Class of 2021 National Merit Thread

@BingeWatcher : thanks for the second. Sigh. All we can do is wait and hope that they didn’t make any silly mistakes, even though that’s superhuman. My kid is not a computer.

Re: Art’s blog: his comments today are way at the bottom of a post about the 2020 cutoffs. He hasn’t said anything yet other than that it’s unfortunate that they did this again and that he’ll start digging into the data.

@BingeWatcher , Art’s comment was just a quick response to a blog question today on last year’s NMF discussion.

I’m from Texas and got a 219 SI, so hopefully the cutoff goes down (its been 221 for the past couple years), but even then a two point decrease seems unlikely.

@TXRunningMom @BingeWatcher She missed one in writing. She took SAT I think the week before PSAT, and didn’t fare as well with identical 1510 score. She now wants to take her SAT again.

When did they start using the wacky max out at 1520 scoring? When son (HS class of '15) took it the scoring was 1/10th of the SAT (which maxed out at 2400 at that time) and yielded a max PSAT score of 240.

@amnmsj the way that CB describes the connection between the PSAT and the SAT is that the PSAT score is predictive of the student’s actual SAT score and your D did exactly that. Got a 1510 on the SAT. I have always thought this didn’t make a ton of sense but it works this way because the PSAT is easier and shorter. So, if a student gets a 1510 on the shorter and easier test, it doesn’t mean she can get something like a 1580/90 on the longer SAT. And then, of course, any given day a student will test better or worse.

My point is that it’s much harder to just miss one question on the SAT versus the PSAT.

Why do they do a 3 day release schedule across the country? Is it so that the system doesn’t crash with so many kids checking their scores?

My daughter just got her scores… they are on Naviance but not College Board yet. She got a 750 in reading/writing and 740 in math, so she seems to have definitely made the cutoff.

@micalcbac22 , you will definitely be commended! I’m hoping the SI drops a couple of points in Texas too and we haven’t even gotten our scores back yet. :slight_smile: Have you already taken the SAT? How did you do on it compared to the PSAT?

@RockyPA , congratulations! That is a great score! Can you share how many she missed in each section? Did she take the test on the October 16th supposed terrible curve date?

@TXRunningMom well she got a 38 on the reading, 37 on writing, and a 37 on math. Naviance isn’t showing how many she missed though. She took the Oct 16 test.

@tdy123 Oct 2016 (my middle kid’s 10th grade year) and the scoring wasn’t the only wacky change, they reduced the number of mc options and did away with the penalty for incorrect vs. omitted answers, they also added multipart questions where the answer to the second question is dependent on getting the prior question correct.

Please make sure any test prep you use is for the CURRENT PSAT/SAT test!

There are several threads on this topic on cc right now and they all seem to include this link:

However, this report only lists the Wednesday (Oct. 16th and Oct. 23rd) test dates. Everyone in S21’s school district (Southern California) took the test on Saturday, Oct. 19th. Does anyone have any information about that sitting and why it’s not on this report? No one he knows has been able to access their scores through the school yet.

Congratulations @RockyPA !!!

@TXRunningMom Thank you! As for the SAT I haven’t taken it yet, I plan on taking it April when our district offers it for free.

Have any homeschoolers out there gotten scores in the mail yet? We have been anxiously checking the mail each day but nothing yet! Maybe today. Maybe.

Joining this party a little late here with a dd21 likely NMSF in CA (index 226). We were very fortunate that her GC unexpectedly gave dd21 her score yesterday. I sincerely empathize with all those still waiting on pins and needles. Crossing my fingers for you — best of luck to all!

Still waiting here in Florida. Daughter’s school uses Skyward but nothing has been posted about the October PSAT.

States in the Souh East and New England can log on to get their scores on Monday. if you use a proxy server located there (might take some googling to find one) or if you have friends or family that you trust with your kids CB log on you can ask them to look for you.

It’s where you log in from not where you live or take the test, all score are usually put up at the same time CB just has different access dates for different parts of the country.

In the past, for AP scores as well as PSAT scores, we’ve either used tunnelbear or earlyscores to get scores earlier than our scheduled time (but only during the designated window for the release dates). Both worked for us.