Class of 2018 - Admissions Status

<p>Applied 8/22/13, application processed on 10/24/13 and haven’t received a decision
SAT: 1610 (620 Math, 470 Critical Reading, 520 Writing)
ACT: 26 (26 Math, 24 English, 25 Reading, 28 Science, 23 Writing)
Rank: 90/665 (13%)
IB Diploma Candidate, so all IB classes
Major Choice: Interdisciplinary Studies-Special Education
2 Awesome recommendation letters
-Officer on High School Drill team
-National Honor Society
Lots of Community Service</p>

<p>Older brother went to A&M also</p>

<p>Chances of getting accepted? </p>

<p>Daughter applied at the last minute - Dec 1. Already been accepted to Baylor, Texas State, University of Michigan, but holding out for A&M. Top 13%, rank 75 out of 498. Average SAT and ACT scores. That’s probably where the problems lies. Applied as a Biology major. National Honor Society, cheerleader, and lots of EC. Waiting with baited breath for 2/28!</p>

<p>@bwiggy your chances are pretty good. Your test scores are below average but maybe all your other factors will weigh that out. But the way A&M accepts is so messed up and scattered that no one really can say for sure what anyone’s chances are of being accepted.</p>

<p>Does anyone know when the next wave of acceptances/rejections are going out?</p>


<p>According to an admission staff at, AIS updates with admission decisions every Wednesday and Friday at the end of the work day. I’ve heard of other people getting an acceptance email at other times, but the general rule is Wednesday and Friday. (but I check three times a day, including weekends, in case someone decided to work overtime? Ha!)</p>

<p>I’ve heard of people getting accepted on Tuesday as well. I recommend checking once every day at around 5 PM</p>

<p>Mine was updated on a Monday-- check erry day!</p>

<p>Has anyone gotten the 4 tabs but then not gotten admitted? Got the four tabs yesterday but still in review in manage applications and afraid to get excited in case it doesn’t mean anything with the tabs. REALLY want to be accepted!</p>

<p>I’ve seen the “STEP 3 - YOU ARE HERE” so many times (and still there) it might be permanently burned into my retina; I might not even “see it” when it does change :expressionless: </p>

<p>I understand!! I keep checking to see if it changes and I think I am just driving myself crazy! I noticed the 4 tabs yesterday but for all I know they could have been there for months I have been so focused on AIS I didn’t pay much attention to Howdy until I started reading posts on here . Now I am checking even more!</p>

<p>Look under “Coorespondence” in AIS and see if you have a letter.</p>

<p>Nope not yet - at least I hope it is a yet… I read somewhere that they update on Tues/Thursday nights so will recheck in am. [-O< </p>

<p>wannabeaggiefall don’t worry you should see it on AIS soon</p>

<p>Wannabeaggiefall, you should see the letter soon in Correspondence. They are offering you something or you would not need those extra two tabs! Congrats.</p>

<p>I just checked when I got home and I got gateway!! I am soooooo happy!!! Good luck to everyone else!!!</p>

<p>congrats lfh380! mind sharing your stats?</p>

<p>Sure! haha my stats were lower than most peoples because I go to a really small private school that is super difficult. Almost all of my classes were honors/advanced without an option.
3.24 GPA — i know it’s bad
I got placed in 2 quarter because my school only ranks top 10% - there are only 73 people in my grade
Composite score ACT 26
English 26
Math 22
Reading 32<br>
Science 25<br>
2 teacher recommendations
lots of extracurricular I mean lots of sports and club sports
On the application I almost had all of the boxes checked when they were asking if you had visited and the things you had done involving A&M, minus the things about the corps because I wasn’t interested in it.
Hope this helps!
Good luck!! :)</p>

<p>thanks! that makes me feel a lot better haha. I have around the same stats as you and also go to a smaller private all girls school (205 girls) so I’m not ranked that high either. but thanks again and congrats!</p>

<p>My son was accepted to Gateway yesterday, yay! Good luck everyone!</p>

<p>do you mind posting his stats? @houseofboys</p>