Class of 2018 - Admissions Status

<p>When y’all got tabs on your howdy portal, how many days before did those appear before y’all got your admittance? Sorry for asking so many questions! I’m just so nervous</p>

<p>My son was admitted in August and accepted his offer today after being denied from his last school. So glad the decision process is over!</p>

<p>@Texashopeful96 When I was admitted, AIS changed first and it was a day or two before I got the new Howdy tabs.</p>

<p>What happens when students who have already been accepted to Texas A&M but were waiting to hear back from other schools, decline the offer from A&M? Do they start pulling students from Blinn? </p>

<p>I am absolutely and completely freaking out about not hearing anything yet. :frowning: This is my first choice school and my heart will be absolutely crushed if I don’t get accepted. I wish the AIS would just show me something new already. I hate still being at step 3!</p>

<p>@texmich – Colleges know the average percentage of students that decline an offer and therefore they know what their yield should be. For example if A&M wants 8000 freshman and know the average yield is 80% they will offer 10,000 students knowing they will lose 2000 and end up with about 8000 students. I don’t know what their freshman target is for this year but probably in the 8000-10,000 range. </p>

<p>I don’t know for sure but I don’t think they pull from Blinn. At least the didn’t when my daughter went to Blinn/A&M.</p>

<p>Best of luck to everyone this week on getting their decisions!!!</p>

<p>I got four tabs this morning and my ais updated to Blinn TEAM! I don’t even care that it’s not a full acceptance, I’M SO EXCITED! Has anyone had their account change like this and not been accepted??</p>

My major changed to Blinn Team and I have four tabs on Howdy but I am still on step 3… I think this is a good sign ! </p>

<p>4 tabs on Howdy…Summer 2014…major changed… Still on step 3…no ACTUAL acceptance yet…</p>

<p>I talked to an admissions rep and they said it should move to step 4 by the end of the business day Tuesday</p>

<p>@Texashopeful96 My son’s AIS changed first, followed by the extra tabs on Howdy the next day. I’ve heard of the opposite happening (Howdy first, then AIS), so seems like any change is a good sign. Like a couple of others here, he’s still on Step 3 as of this morning (these changes happened over the weekend, so assuming the decision was made Friday), but his major changed to Blinn Team and the option to change majors disappeared. </p>

<p>My option to change my major disappeared, but I’m still on step 3, no majors changed, and no new tabs on Howdy. So I still know nothing. :/</p>

<p>I’m curious what the removal of your ability to change majors indicates, @krishkray. Did that happen recently? Like today?</p>

<p>Has anyone else experience that single change? If so, what decision followed? </p>

<p>I was accepted to Blinn Team today!</p>

<p>Here are my stats:</p>

<p>My school doesn’t rank (only 17 in my graduating class), so A&M placed me in the first quarter
3.4 GPA
All Honors classes throughout High School, plus 4 years of Spanish, AP Chemistry, and Senior Rhetoric (rigorous course where we write a 20 page thesis and present it to a panel at the end of the year through a speech)
1230 M + CR on my SAT
over 200 service hours during High School
Varsity Cheer Captain sophomore year of High School, President of Student Ambassadors, VP of Student Council, VP in National Charity League, VP in National Art Honors Society, Beta Club Secretary, Yearbook Staff, and a few other ECs I can’t think of off the top of my head
I applied to English, College of Liberal Arts</p>

<p>Hang in there to those who are still waiting! Best of Luck!</p>

<p>Are they offering Blinn to like everyone?
because like I thought it was hard to get that but I feel like everyone is getting offered it. </p>

<p>I think that’s just what’s being processed now, for the most part, @ashley6696. So, most people getting offers over the past few days are Blinn.</p>

<p>I believe there are approx 17,500 incoming freshman review applicants for fall 2014. From information I’ve seen on Texags and other places, of those 17K plus current seniors, 5000-6,000 have/will receive some sort of offer of admission; that includes full admission, Gateway and Blinn TEAM. Blinn TEAM enrollment goals are around 1,000, so ~3,000 offers are made. Gateway has historically been offered to around 750 applicants. That means at the most, 2250 full admission offers for review applicants. Those numbers aren’t exact, but probably good estimates.</p>

<p>That means more than 11,000 qualified applicants will be denied. That tells me it’s pretty tough to get a Blinn TEAM offer…</p>

<p>@KelsAg88 Yes, it happened this morning. But I just checked again and that’s still the only thing that’s changed. Nothing new on Howdy or AIS. I’m getting really nervous and scared at this point. I might burst into tears like a baby.</p>

<p>@krishkray email Jon in admissions with your name and DOB. He should be able to look at your file and give you an idea: jon.buchanan at tamu dot edu</p>

<p>@southernbelle13 How could they not give you full admission with all of that?? I’m really freaking out now. When I applied I had a 3.85 GPA (3.9 now), I was in second quarter (I’m in 1st now, 67/379, so in the 19% -<strong><em>-) I was in Yearbook for 2 years, FCCLA for 2 years, QC for one, SUTC Club for one, Spanish Club for one year and I was Historian. I only have 31 volunteer hours right now and I cleaned up a beach for a day… No sports and no job. I’m just now joining NHS. Also why are so many people getting Blinn??? Do they give ANYONE full acceptance? I’ll literally cry if I don’t. I feel like such a child, I’m never like this. -</em></strong>-</p>