Class of 2019 Decisions

<p>are they still releasing decisions slowly?</p>

<p>@nymom64‌ It seems that your opinion is based on a concentrated group of high-caliber students with near perfect scores. I seldom hear of people using Binghamton as a “safety” school and have “no desire to attend.” However, there are nearly 30k applicants, so I would not be surprised if they initially accept the people with the highest grades. </p>

<p>@militaryscholar‌, that is the exact pool of applicants my daughter is friendly with. Many of them will be declining Binghamton’s offer as they’ve received ED decisions from other schools in the past week.</p>

<p>My son is waiting to hear his EA decision so this this all interesting, but how would spreading these out over time help yield? Since they don’t have to accept or decline before the January 15 date all EA applicants will be notified by, I don’t see any useful information being gained by doing this. I suspect they are just releasing the decisions as they are being made.</p>

<p>For those of you that got acceptances, when did you submit your application? </p>

<p>I submitted on November 1st and got my acceptance last Friday the 12th.</p>

<p>I submitted my application 10/30, my last thing was received 11/13</p>

<p>Binghamton still wishes us season’s greetings in their latest email haha. Still waiting for a decision though…</p>

<p>I submitted on 11/13 and still haven’t gotten a decision. Maybe they’re going in order of people who submitted first. </p>

<p>@justthatkid‌ I know someone who had everything in by October that still has not heard. </p>

<p>I feel like I’m the only one who haven’t heard from them yet. I submitted my application well before the deadline :(</p>

<p>Son applied mid October. Still waiting. </p>

<p>My son applied 9/30 and nothing!!</p>

<p>Applied late October, accepted </p>

<p>Also somebody probably already mentioned this but they sent out arts and sciences first</p>

<p>a few of my friends were accepted into SOM but they have really high stats. </p>

<p>I applied to Harpur and I haven’t gotten any mail yet. My status is still “complete ready for review.” I don’t know anyone in my area who has gotten a letter. I’m in-state if that matters.</p>

<p>Did anybody receive info about an Admitted Students Day with their acceptance letter?</p>

<p>Important: For those who submitted multiple test scores, in your binghamton account, does it only list one date in the standardized score section?</p>

<p>@helloman1111‌ mine only listed one test date too. I sent in scores form 2.</p>