported for KS so far. Did you DS hear anything about the cutoff in KS this year? Any info would be helpful, as my friend is waiting anxiously for her DS to know either way.

@Momof6PA. Absolutely agree.

Here in Michigan with a 209 also, haven’t heard anything. Starting to believe that means 209 won’t make the cut this year.

@DonQixote, congratulations - a previous poster said 214 for Florida was the the number needed to be NMSF. See post #1128.
@Divider - unfortunately, we don’t know yet. I think only one person has posted from Michigan and made it with a 213, again see post #1128. Hopefully, more will be known tomorrow. Good luck.

I personally think it is very cruel for schools such as OU, Carleton, etc. that market to NM to time their mailings/phone calls for this 1-2 week period when folks are still waiting and may or may not make the cut. I would be upset if my S16 received a phone call with information about the NMF scholarship package,only to learn later that he barely missed the cut.

And…we are STILL awaiting official word in WA, and also trying hard to ignore mailings received in last 2-3 days that market to NM!

I did want to repeat something I mentioned earlier. I called one of the colleges a couple weeks ago that has a great NM financial package, and asked a few questions. At one point I was trying to clarify whether a student needs to wait until they are confirmed as SF and have the certificate in hand to apply. The person I spoke to (who is the primary contact for the NM scholarships at that school, so very well versed) indicated that if son applied prior to that and indicated somewhere on the app his potential NMSF status, or after that once they knew SF status, then that college would be able to “check their list” verify he was a SF. That led me to believe the college actually does get the booklet (or a list) with the full list of names just like the high schools do.

@4kids2graduate, do we know what is the lowest score to get semifinalist status in WA in this forum? I saw a 222 that made it . My daughter is right on the bubble and from the looks of things WA will be in the 220s. If so she will miss by a hair.

@wabell There has only been one report on WA…where 222 made it. I have no other information.

WA was 219 last year, so who knows? It does appear that quite a few states have gone up by a couple points this year, but at least one stayed the same, and one went down, so who knows? Don’t give up yet! We don’t have hard data on those traditionally top scoring 7-8 states (WA included)…so perhaps the trend up will not be reflected in those states as much or at all (fingers crossed)!

D received her SF letter in PA today, only two in her school, usually there are more. She had a 227 so I’m not sure that helps much with figuring out the cut-off.

@Skates76. Congrats on your daughter’s SF status. Would you happen to know the other SF’s score? Sorry for being so inquisitive, but this wait is just killing me as I have just a 217.

Have we learned enough new info to update the list again? I do not want that responsibility, but hopefully someone who’s more responsible will come along… :wink: And hopefully some other folks from KS will come along, because I need that cut-off score please!

I really wanted PA before the weekend, :frowning: .

Friend with a 214 made it in Indiana

My kid in CA heard. His score was higher than any of the projected cut offs

Sorry, looks like too many data-free posts to wade through today. Someone with more patience and time than I will have to update the summary.

I’m not usually a conspiracy theorist but it seems odd so few homeschoolers are reporting, nor states like PA or MA or VA.

Or our state, MD. I still think S will make it, unless MD is the first state with a 225 cutoff. I should never have looked at historical statistics.

@DominicBayer I checked with my D and the other student at her school to be informed he made NMSF had a 217 PSAT in PA. He is one of her good friends so I am fairly certain she knows the correct score for him. Good luck to you!!!

@Skates76 Thank you!! Congrats to your D, and I hope she is right about her friend! Gives me hope (217 too) as we head into the long weekend!