Class of 2020- Admission Status

I don’t see a thread yet on the TAMU forum for the HS class of 2016 applying for Fall 2016 admission. I’d thought I would start one!

When did you apply?
When did you get your UIN?
When did you receive your admission decision?
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review?
Major/College of Choice? Did you get in?
Honors program?

I’ll go first. I sent in my application on August 4th along with my essays.
UIN came August 7th.
Should be Academic auto-Admit
Mays Business School/School of Education and Human Development
Not applying to Honors
4.0 GPA unweighted-- 32 ACT–Homeschooled (considered in top 25%)

I have sent all test scores and transcript. Application status is “still in process”

Application completed: Aug. 1
UIN Received: Aug. 5
Admission Decision: ____
Review Level: Auto-admit
Major: Nutritional Sciences
Honors: Not at this time
Stats: 4.0+, 1320 SAT and 30 ACT, Private School
Docs Still Needed: Transcript (having issues with AIS not allowing upload)

All the best to everyone! Can’t wait to join my brother (sophomore, engineering) next fall! Gig 'em!

Application Completed: Aug. 7
UIN Received: Aug. 21
Admission Decision: none yet
Review Level: Auto-admit
Major: Computer Engineering
Honors: probably not
Stats: 4.0/4.0 GPA
1310 SAT
31 ACT
Top 2% at TX public school
Application complete, still in review

My application is still incomplete. For some reason, they haven’t proccessed my transcript that I uploaded on AIS or assigned me my class rank. However, me being a homeschooler probably has something to do with it. :frowning: I hope everything gets proccessed in time for the first round of decisions.

I did see though on the aggiebound twitter that the admissions had received their first boxes! Looks like we’re on schedule for middle of September like the past few years.

I received my UIN on August 5th and still have not had my transcript or rank processed. However, my school doesn’t rank so I’m guessing they’re assigning me my rank currently. Hopefully everything will be processed for us soon

Applied August 2nd
Received UIN August 5th
App went in review August 15th
Review applicant (rank 35% w/3.9 weighted gpa at competitive Houston area school)
Applied to Biology and Biomedical Science
29 ACT, doing it again in September to break 30. I’m also involved in numerous clubs/activities and have earned several awards within the region and state. However, I’m not in NHS or national merit. Sigh.

According to an admissions counselor, application reading should begin in September. I’ve heard that in previous years, autos usually hear back 2-4 weeks after applying and reviews can hear anywhere from November to March. I don’t know how accurate that may be, but I assume that reviews have a longer wait so autos can fill in. So anxious to hear back!

When did you apply: August 1st
When did you get your UIN: August 5th
When did you receive your admission decision: Applicant was complete and in review on August 15th or around there
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review: Auto/Academic Admit
Major/College of Choice: Applied to Environmental Studies/Geociences
Honors program: Not exactly sure yet. Edging on no
Stats: Top 4%, 32 ACT, 1300 SAT, 189 PSAT, NHS, Various EC’s and other things here and there. :-*

Hopefully everyone here gets their decisions soon and it all turns out good >:D<

@ItsOVO I just checked the AIS and my transcript has gotten processed and posted. So now all I am missing ins my rank. Since I’m a homeschooler, I thought TAMU would put me top 25% like in the past. However, I just called the admissions office and they said that they were calculating it according to test scores now. I’ll be anxiously waiting with you to see where they rank me.

I just talked to someone at the prospecitve student center. They said that the class rank takes the longest to be checked off the list and is based off your GPA, academic rigor, and, and test scores. The people in admissions puts in all into a calculator and then a class rank is spit out based on quartiles. He said you should be able to see where they rank you in AIS when it is done.

@matchboxlife That is great info. I could see a thread devoted to just that topic. Here are my stats and here is where A&M ranked me, so that future unbanked students could estimate their own. Thanks for telling us what you found out. All I have ever heard was “they use the school profile”

At least last year (and I suspect it to be the same this year), homeschoolers are automatically in the Academic Admit category, so “class rank” does not come in to play as long as you have the SAT/ACT scores.

@gettingschooled that’s a really good idea actually. As soon as someone gets their ranking in from TAMU, they should start a thread.

@tshusker historically, yes homeschoolers get top 25% automatically. However, this year, everyone I have talked to on the phone said that it was going to be calculated. So I’m not sure if people don’t understand my question or they changed it.

I got a reply back from someone at Aggieland Customer Service regarding rank. She said it usually takes several week after applying for your rank to be processed, but she hasn’t heard anything about it so far this year (meaning she doesn’t know if they have started ranking applicants or not). She also mentioned that the Director of Admission Services is the one to handle it and it’s up to her when she does it.

I just checked AIS and now my app status is “complete and under review”. I got ranked in the 1st quarter. I did submit an updated transcript yesterday though that listed my rank as 1/1 based on the advice of a TAMU admissions counselor. I’m not sure if that’s how I got my rank completed so fast or if I got ranked using their ranking calculator.

According to the Aggiebound Twitter, they should start reviewing and sending out letters mid-September!!

Congratulations! I bet you are happy.

We still don’t know if all homeschoolers are considered top quarter or if it was based on your scores. I guess to know that a homeschooler will have to tell us they got ranked in second quarter. Thanks for reporting back. That will help someone else who is wondering.

Today my transcripts were marked as “complete”. The only thing I’m waiting on now is my rank. Office of Admissions said this could take a couple of weeks

AIS just notified that “App Is Complete And In Review.” HS does not rank so A&M assigned Top 25% Academic Admit. So, with that, and SAT/ACT scores, notification of acceptance is just a matter of time! So excited. All the best to everyone!

Congrats! That’s awesome. Mind sharing when A&M received your documents? And if you don’t mind sharing, what were your stats?

Stats and info at the front of this thread. Uploaded HS Transcript and School Profile on 8/14, but there was a bit of confusion on their part so they did not show them as “received” until 8/31.

When did you apply? August 14
When did you get your UIN? August 23 ( Technical difficulties they said).
When did you receive your admission decision? Havn’t yet.
Auto-admit? Academic Admit? Review? Auto admit
Major/College of Choice? Did you get in? Dwight look college of engineering with major as petroleum and mechanical, although not 100 percent on which one im going actually go for. Ill update once i get in.
Honors program? Yes
Took both SAT and ACT
Sat - 710 CR , 670 W and 800 M ( 1510/2180)
ACT - 34E, 34M. 32 Reading and 29 Science with 33 english composite (34 and 10 essay). 32 overall
ranked 60/965 oh and weighted gpa is 4.7 and unweighted is 3.7
Took 10 AP test so far and 15 once senior year is over (hoping to take out a decent amount of classes)
got 4+ on all but physics 1
EC are terrible (because clubs and activities are very boring) -
Mu alpha theta
Science bowl
120 volunteer hours
manager and mechanic shop for 3 months

—From what I’ve heard, admissions to TAMU if you are automatic is based on timing? So if you apply early, you just fill up the slot? Is it not holistic like UT?