Class of 2020 National Merit Discussion

Hi everyone- I’ve been waiting for some Oregon news- in case some of you are also waiting from Oregon, looks like someone commented on Art’s blog that their child made it to SF with a 222.

Anyone from New Hampshire have any news yet?

Art posted a reliable 221 in IL! I’m so happy for my daughter.

Apparently they checked the mail late today. Just got official notification for my daughter in TX. Her SI is 224, so it does not help with confirming the lower end, but letters do appear to be hitting TX. Hopefully tomorrow for everyone else!

congratulations @ChrisG77 ! Apparently they won’t tell the kids at my daughter’s school until maybe Tuesday, but I’m pleased to know the letters are finally arriving.

@ChrisG77 Congrats to your daughter! Woo hoo! And it’s great to hear that we all might hear something soon in Texas!

Can’t believe there is no MD news yet!

216 qualified in Arkansas

I emailed our counselor to ask her if anything she received gave the cutoff for TX. If I hear anything at all back from her about that I will post it here.

@CrazyCatMama - our school actually posted the names of the 12 semi-finalists (class of 1000+ students) on FB today but took the post down 1 hour later. My son did not hear anything from the GC. I’m pretty sure the post wasn’t supposed to go up until next week!

@KrysRN101 Goodness! Someone in admin must’ve been excited. Still, I’m surprised they would do that before telling the students!! Were they able to figure out what the cutoff is? Curious if PA stayed at 220 or maybe went down?

@rileygrl I think USF (Southern Florida) does the reimburse fly-in thing. UCF did it last year. They only give it to you (pay for it) once, so use it wisely! UCF has two NM events - one in the fall for SF and one in the Spring for NMF. But they really personalize your visit if you go separate from those two events. They can’t do a lot to personalize if you come just on those event dates.

@CrazyCatMama I’m guessing the GC will have no choice but to say something to the kids tomorrow. I saw that Art posted 220 was confirmed for PA.

Congratulations ! @ChrisG77 Ditto… We also received an official confirmation (SI is higher than previous year cutoff) . We are in central Texas.

Art just ** CONFIRMED** TX at 221!!!

@3scoutsmom I am thrilled for you, your son and your entire family. Well done! Now Texas please stay at 221 next year…

Congratulations @3scoutsmom !! :slight_smile:

Such great news!

YAY FOR 221 in Texas! Congrats @3scoutsmom and all who were waiting for the great news !

Son notified today by his school in NY. He is at 225 so no new info, but we are in upstate area (in terms of mail arrival!)