Class of 2018 - Admissions Status

<p>Here are a few more informative posts:</p>


<p>“Let me first clarify the number of review candidates; once we finished processing all the documents received by our deadline, it was actually around 17,000 that were in holistic review. We have virtually completed the review of all those applicants and as I’ve mentioned in this thread several times, we plan to send most student’s final decisions by the end of February. Everyone should hear a final decision in the next 4-6 weeks if all goes according to plan.”</p>

<p>“We normally admit around 30% of our holistic review applicants, so I’m going to guess around 5,000 will receive an offer of admission.”</p>

<p>“AIS updates every night. However, we typically roll decisions twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday. Decisions are usually posted on AIS by close of business on either Wednesday or Friday.”</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I guess the thing about the four tabs is true because my son was accepted this morning.</p>

<p>four tabs yesterday and i was accepted this morning as well :)</p>

<p>Just got accepted into mays!!! Review applicant</p>

<p>Brandondavis Congratulations!! what were your stats if you don’t mind me asking? </p>

<p>Top 23 % 1880 SAT 740 Math 570 Reading so 1310 combined</p>

<p>@kskow22 congratulations!!! when did you apply?</p>

<p>@aggiemarilyn thank you, i’m so excited!! i applied literally on the day of the deadline, so december 1st. stats are on page 53 if anyone wants to compare.</p>

<p>Does anyone know what the AIS page looks like if you’re accepted into Blynn or the Gateway program? Mine still says under review, I was just curious in case that was what I was offered.</p>

<p>How does it work if both of your major choices are full & you get accepted? Do you have to guess & check for an open major or do they send you what is still available to select from?</p>

<p>My son applied in August. He scored a 1280 on the math/reading SAT and is in the top 25%. I’m a little surprised that he hasn’t heard from Texas A&M. Is there anybody with similar stats?</p>

<p>ScooterClover I am in the top 15% with a 1280 SAT and I applied in August as well. I haven’t heard back yet and I’m starting to get extremely nervous. </p>

<p>My son submitted all documentation by August 21st, and he has not received response. He scored 1270 on math/reading SAT, is in the top 25%, and also an Eagle Scout with a significant amount of community service. Quite nervous that he won’t be accepted and will have to move forward with second choice.</p>

<p>My student has a 1240 SAT and was in the top 11%. Moved into the top 10% at the end of the fall semester, which seems to be too little to late. All AP/IB classes. No word, no extra tabs. I think it is going to come down to a battle of the SAT scores…so that the incoming student STATS look the best they can. Good luck to everyone. All of these kids are absolutely wonderful students, and all will have great future no matter where they end up! </p>

<p>BrandonDavis, if you don’t mind me asking, when did you apply. I too am a review applicant to Mays and have yet to hear back</p>

<p>I applied mid october</p>

<p>Thank you Brandon, I applied October 19 and my ACT score equals about what your SAT did and I was ranked a little higher, so I’m feeling a lot better about my chances now</p>

<p>Well,I can’t hold out any longer. My application has been under review since October :frowning: !! My application was processed on 8/27/13. 3.9 gpa on a 4.0 scale. I got a 22 composite an my ACT,not good I know. First quarter rank assigned by TAMU admissions since I’m home schooled. Interested in joining the Corps do Cadets. No extra curricular s. Any idea what my chances are about getting accepted/Blinn TEAM?? </p>

<p>My application has been under review since 8/27/13. I have a weighted 4.3gpa and a 34 on the ACT so I should be an auto-admit from Colorado I think. However, I can’t get off of step 3 on the AIS portal… is there anything I can do or do I have to just keep waiting? Will I still be able to get housing on campus if I get accepted later??
Edit - I applied to BIMs if that changes anything!</p>

<p>@grizzly - you can either call admissions or try contacting the admissions rep on to check on your status - if 4.3 gpa is top 25%, you should be an academic admit (auto admits are top 10% Texas only)- just semantics, both are entitled to guaranteed admission. It isn’t out of line to ask given your application date & academic admit status. Good luck!</p>