***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

Also not notified here. The district likes to make big deal about all types of awards, so figure there will be some rushed photo taking tomorrow.

I was told by the GC that they would announce tomorrow. Guess it’s last minute again.

Is there somewhere to see the qualifying scores? Thanks.

Just in case other people have districts that are like ours – our county almost never issues a press release with names, and our school places no priority on notifying NMSFs. I’m not even sure the envelope gets opened promptly. Don’t hesitate to contact NMSC directly for confirmation, which they should be willing to give you tomorrow. Then you can be sure of the status and start hounding your school for the letter/login info.

DS heard nothing today at school. I was very worried until I read all the posts from people in the same situation. He is several points above what is supposed to be the NY cutoff, so he should be safe.

@Dookster, are you on? I’d like to check on whether DS’ name is on your list.

Our HS publishes a photo of the semifinalists with their GC and the principal.

There are quite a few news stories about some of this year’s semifinalists, but none from our area. And I googled my son’s name and got nothing.

For everyone complaining that their school isn’t publicizing it with the media yet, be aware that the NMSC called for this info to be embargoed until tomorrow. The systems putting out names now are the ones acting unprofessionally, not those who are abiding by the terms of the release.

Though I am just talking about public sharing. I don’t see why schools couldn’t tell all the kids today, one-on-one.

I was told by the GC that they would announce tomorrow. Guess it’s last minute again.

DS’ GC told me that DS will get the info in the next day or so, and he’s working on his portion now. The school actually downplays it quite a bit, which is fine by me. I don’t care about photos, our city evidently doesn’t do any sort of announcement - I just want to have a piece of data filled in on the (#)%^$ Common App. (And more, to know nothing’s screwed up.)

@AsleepAtTheWheel I completely understand what you are saying, but there is a balance. UF I would put in a completely different catagory than Miami. My daughter didn’t even consider Miami. The academics are not on the same level. As far as Emory, she is considering that school. However, we lived in Atlanta and she HATES Atlanta, and Emory is smaller than what she really wants. So, it is not a top choice. It is also a lot of money for something she is not going to be excited about. Now, if she got into Michigan or UNC or Duke, she will have a tougher decision to make. There are tradeoffs with all schools. There are great state schools though, which provide that balanced education, which ARE as far as I’m concerned, as good academically as the elite schools. We have visited both. A few of the elite she loved like Northwestern and Duke. However she HATED the tour at Harvard and Dartmouth. At Harvard, they could care less who she was and they didn’t even check the kids in by name. They act as if they are doing you some grand favor by admitting you. I’m sorry, but I think they are lucky to get fantastic kids like these to want to share 4 years there learning. There were also so many tourists around that campus that I wasn’t comfortable with the security. In fact one young man we spoke with who is the equivalent of an r.a. but I forget the title they call them there, told us that in fact people often leave the buildings unlocked and one night last year a girl came home to find a homeless man inside the building with a huge pair of pruning sheers trying to break locks on doors. That was a deal breaker for me. At Dartmouth, the information session was very pretentious. We joked that they said the words “Ivy League” 47 times. Ok, so what? Tell me why your school is great, your programs and your advising etc. I don’t care about labels I care about what you have to offer my child for $60k a year! In contrast, we went to MIT and they checked our daughter in, giving her a piece of paper with a personalized introduction to the school and how they supported HER interests that they took the time to look at on her interest form. Granted, this wasn’t some major effort and likely done with a computer program but it was done. It still indicated an effort. At Harvard they make you stand outside the buildings and see nothing of their facilities when on tour. At MIT you go into them all and the tour there was impressive. UF Had a very impressive information session as well. I think it’s ok for kids to want to go somewhere with balance. For my daughter, she NEEDS a school with balance. She is a crazy overachiever who puts wayyyy too much pressure on herself. If she goes somewhere where everyone is like that it will not be a healthy environment for her. So I think its ok that in her case she wants a big school with lots of spirit and sports etc because she will need that to blow off steam and meet other people who are less intense then her who can balance her out a bit. I’m glad Emory worked out for your son and he loves it. I’m not sure with its size and location it will be a top spot for my daughter, but it is on the list, and if she gets in she agreed to go look at it before making her final decision.

