Seems like there should be a thread this year for discussion of applications.
For reference, here is last year’s discussion thread:
How’re my fellow EA applicants doing?
@QuiteAnxious I am “quite anxious” lol
Joining the party; also very anxious!
Hi there! Make that a party of three. I’m anxious, too. Let’s hope for the best.
Hello all my anxious friends. (There are four of us, PerksOfHim)
Let’s all be anxious together~
What are your guys’ majors?
Computer science.
Mechanical Engineering
@ynotgo did your son ever get into Caltech?
@“aunt bea” Yes, he’s a freshman there now. I’ll PM you.
@Ynotgo How does he like it?
@Ynotgo , DS and I just visited Caltech. The tour didn’t go too well. Out tour guide was unkempt and stuttered. The first stop of tour was in the courtyard of a house, and it was a mess with garbage scattered everywhere. The academic part of the tour went OK, but the residential part gave us a bad impression. I’m wondering whether all houses look like that or just this one house? Are all Caltech student unkempt or just this one tour guide?
Good luck to all you seniors with your applications! I know this is a stressful time.
@icef1ame It is a lot of work. (really a lot) On balance I think he likes it.
@bogeyorpar Not sure what level of “unkempt” you are talking about. I think most students take regular showers. But, it is not at all preppy, and shorts/jeans and a t-shirt is pretty common. I would say that I’ve seen diverse hairstyles there.
Also, I would comment that stuttering is not the fault of the tour guide. Stuttering has no correlation with low intelligence, and a quick search indicates it may have a correlation with higher intelligence. For a person with a stutter, being a tour guide seems very brave.
I agree that some dorm courtyards are a bit of a mess. This varies significantly by House, and students who attend Caltech have the Rotation period to form their own opinions about houses and have some input into that selection.
@Ynotgo , well, it’s not that bad. It’s just a big contrast with other school’s tour guides, which are mostly smooth talking Communications or PoliSci majors dressed in preppy clothes. Our experience in Harvey Mudd is similar to Caltech’s. I’m an engineer myself and if I lead a tour, it will probably be like that as well.
Try not to judge a college by the tour guide. We had a fabulous young woman at caltech, the best of our tour guides.
When do you anticipate Caltech will post EA decisions?
According to last year’s thread, it was Saturday, Dec. 10 at noon Pacific time.