Class of 2018 - Admissions Status

<p>My son just got admitted today! Gig’em! Seems like we were at step 3 forever!!! Whoop! </p>

<p>Got admitted to the PSA last night! It’s not what I wanted, but who knows, maybe I’ll like the branch campuses better.
SAT: R: 650 M: 620 W: 590
ACT: 28
Rank: 546/1100 (46%)
GPA: 3.57
For those of you just looking at this forum, note that A&M does not recognize GPA (unless your school doesn’t rank) or your secondary school (ie: “my school is really competitive and ranked the sixth best public school in all of Texas”).
My ECs were fair, mostly FFA and BBYO stuff. No recommendations. I honestly can’t remember what I wrote for my three essays so they probably felt about the same for them.
Good luck to the rest of you! Wherever you go, Aggie or not, you can find your place and succeed!</p>

<p>Okay…my daughter has been waiting patiently. Still no word. She checks every day! I think her ACT score is putting a kink in things but here are her other stats…
ACT 23
4.34 GPA
top 17% in class
will graduate with 23 college hours
over 250 hours of community service
FFA - up to National honors - Many leadership positions
4-H - leadership/major stock shows
Sports Trainer
Drum Major - 2 years - Most Outstanding Drum Major Award at state camp
3 awesome letters of recommendations
UGH…just getting frustrated. Thoughts?</p>

<p>@collegemom72 my daughter has similar stats and still under review. I believe it has to a lot to do with the low ACT score. My D’s stats were 23 ACT, 3.4 of 4, Top 12%, 10 AP, 150 community service, NHS, no college hours. Have been on step 3 since first week in October. </p>

<p>@ledezmas77 my daughter decided to apply mid November so I know it was late. She has been accepted to Texas Tech and 3 other schools in the state and this has been torture. I hate that the ACT/SAT is weighted so much. I don’t feel that it is a true measurement of what kids are capable of. Admissions office said to check this afternoon to see if we had any changes. It will be nice to have something in place. My daughter has decided if all else fails she will go to Blinn but she is hoping for at least Team Blinn to be able to participate with Aggie students.</p>

<p>@collegemom72 What made your daughter suddenly become so ardent to only love TAMU. Obviously she is a very talented and hard working girl. She wouldn’t want to go to Texas Tech and play in the band, and then transfer into TAMU? I am asking for feedback to help my daughter in making a decision. Are ya’ll Aggies? Just trying to gather opinions about why BLINN is a good choice versus Tech or Texas State. Thanks for your indulgence! </p>

<p>@txmom99 That is a great question! Actually, her dad and I both have our graduate degrees from Sam Houston State University. We visited several campuses and Tech was her #1 choice because she wants to be an Occupational Therapist. However, it is a 7 hr. drive from home. She also visited SHSU and SFA several times and spoke one on one with the Band Directors. After interviews and actual time with the band, she said she wanted start a new chapter in her life! Music is her love but she wants a career that will pay! We have a close friend that needed a roommate in College Station…so my D decided to go visit. She LOVED A&M campus and the whole tradition deal. It is also and hour and half from home. We really didn’t think we would have to wait so long for a decision and thought with all of Leadership/EC/CS she would get in. We have heard great things about Blinn and feel like it is ok for her to go to community college and take the year to decide. IF A&M doesn’t work out she will most likely transfer to Tech after her first year at Blinn. She just wants to stay a little closer to home the first year. Hope that answers your question! TBH…we are having 2nd thoughts about NOT sending her to Tech. They have called and communicated so much… Hopefully AIS will update soon! </p>

<p>Thank you so much for your time! Lubbock is far, but I am somewhat comforted by the roundtrip Southwest airlines ticket. My daughter is a band geek as well, and I am a bit concerned about her connecting in without her fellow band kids to help ease the way. And, after doing some reading I am not sure how easy it will be for her to transfer into her “currently” desired major after doing BLINN. Okay…well I am sending some MAROON thoughts to your daughter that AIS will update her to an admission, and she sounds like a great kid who is going to do well wherever she lands. Good luck!</p>

<p>@txmom99 My daughter absolutely loves band. She is also involved in many other things. If you would have asked a year ago if she was going to march in college…the answer would have been a “yes” with no doubt. Somehow she changed. I would recommend any kid that is interested in marching and playing college band to go and visit them directly. They love to have you sit at football games, etc. She decided it was not for her. However, she has looked into playing for concert band “for fun”. I just hate thinking about the scholarship opportunities that were given up! She has to be happy with what she wants to do though. To be honest, as a parent…Blinn would not hurt my feelings…its much cheaper! LOL!</p>

