Class of 2023 National Merit discussion

Hi All!
My son just received an email from National Merit that he won the scholarship at his chosen college. It is 1k a year!
We are so shocked and excited!!!
Fingers crossed for good news for all!


Yes we too got 1K for four years!

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Luckily she had done that so we got 1K/Year! Came to know today.


My kid received an email notification from NMSC about receiving a $1K
colllege-based scholarship but then a snail mail a few days letter saying they weren’t getting any money (but with the caveat some still could be coming for their first-choice college?) I’m thinking this is just crossed timing and a poorly drafted letter but was curious if anyone else had this experience.

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Similar experience here. Got the letter that was confusing as my son also got notified of an award from his college- poorly worded letter. I was thinking of calling just to confirm the college award.

You are right. It’s just bad timing. Ignore the letter.

The same thing happened to S22 last year. His college doesn’t distribute NMS awards till May, and he too received a similar letter even though he knew he would end up with an NMS award eventually.

The award should be visible on their NMSC portal.


Yep, next day got another email confirming acceptance of the award. Thank you!

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My son was notified a few weeks ago by his college of a National Merit award but has not yet been notified by National Merit itself. Does anyone know if he should hear from National Merit and have to accept an offer from them directly or does it not matter? I had called National Merit and they didn’t have any record of his award.

Does anyone recall the NMSF to NMF essay prompt? My daughter was able to reuse her Common App essay when she applied for NMF, but we cannot find the prompt. My DS24 is looking to get started on his Common App essay this week, and we are curious what the essay prompt is.

I think this was it:

To help the reviewers get to know you, describe an experience you have had, a person who has influenced you, or an obstacle you have overcome. Explain why this is meaningful to you.


Has anyone who received a college sponsered scholarship seen this reflected in your bill or anywhere?

Yes. We haven’t received a bill yet, but it’s in our list of merit scholarships in our financial aid portal.

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Just thinking back to this time last year- All the excitement and waiting for announcements to be made! I’m excited for the next batch of NMSF!


We’re likely NMF 2024, but wanting to know - if you were out of state for Texas and has a Texas school high on your list - what school and what was the draw? I see so many of the Texas school with a huge in-state population, which is making us not really want to consider a Texas school, but also don’t want to sell ourselves short.

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For my S2017 NMF we considered Texas A&M. But only if he received their highest prestigious scholarship which was a Full COA. Otherwise, the great NMF Texas Scholarships are all OOS with the exception of the U of Texas at Arlington which has still a Full COA of $260K.

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Can’t speak for my own kid personally, because he chose Fordham, but a good female friend of his chose UT-Dallas and is very happy. It has a nerdy, smart, collaborative vibe. No big sports or big Greek. The student body is more of the board game playing quiet type. LGBTQ+ friendly. The overall student body draws heavily from TX, but the honors college and especially the NMFs are from all over. Also Dallas is an airline hub, so easy and inexpensive direct flights.


Texas Tech still offers a full COA package for NMF, regardless of residency.


I have two NM kids at UT Dallas and it’s been a wonderful fit for them. They have out of state and international friends, if you are in the honors program the student population seems pretty well balanced. Both my boys are CS majors both managed/will manage to complete both their BS and MS in the 8 semesters of covered by UTD’s NM scholarship. My younger son graduates this May and has already signed a formal job offer for his dream job starting immediately after graduation. My older son received the McDermott Graduate Fellowship (which is even more generous them their NM scholarship!) to continue on with his PHD. Both will leave UTD with an excellent education and money in the bank.

@fiftyfifty1 gave a spot on description of UTD though as to sports, they are pretty darn proud of both their Chess team and their ESports team;-) I highly recommend giving UTD a serious look.


What’s the best strategy on the first choice?
My son just made the NMSF. We are figuring out what to do with it. We have BU, USC, and Alabama in mind. We are aiming for the Presidential Scholarship or the full ride. The NMSC money ($2500, corporate or college-sponsored) is nice to have but isn’t as important.
Do you leave the choice as undecided until you know which school to go? If you do so are you going to be excluded from the consideration of the college sponsored scholarship?
If we pick BU as first choice (for its 3/1 deadline) and received the college sponsored scholarship, can we change to USC for the half tuition waiver? The NMSC website says that once you receive a college sponsored scholarship they are not going to process and report the first choice change.

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The strategy is to leave it undecided at this point. I think BU and USC are two of the schools that have that 3/1 deadline, so you’d need to decide before then. But, as far as I know, you are correct that if you put one of them down and the school offers you that scholarship, it is too late to change it to the other at this point. Bama’s deadline is 5/1, so that one isn’t an issue with timing. Also, I have one NMF at Bama and one at UTD if you have any questions about either.