Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

I have a financial aid question. My D just just got accepted to NYU but without any financial aids. Does anyone know if NYU offers any sorts of financial aids? D has scholarships from all schools she has been accepted except NYU. NYU told us that they don’t accept appeals. Is it true?

@Jenny1993 - traditionally all of NYU’s financial aid has been need-based. They don’t usually give straight merit aid without need - with a few exceptions - and to my knowledge they don’t negotiate aid. I am sorry your D didn’t receive aid in her package - if you think you qualify on need alone make sure they got all your paperwork.

@Jenny1993 - NYU is notorious for giving no financial aid. My D is going to BU - they gave us NOTHING - so it’s not just NYU, its schools like that. She also got into NU - zip from them as well. A lot of those top-tier academic schools tend to be need-based - also Skidmore and Vassar - nothing and nothing for us!

And like by need I mean how they define need - none of us have an extra 80k a year lying around so we all need it - they just think we don’t :).

And congrats on NYU!!!

Some students DO get financial aid from the schools just mentioned in post #1982, and so I would not state that they give “NO financial aid.”

Congrats @Jenny1993 ! I don’t have answers for you, but happy for your D’s “yes”! @allfour1 I’m sorry to hear about the ‘no’ but glad that you are feeling relieved about that! Silver linings!

@calmom @DivaStageMom @soozievt

Thank you for the information. It looks like that we won’t be able to negotiate then.

@DivaStageMom Congrats on BU and Northwestern too!

@Jenny1993 Congrats to your child on the NYU acceptance! Did the acceptance come with the outcome of the financial aid? I ask because the year my kid got accepted, we received the financial aid award separately and later. Obviously, things can change year to year. I can’t tell if you are assuming you got no aid, or if you actually get the FA statement stating as such. In terms of negotiating, I would not hesitate to try particularly IF your family’s financial circumstances have CHANGED since the time you filed the FA forms, and this year, that may be true for many.

@Jenny1993 - its always worth a shot - especially if things with your finances have changed.

Also in terms of aide - I know on another thread this was debated - obviously, aid is going to be given or not - it’s a fact that will be revealed during the process. However, I do think that going into the audition process for the class of 2025 and beyond that parents and students know that some schools such as NYU, NU, and BU often don’t give aide unless you need it, and their definition of aide is often different than yours.

While I don’t think this should dissuade a student from applying - I do think that families should have in their minds that these schools are very pricey and there is a fairly good chance that you won’t get aide - so be prepared now - and not on a day like today when you are celebrating your acceptance and then realize you can’t afford it. Then if you do get aide - more good news!!!

@StanfordAI2019 Thank you! @DivaStageMom - yes, I am assuming that with all the changes that are coming down the pipe with people being unemployed, etc. they are going to have to tighten up the purse strings a bit more and people will have to truly demonstrate need.

@allfour1 and @Jenny1993 - where on the portal did you find the decision? And congrats @Jenny1993

Bar on the side @RMT549 check application status, an update to application posted March 30. Letter.
Congrats @Jenny1993

D got accepted to NYU. No idea about the aid piece. Funny, this used to be her “dream school” way back when. Now we realize there are great alternatives at much more attractive price points. She’ll likely be giving up that spot. Always nice to get a yes though.

Congrats, @rickle1 ! Super nice to get that “yes” regardless of her leanings. Best of luck with her decision!

does anyone know if BOCO is coming out today?

@Stress19372919 My S tells me that BoCo is Wednesday. We are waiting to hear as well. It seems like it’s an eternity. Good luck, good vibes to all in this last bit of waiting.

Yes, the financial aid decision letter is shown on her portal along with the admissions decision.

All the results are in at last. NYU Tisch NSB waitlist. S is very fortunate to have 6 acceptances, 6 rejections and 2 wait lists. Now to try to make a decision without ever having seen some of them.

@MTSthistime - congratulations those are great stats!

Tulane portal update–w/l for DS, though now I’m not sure why we did this application, as their MT program is a second year audition. I think it was akin to panic buying in December.

@Bunny308 are you referring to BoCo? “I think this year is the first year they are doing calls. Disheartening to hear about the calls. They told the “yes” kids they would get the official email today. So I’m assuming my D is a no.”

I think if BoCo made 50-60 calls to accepted students, plus whatever yield of acceptances they offer to get to the 50-60 BFA MT class that there would be more chatter on the boards, here and elsewhere. Sure, they made a few calls, as reported. But I also think there will be more acceptances coming for BoCo tomorrow (check the portal late in the evening if you haven’t heard.) At least I hope I’m right — break a leg, everyone! It’s still a yes until you hear no or waitlist :smiley: