Class of 2020- Admission Status

I also recieved PSA today, I’m a little sad but I’m hoping to go to Blinn and transfer later. Does anyone know how many hours I need and what GPA I need to transfer over? I have 18 dual hours and wondering if those would be considered with the total hours I need, trying to transfer ASAP!!

@Lzp1919 what’s your major?

@niccidoe Yes, they pointed that out at our campus tour. lol Thank you!

@niccidoe Yes, they pointed that out at our campus tour. lol Thank you!

Biology @MJS0407
@Lzp1919 depending on your major, there are different requirements. The individual department makes the decision. Dual hours are college hours when you are a transfer applicant. Good luck!

The status FINALLY changed today. My son was offered PSA today. He applied to Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering. He was in the 2nd quarter of his class & had a 1200 on his SAT (CR/M). He was heavily involved in extra curricular activities. We were hoping for Blinn or at least Galveston but he is very happy that it wasn’t a rejection. He was admitted to U of Arkansas’ engineering so he will have to weigh the benefits. He really wanted to be an Aggie but I’m concerned about his chances of being admitted to engineering after his 1st successful year at a PSA school & if he will be behind due to missing engineering classes the 1st year. Anyone heard?

Applied Aug 1

  • SATs >2000
    Top 10% in country for Math
    just missed top 1/4 of over achieving high school in exemplary district,
    GPA 4.0

    31 High school credits - including APs
    3 excellent recommendations
    State Entomology contest winner, grand champion animal raiser and two Gold Presidents awards for community service
  • disappointed today as Major changed to Blinn TEAM (from Wildlife Biology/Ecology) yesterday and received acceptance letter tonight
  • son disappointed as he has been offered (and accepted as safe choice) Texas State for Wildlife Biology in Honors College and 5 top European universities have also offered places. Still waiting for UT Austin.

Can’t understand who is going to Aggieland based on him not getting full admit.

Didn’t know anything about Blinn TEAM until today but the main reason for going to university is the course of study and without guarantees of Ecology/Conservation or Wildlife Biology it will have to be a big fat NO.

Blinn Team is a great program, and is considered admission. So many students apply to A&M, and do not get in at all! I wish that folks were more excited when they are offererd “TEAM”, because I know how many others, who didn’t get anything, would be elated.

That’s what I told my son but my concern is the no guarantee on the choice of major after transferring - it’s all about the course for him rather than being an Aggie.

@Lzp1919 check out this program: My daughter was offered PSA, but I think she’s going to go on and go to Blinn and do this program instead because it will get her in College Station this fall. Only certain majors can do it, but I think biology is one of them. You complete everything, sign the form to agree to the program, keep your grades up for the requirements, and complete 30 hours and your guaranteed admission. I spoke with an admissions rep today about it and it’s available to all applicants as long as your choice of major is in the program.

@concernednoncitizen What’s wrong with Blinn TEAM?

Frankly, I don’t think you’re really guaranteed anything anywhere. You might be wise to encourage your son to take the offer. His stats match the majority of us Blinn TEAMers!

@carolinagirlntx what I read on TexAgs last year with an admissions rep, PSA. System schools are not a good path. No PSA engr agreements. Look at engineering at Blinn Brenham or an engineering major at GV. If either of those have interest apply immediately. I suggest you read the admission thread from last Jan Feb on TexAgs.

niccidoe - I don’t know what’s wrong with it as I had not heard of it until today. I do know that some of our students higher in rank than my son were also disappointed with Blinn TEAM. I have done some research and it seems like a great program and I am grateful that it was not a rejection. The disappointment is from the lack of guarantee following the transfer.
He is thinking of doing two years on the Texas State Honors Program and transferring to TAMU - although TXState has the highest student retention rate in the state and I am partial to BobCats… :slight_smile:

We are super excited with my daughter’s Blinn Team offer. It means full A&M experience with cheaper tuition taught by some of the same faculty as A&M. The Blinn Team is a very successful program.

I’ve been praying for my D to get Blinn team. But since she just lost the “change major” button on Howdy a few hours ago, it looks like PSA or rejection will be her outcome. She is ranked 99/864 but her SAT/ACT scores weren’t great. She had a multitude of great ECs, leadership positions, honor societies, volunteer work, and part time jobs but I guess it wasn’t enough. Unless a miracle happens, we will be heartbroken. Being in the Corps of Cadets has been her dream. She taught herself to play the Sousaphone in addition to her other concert instrument in order to march in the FTAB. Her brother will be a senior next year and they hoped to be there together for a year.

Her chosen major was Zoology. A&M is one of the very very few schools in Texas with that offering. She’s been accepted at SFA, but it will be a disappointment in so many ways. Waiting all this time for a decision has been agony.

Thank you so much! I was thinking maybe I could take half of my needed classes for transfer this summer then take the other 3 at Blinn in the fall and be eligible for transfer by the spring semester but I am going to set up a meeting with an admissions rep! @MJS0407

When your a student of A&M Blinn Team, you are an Aggie! You split classes between the two campuses, you meet with advisors on the main campus and are taking classes towards your chosen available major. Once you meet the criteria of hours and classes for the major you are working towards, all of your upper level classes are taken at A&M at that college. I do know that if your major is business, it takes the two full years, I guess 60 hours, before being full time on the A&M campus; some colleges require less time. The creation of “Blinn Team”, was to be able to accept more students. UT now has a similar program called PACE. Keep in mind that other than being able to participate on a varsity team, students enjoy every privilege as any full admit student. Be happy! Celebrate if you got TEAM!

Brew77- Well said! I felt like I hit the lottery with the savings on tuition when my son got TEAM. Of course, I paid for the difference anyway, because my son lived at Calloway.

I see @concernednoncitizen I admit at first when I heard the term Blinn I immediately thought it was for students with learning problems… because that’s what some people my age interpret the program to be… so when I suspected that I may very well be offered TEAM, I began to research what it really was because I knew I didn’t fit in a remedial program

It turns out it’s a phenomenal opportunity and nothing to pout about… the student profiles are competitive. It boils down to mandated auto admits and space contraints, so teaming gives other well qualified students a chance for admission (I am OOS and 1290 CR&M thus automatically a holistic review candidate)

My acceptance letter says Congrats to Texas A&M College Station, not welcome to Blinn College. It explains space constraints and taking classes on both campuses, etc… I’m grateful that I got the offer and I’m going!