<p>Are they seriously going to make me wait till the last week? Lol this is torture.</p>

<p>Edgarm116 we are in the same boat. I’m going insane. I just hope nothing goes wrong and that they do have all of the decisions sent out by next week…</p>

<p>So, has anyone here been accepted (full acceptance w/o Blinn, Gateway,etc) this last week? Or is it just those offers at this point?</p>

<p>@texas1213 I was accepted this last week with a full offer, but I don’t know of anyone else who was recently. I just got my full acceptance package today. Hang in there! When we called, they said that the time it is taking to reply has nothing to do with our chances of acceptance (though I think we all know that’s quite possibly rubbish). </p>

<p>My son received hs full acceptance on Thursday - economics major. Stats are 1260 CR + M with tons of EC’s. school doesn’t rank, but TAMU put him in 2nd qtr. His essays were pretty awesome as well… Point is there are still full offers coming out hang in there! </p>

<p><a href=“http://■■■■■■/Ivt7lu”>http://■■■■■■/Ivt7lu&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I just saw this change yesterday. My first choice major was switched from Computer Engineering (EE Track) to General Studies at Blinn TEAM most likely since Engineering has been completely full.</p>

<p>Of course, I see the note at below saying that my major may switch as part of the process, but does this indicate me getting Blinn? Or is this normal for everyone? Furthermore, does that suggest I’ll be admitted into Engineering Academy at Blinn?</p>

<p>I’ve been following this thread since it started so I figured I should go ahead and post my stats and everything for the people still waiting because I know it helped me a lot.</p>

<p>My major was changed to Blinn Team this morning.
Act Score: 29
Weighted GPA: 3.95
Rank: 99/273 (Extremely competitive high school)</p>

<p>Been on the drill team for all three years. (Only grades eligible are 10-12)
Was elected Junior Lieutenant of Drill Team my Junior year and Captain my Senior year.
Apart of the elite team on the “Encore Dance Company” (9,10)
National Honor Society (10,11,12)
A/B honor roll (9,10,11,12)
Certified in Photoshop (11)
Many different dance awards</p>

<p>AP US History, AP Lang, AP Calc, AP Physics, Dual Credit Literature, Dual Credit Economics, Dual Credit Government
I have a lot of service hours, and have had the same job all 4 years of high school as well as a summer job. </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone still waiting!</p>

<p>My son was offered Blinn Team. AIS updated overnight (last checked yesterday evening) and his status changed as of this morning. It now states “Blinn Team, General Studies” (so I doubt it’s the engineering academy). Just as an FYI, he still only has two tabs on the Howdy Portal and nothing under the correspondence tab on AIS. I thought others who are checking might find this useful.</p>

<p>His stats:
Texas resident
Top 25% (97/410)
1900 SAT (630/Math, 600/CR, 670/Writing)
Rigorous courseload in high school of Pre-AP, AP, and honors courses (including a fifth year of math, AP Calculus)
On his school’s lacrosse team (it’s a club sport in Texas, not UIL)
Member of the National Honor Society
Member of a mentoring program at his school (pairs upperclassmen with incoming freshmen and new students)
Wrote all three essays; two were probably average, while the third was pretty impressive (IMO and per his English teacher)
Two letters of recommendation, both from teachers he’s taken multiple classes with; one letter was average, the other exceptional (from the head of the school’s English department)
Approximately 80 volunteer hours
PT summer job at a basketball camp for elementary-aged students
Attended “Spend the Day with the Corps” and “Spend the Night with the Corps” programs on the A&M campus; also attended every visit A&M paid to his campus, met with our PSC advisor, and attended A&M-sponsored events in our city</p>

<p>His dilemma is he thinks he wants to pursue an engineering degree, but knows it will be difficult to impossible to transfer into the engineering school if he attends A&M. He was an auto admit to UTD and Texas Tech. Tech very aggressively courts the students they want and he’s guaranteed a spot in their engineering school, with a generous scholarship. A&M, however, is his “dream school” and is a tier-one university with an amazing alumni network…</p>

<p>We are beyond proud of him. He’s happy he has the choice, but it’s overwhelming. He’s wanted to be an Aggie since a tour of the campus his junior year and will definitely join the Corps, if he decides to attend. Looks like it will either be “Gig 'Em!” or “Guns Up!” in this household!</p>

<p>Mine changed to blinn team as well. </p>

<p>Ok my d’s changed to summer 2014?? But major did not change? Does that mean maybe the gateway? </p>

<p>@collegemom72 I think that means gateway! </p>