Hi guys! I’m a rising senior in high school, and if you need any more information let me know!
Tufts University (ED)
Boston College
Unweighted GPA: 3.8
ACT: 34 single sitting, 12 writing
APs: 7 so far, 5 next year
Extracurriculars: member of a handful of clubs since freshman year (founder/president of one, president of another one, and officer in three others), volunteer every summer at a camp
Ethnicity/Gender/Income: White/Female/High
Major? Club List? Weighted GPA? AP Scores? Make sure to tag me so I can get notified.
You have not told us anything specific about your ECs so it is a bit hard to tell now. I think your academic credentials are good enough to deem you a qualified applicant for these schools, but it’s hard to tell what your chances are without knowing the specific clubs you are involved in. All I can suggest is that you take some SAT subject tests in whatever area you are interested in to show colleges that you are focused in one particular field. Good luck!
Please chance me back here: http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/1995754-chance-me-low-gpa-rank-cornell-rice-wash-u-ucla-etc.html#latest
Your scores are great, and so are your extracurriculars!
Over the summer, see if you can add a little personality to your EC’s to ensure that you stick out when you apply to those schools. Enter some contests, write some essays, do some art or additional community service to help your voice come through to admissions officers.
Thanks for the responses guys!
@collegeboundprogrammer @tripledouble2000
Major: I’m interested in double majoring in English & Biology
AP Scores: Since I’m a junior I’ve only gotten three back but I passed all of them.
Weighted GPA: Not really sure, but it’s fairly high considering I’m in the top 3% of my class
ECs: DECA, NEHS, NHS, NTHS, Newspaper, Girl Scouts of America, Chemistry Club, Science Olympiad
I’m also attending journalism camp this summer & I’ve volunteered at a summer camp for four years
Where do you suggest I find contests to enter and other activities to participate in? @newkidnewtrix
I’ll come back in a minute with some links, hang on!
This Johns Hopkins one is great. It has contests for every interest!! I’ve been drawing from this list for ages. Click on the blue words (art, history, math/compsci, etc) and it’ll give you a list of contests for that subject.
Tufts University (ED)- Match if you apply ED1
Boston College-Match
Northeastern- Safety( show interest)
I hope you apply to more schools, matches and some top 30’s.
Wow, that’s a really great website thank you so much! @newkidnewtrix
Thank you so much for your input! I’m applying to a handful of other schools but Tufts, Northeastern, & BC are my top priorities