Class of 2018 - Admissions Status

<p>If we haven’t gotten into the university yet and have put engineering for both major choices, is it safe to say that we’re not going to get in at all or?</p>

<p>No, Decisions could run longer than anticipated. What are your stats?</p>

<p>I’m in the same boat as jaylyssa. I got a 1270 sat with 730 math but 540 reading. First quarter</p>

<p>From what I’ve heard it does’t matter what your major is.
You first get accepted by A&M then the particular major( particular college)</p>

<p>No, that only applies to auto admit and academic admit - not to review admissions.</p>

<p>So, is it really that hard to change ur major at A&M. From what I heard changing ur major is a pretty common thing in US. Also, in Purdue u can change ur major even in the 4th year.</p>

<p>when will we(review applicants to COE) be notified about our admission?</p>

<p>late jan to early feb i think</p>

<p>@shadowgunkiller Yes, it really is hard to change your major to engineering at A&M. Other majors are much easier. Within the last couple of years it has gotten increasingly hard at A&M! A&M also has a program called Blynn Team. While several years ago, it was guaranteed that you could transfer to A&M after successfully completing the 2 year program, it is no longer a sure thing. While you most likely will get the transfer, they can no longer guarantee that you will get into the COE. This does not seem to be a problem for other majors. The counselor confirmed that one should not depend on changing majors at a later date. I also have 2 friends that have been trying to change to engineering majors with no luck.</p>

<p>I have to add to the conversation. Texas A&M’s own stats show that only 55% of freshman engineering students graduate with an engineering degree from their school. Some may drop out or switch schools, but I suspect many changes majors. When I was in college, I switched majors twice before landing on one. My husband, on the other hand, was an EE major and he held out, but many of his classmates didn’t. Engineering is a tough row to hoe and many (very smart) students choose a different pathway. There is nothing wrong with this choice. </p>

<p>Keep this in mind when deciding between the “right” school and the “right” major. No one can make these decisions for you and you will get different opinions if you ask around. If you go to Texas A&M, you might be able to transfer into engineering later or you might not. You may decide you don’t want to! Conversely, if you select another school where you are guaranteed admission to their college of engineering, you might not like the school…or the major. There are no guarantees. </p>

<p>My son is a review candidate to Texas A&M and is in the same boat as you kids are regarding the COE. We are having these conversations at home, as well. It’s very stressful. This is not the end of the world, but is instead the beginning of a very interesting journey for all of you. Good luck.</p>

2nd quarter
2000 Sat ( 620 m 710 cr 670 w)
30 act 28 m</p>

<p>Shadowgunkiller, I don’t believe it is hard to change to engineering if you have a good GPA and do well in the core calculus, physics and chemistry classes. A lot of kids drop out of engineering some forced and others by choice. So there is always room for new students to move in.</p>

<p>Curious to know what majors you will consider if you are not accepted into engineering and you have to select a different major. Would like to hear what everyone is thinking.</p>

<p>If not accepted into engineering, won’t be attending :(</p>

<p>Has anybody received scholarship notifications from TAMU? I received some scholarships for CB Recognition Award, Chemical Engineering, Out of state tution waiver But I was wondering if that was all I’m going to receive, because the out of state waiver and CB Award was from me being a National Hispanic Scholar. Has anybody received academic scholarships yet?</p>

<p>My daughter applied to the College of Agriculture & Life Sciences because she wants to eventually get into the vet program. She is 1st qtr, 28 ACT and had lower SAT 520 R, 530 M and 520 W. 3.7 unweighted GPA. She is out of state. What are her chances? We have instate scholarship offers so we are anxious to hear.</p>

<p>@showhorse1 her chance is low. probably would have been better if she didn’t send in SAT scores.</p>

what he/she said^</p>

<p>Guys any news?</p>

<p>You are correct. The COE has reached 85% of their total; the remaining 15% of their slots will be filled by students that are reviewed in a holistic manner. This means all academic and extracurricular criteria will be reviewed when making the decision. It’s also important to note that only students who have been admitted to the university by January 15 will have an opportunity to be reviewed for a spot in the COE. As of right now, you have not been admitted to the university yet. </p>

<p>I hope this is helpful. Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns. </p>


<p>Office of Admissions</p>

<p>Has anyone been offered Blinn Team yet? Does anyone know when that process starts? My son (who was admitted to COE in September) has a friend who only wants Blinn Team. Just curious for her.</p>

<p>Good luck to everyone waiting. I know it is hard.</p>