@wandlmink, the names are never posted on the NMSC website The lists are sent to media outlets and school district officials if and only if NMSC has an email address to send the names to. I know this because last year, when neither our local paper nor ISD ever published the names, I called the ISD and was told they never got a list. Then I called NMSC to get info, and they said if the ISD rep would provide an email address, in the future they will email to the ISD, and same for any media outlet that wants the list. NMSC would not send the list to me (because I could not convince them I was either an ISD or a media outlet. Darn!)

@Stanton2016 nothing in Nassau County either :frowning:

@2manybooks I’m with you… It would be nice to have before pushing submit on that common app! lol

@fbhsmom – I think that we’re completely on the same wavelength here. I wasn’t comparing Miami and UF. And wasn’t pushing Emory. I was extrapolating off of our experience with our older son where there was a difference between what he thought he wanted and what he actually wanted. Important point to realize: He’s a boy, so by definition he’s a bit of a knucklehead. Our girls were more mature and well-thought out about this process earlier in the game.

It’s clear that you guys have toured a bunch of schools and are going for ‘fit’ instead of name cachet. That’s great. Sometines kids visit a school and have that epiphany of “These are my people. I can see myself here.” That happened only twice for my son. Once in October of senior year when we visited USC. Unfortunately he didn’t get in. The second time was the third week in April when we went to an admitted students day at Emory, with a week left before he had to make a decision. I think that sort of thing means a lot, and if your daughter ends up choosing UF because the fit feels right I’m sure that it will be a good decision. I was just trying to mention the importance of casting a wide net at the outset.

FWIW, I’m a physician, having gone to an Ivy med school. One of the brightest docs with whom I practice went to UF undergrad. It did him well.

Best of luck, and congrats on having such a star for a daughter.

@AsleepAtTheWheel Thanks for your thoughts. I completely agree with your assessments. My daughter is a complicated person and yes boys may not think enough about stuff, but she, like many girls, OVER THINK lol .So the nerd in her loved MIT but the cheerleader in her knew she’d freak out there from the pressure. She did say there… she felt like she was among her people. Funny thing since she is not a math and science person so much as psychology, business etc. But, she loved the tour so much she called her GC and told him to change her senior schedule to add physics honors lol. Now she isn’t even applying because she knows herself too well. But… she is enjoying physics lol So who knows what she will decide by May! She is also not wanting to go to far away which is playing in her decisions. I’ve tried to take her all over the place to consider schools but in the end its her decison. She is applying to UNC and Michigan which she liked also. But they are so hard to get into you really can’t depend on it regardless of grades or scores. Funny thing, her Miami I think is Auburn. She fell in love with it, She also knows by the end of Oct she’ll probably be in with a scholarship which takes pressure off. But in the end, she knows somewhere else is probably going to be a better fit long term so she is being open minded. UF is so hard to get into ale.so that she doesn’t want to get her hopes up and then be crushed. But isn’t that the issue with any of the schools in this category? It seems like everything is either a safety school or a crap shoot because all of the schools at the top are “holistic” and take so few. I’m sure she’d love Vanderbilt too, but does anyone get in there?! lol Thanks again for your perspective. :slight_smile:

So I haven’t received a letter yet or anything and I’m freaking out. i go to a private school that’s pretty clueless on this sort of stuff. Will a 218 be higher than the cutoff for Ilinois?? I get two chances for the SAT, November and December. If I didn’t get a letter, does that mean I didn’t qualify or what?

@PoetEnthusiast Post #1235 lists the state cutoffs and IL is 215. Although not officially released yet, consensus on this board is that the numbers are accurate. Congratulations to you! Many schools seem to have not informed their students yet as is the case with my daughter’s school in NJ. Today was the first day of school so perhaps front office was overwhelmed with first day issues or maybe they are just waiting until the official release date. Although, my daughter makes the cutoff for NJ listed here by several points, I am still anxious for her to get her letter from her GC. I don’t think she really cares! Anyway, many are playing the same waiting game as you and we feel your pain!

D just got her official letter today here in SoCal. Although I knew her score was well above the cutoff, it was quite a relief for her to get the news. She and the six other semi-finalists from her school were summoned to an assistant principal’s office at 9:45 this morning to get the good news. She is very excited about it, but not too thrilled to do the application, especially since they are already in their fifth week of school and quite swamped by homework. Fortunately, she’s already written a personal statement as an assignment for her English class, so I’m hoping it will work for the application.

All cut offs are posted


Is that list legit?