Class of 2018 - Admissions Status

<p>@krishkay - Go on the website or call the admissions office. They will be happy to help you. Also, look for a PSA thread on College confidential for TAMU Corpus Christi. You are going to do great! Good luck!</p>

<p>@txmom99 Thanks! :slight_smile: I’ll do that! </p>

<p>ill think about corpus christi as well! thanks for the input :slight_smile: im visiting the college station this weekend so ill be able to talk to admissions and hopefully they’ll help me plan for this coming year</p>

<p>Found out I was picked up for blinn TEAM last night, I couldnt be happier. Can’t wait to see yall in the fall! </p>

<p>My daughter is officially in the gateway program. This has been nerve racking for all… to say the least. For all of you that are stressed about where you landed…just think that there is a path laid out for you. You never know why…but keep your heads up and never give up on achieving your goals! Good Luck to everyone and God Bless!</p>

<p>Still no news for me :expressionless: I’m thinking it’s a bad sign, I just wish Jon with admissions could have told me more about my status then “no final decision has been made, hang in there” the wait is killing me :-S </p>

<p>@texasgirl1995 - My daughter went through the same thing. She was strung along by A&M for a very long time. We didn’t get a final decision until sometime in April. She gave up on A&M during that time frame and selected another college. She is extremely happy where she is. Her good friend ended up transferring to A&M butmy daughter was so into her new school that she didn’t even consider a transfer. She is at a place that fits her perfectly. And it is so much prettier than College Station. And Jon kept saying just be patient instead of telling her the truth.</p>

<p>I suggest you start looking at your other options.</p>

<p>@kldat1 - did your daughter ultimately get an offer for Blinn or Gateway, or just PSA???</p>


<p>@txmom99. My apologies…I just saw your question! I’m sorry for the disappointment your daughter is experiencing. My daughter ended up at Hendrix College in Arkansas. A totally different experience than a UT or A&M. They were incredibly generous…essentially bringing the tuition even with our in state tuition. There is a great deal of personal attention. If the town weren’t so small, she wouldn’t even be considering a transfer. She just fears it will be confining for three more years. That said, if this transfer doesn’t work out, she’s going to happily stay. She just wanted to give it a shot and I don’t think there’s any harm in that! What do you think your daughter will do? </p>

<p>is Financial aid offered For the Gateway program?</p>

<p>Just signed up for NSC as a Blinn TEAM Student. Can’t wait.</p>

<p>Good luck to all still waiting! I really hope yall get in!</p>

<p>From admissions office "There are still approximately 4,000 students who have not received a decision. I’ve been told approximately 1,000 offers of admission (Full, Gateway, TEAM) will be sent this week and the other 3,000 will receive a denial. I know this will probably make you all even more anxious, but I hope it’s helpful for me to share nonetheless. "</p>

<p>Everyone should have Plan A, Plan B and a Plan C. I know kids have their hearts set on certain schools but tier one schools like A&M are not easy schools to get into these days. Good luck to everyone and be open minded about a few schools that would be good fits.</p>

<p>My son got admitted to three tier one schools and he heard from those three schools in a timely manner. Two of those universities are ranked higher than A&M. The top 10% rule has made A&M virtually unattainable for kids that go to large high schools and take advanced placement classes. Class rank does not take into account course difficulty. Good news is out of state universities are recruiting and offering lots of merit scholarships to these highly qualified kids. </p>

<p>@TexasResident - A&M offers academic admission too which is not based upon the 10% rule. Just be in the top 25% and have minimum test scores and you’re in. Many from our high school outside of the top 10% got in this way. Our high school is fairly large with a class of about around 700.</p>

<p>Our class rank is based upon GPA. IB and AP classes carry more weight than regular classes so the GPA is calculated accordingly. This does take into account course difficulty. I thought most schools weighted IB and AP more heavily than regular and honors classes?</p>

<p>UT on the other hand is very difficult to get into without being in the top 7%.</p>

<p>@txforever Thank you for your answer. Right now I feel like my daughter has too many choices. Univ of Arkansas (scholarship to equal 90% in state tuition), ACU, Tech, Texas State, UTSA (CAP to UT). And, of course Blinn Team. We are going to spend alot of time driving around over Spring Break. I hope your daughter gets her transfer!</p>

<p>That’s not true @kldat1 I have ALL of that and MORE and they denied me admittance. All they really care about is sports or whatever. I honestly don’t think they give a crap about academics. I worked my butt off and so did many others with achievements the same and higher than mine and we got denied. It’s quite frankly BS. People far less deserving got full or at least partial admittance.</p>

<p>krishkray, Kldat1 is correct. Academic admit policy is be in the top 25% of your class AND either 30 ACT composite score or 1300 SAT with a minimum of 600 in math and CR. They do not guarantee your major, but your admission to the university. Did you qualify and they didn’t offer you admission?</p>

<p>@krishkay you didn’t get denied. You got PSA right? Some people get straight up denied. </p>