***Class of 2016 NMSF/NMF Qualifying Scores

No news from D’s school or media in CO yet. Check out Twitter for a lot of announcements and photos.

Nothing here in Indiana either.

I think this is 2016 list from western Washington State (hard to tell with those online news sites sometimes). Would love info from the eastern side of Washington if anyone finds a list!


Just got an email from the district with the names of all the semifinalists. We had 28 this year, up from only 19 last year.
I still don’t think D has been officially told yet. I sent her the email so she could see her is really on the list.

Spoke with the counselor, due to schedule conflicts they are not going to announce until Friday. (Also didn’t think the application was due until November…I did give her the correct date.)
Thank goodness for this forum and the information shared.I feel sorry for students & families that are not aware.

Still haven’t received any notification from school, and my GC had promised that whenever she received anything she’d contact me. Should I call NMSC to ask about my status?

Here’s the Fairfax County, VA list: http://patch.com/virginia/fairfaxcity/record-number-fcps-students-named-2016-national-merit-semifinalists
Nothing on DC yet.

They just told my daughter that she is a semi finalist in Missouri. The Dookster was right about the qualitfying score in MO.

Dookster’s NY score was right, too. Still no official notification, although DS’ name is on the searchable list.

@DominicBayer - I would call to confirm. The number is in post 1515. Let us know - I hope it works out for you.

@jimb67 that is good news about this year’s Missouri qualifying score. That means our daughter qualifies, though I don’t believe her school has notified her yet. Congrats to your daughter.

@mstomper thanks. I found a maryland list online


I don’t see any Texas posts yet, so for those wondering: My son just heard at his school that he’s a Semifinalist! He was told that the qualifying score in Texas this year was 220 - his score. Whoa. I haven’t seen an official list though.

I called NMC and received confirmation that both of my sons are semifinalists. They suggested I call the school because he could see that the school has not logged in yet to start the process. So I called the GC and she couldn’t have been more uninterested. She said she’ll find out who handles it by sending an email to another counselor. She also said she is really busy and how crazy it is at school right now. I felt defeated and thanked her and hung up…

Nothing on Florida - surprised by our school not notifying yet as we usually have between 20 and 30 each year:(

@april2016, they were able to confirm your sons were on the list? I thought they would only verify scores?

That is amazing to have 2 NM Semifinalists, @April2016 ! So sorry your school isn’t responding. That’s so wrong! I know it’s hard not to feel defeated but don’t. You got someone who is clueless, and busy, but it’s your job as a parent to make sure you child doesn’t get overlooked in the process, so you definitely did the right thing making that first call. So now make another. :slight_smile: You need to make sure your school doesn’t drop the ball. Don’t be afraid to stand up for your kids. Call another counselor. Call the principal. Find out if your school has had finalists before. If you miss a deadline or a part of the application and you’re looking for scholarship money, it could cost your family a lot. If you call around enough, I think you’ll finally find an administrator who will be VERY impressed and help you. If you don’t get any help at your school, contact a college or university your sons are interested in. Good luck and congratulations!

Yes I gave them the names and he asked the date they took test, which I didn’t know. Then he asked for our state and confirmed that they are both semifinalists. Yay!! Then talking to the GC bummed me out.

yes, I just called as well and they were able to look up by name and confirm

Daughter still has not been advised by her school, but NMSC confirmed to me she is a Semifinalist from Missouri. They simply asked me for her name and birth date; my queue time wasn’t too long (I was only 7th in the queue when I started on hold). We aren’t telling her we know; we want her to be thrilled when the school finally tells her.