Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

So sorry for your D @StanfordAI2019 and for you. Nothing is worse than your child hurting. I hope the Point Park acceptance is going to start to stand out to her as her fit, and everything else will fade away.

@mamaboyz congrats to your friend on NYU Steinhardt. My daughter did the summer program there and it was amazing. Then was not accepted - ah well, she knew it was going to be super competitive.

re: BoCo yield for class of 2024: the class of 2022 is unusually small because they had the new program director coming in. Then class of 2023 was large yield. So this year should be more of a normal sized class? Maybe a few less? We will see!

posted in the venting thread but figured this was the more appropriate spotā€¦we got an Email from the Baldwin Wallace conservatory dean today at 5:10pm EST stating that the waitlist has been trimmed down, " it was cut down by half" & we still remain on the wait listā€¦just curious if others got this email? wondering if there is any insight from prior years? any thing?? Buehler? Buehler???

Yes we got same email from BW

@NYYFanNowMTdad @mamaboyz
Regarding the BW email you received, do you see how many people were listed on the email? Are you able to tell how many kids are still on the wait list?

@mamaboyz assume you have a son yes?

@jenny1993. It says cut in half. Names are bcc. Since the original email referenced 89 in the ENTIRE MUSIC conservatory, Iā€™m GUESSING around 45.

NO IDEA honestly. Were you originally waitlisted and got no notification today? Spam or???

Aw, @StanfordAI2019 , Iā€™m so sorry for your daughterā€™s BoCo ā€œnoā€! Sheā€™s been a trouper this season and sheā€™s had her share of blows. Iā€™m so sorry it ended with another one. As you said, however, sheā€™s got great options and Point Park has a fabulous reputation. Sheā€™s a resilient kid and will find her fit and her stride. Best of luck making the decision!

Sorry, @Dance3Looks3 ! But it seems like you managed her expectations perfectly on this one, so nice going! Sheā€™s got great options that youā€™ve shared sheā€™s excited about so we canā€™t wait to hear what she decides!

Congrats, @justavery !

Congratulations @justavery ! Thatā€™s wonderful!!!

Oh @StanfordAI2019 - I am sorry she was so sad. I am glad she has great options and Iā€™m sure that strong family sense of humor will help her find the situation humorous and move on in short order.

Humbly, BoCo was a yes for my D. Sorry for your news @StanfordAI2019. Its hard to feel good unless everyone gets good news. Now we wait for financial aid. I thought the picture would be clearer than it is. The dream school came in, but with almost no aid. We are being told that program directors donā€™t control the $. How is that? College coaches control scholarship. Donā€™t program directors have some input as to how money is ditributed?

Congrats, @Jasklo ! What terrific news for your D that all these schools want her. Iā€™m so sorry to hear that your hand is being forced by the aid package - it must feel like hearing a ā€œnoā€ disguised as a ā€œyes.ā€ I wish you and your D the best of luck making a decision. Itā€™s joyous to hear the good news people bring to this board and we look forward to hearing how her journey turns out!

@tsamuique I literally used that exact verbage last night when my hubby and I were talking!!! Our S got the Yes from top choice, but the financial aid package consisted of just the direct loan, which Iā€™m not even sure how schools consider that an ā€œawardā€, as it is my understanding all students are permitted to take that $5500 loan as a freshman (I believe so long as they fill out FAFSA). So to me getting a yes with $0 aid, is no different than getting a Noā€¦very disheartening, especially after using the net price calculator before applying to make sure it fell in the range to make it a viable option assuming there was an acceptance. Certainly feels like nothing in this process is easy, even up to the last minute!! So happy for all the good news the last few days, and sorry for those who did not get the news they were looking for. Doesnā€™t feel right complaining about a yes, but it is what it is I guess! Praying we all make it through to the end of this craziness!!

@Jasklo I have been trying to do as many webinars on financial aid as I can and it definitely seems like the money control varies by school. Last week, the financial aid rep on the webinar I watched said the key is focusing in on what your student has that the school needs; thatā€™s where your largest leverage lies. so for example you have a better shot getting more aid if you have a soprano belter and thatā€™s a gap the school needs to fillā€¦but if they have 3 tall tenors and thatā€™s also your student, you donā€™t have as much to leverage. So to your point, it would seem that type of info.decision making would be in the control of the department head. And i know a few people have told me that where parents can and should reach out to FA; the student absolutely should reach out to the dept head because many times they can go to bat for the student. So again, depending on the school if the department has no money control, maybe they can speak to the ones who do? Good luck!!!

@Jasklo ā€“ congrats on Boco. Your D got into CMU and Boco, she must really be something special. I hope the schools will work with you, because she sounds like an exceptional talent, and I really hope she gets the best training possible.

@StanfordAI2019 Sorry for the news your daughter received from BoCo. We had a difficult conversation with my son last night telling him that he will need to decline BoCo unless something changes on the financial aid package. 50K a year is just not going to happen! I hope that your daughter will see the light when it comes to Point Park. Have you been to that campus? We did a master class there in the summer and it was incredible. That was a tough no to swallow for us. BAL on the decision making.

@TheatreDad69 ā€“ thanks for the note. Yes, I hate to hear when talent isnā€™t enough and the financial component holds people back. Just brutal, and yes, thatā€™s incredibly expensive. We actually have been to the PP campus. My D spent ~6 weeks last summer at the CMU program, so sheā€™s already comfortable with downtown Pittsburgh, which is a nice bonus.

@StanfordAI2019 So sorry about BoCo. It was a no for us too. Just throwing this out there: I believe the University of the Arts has a rolling admissions process and that your daughter could still apply and submit a video audition (not 100% sure on that but itā€™s worth looking into if she is not in love with any of her options). I have been speaking with one parent whose child got into BoCo and chose UArts over it and is loving it! Some major selling points from my perspective:

  1. Cheaper initial price point and more generous financial aid.
  2. Easy access to NYC for $15 and an hour-and-a-half bus ride.
  3. Like BoCo, it's a true conservatory program AND it is very easy to minor in literally any discipline available at the University.
  4. They do a lot of new works so they really focus on teaching their students to be creative and breathe their own life into their stage work.
  5. After completing your required dance classes you can audit as many dance classes as you want for free.
  6. Philly is a funky, artsy city with a vibrant professional theater scene literally out the front steps of the University.
  7. Dorm rooms have full kitchens and bathrooms (they are converted apartments).
  8. It's an all arts school. Creative people abound and the MT program produces a lot of contemporary, edgy work (so this is a plus or minus depending on your D's artistic style).

I could probably come up with more but that is what Iā€™ve got off the top of my head! DM me if you want me to put you in touch with an admissions advisor.

@StanfordAI2019 - :frowning: so sorry to hear that was a no - you have been so supportive of everyone on this board - I really wanted that for you. She will be happy at PP - but that still sucks - you both deserved that win!

@Jasklo - Your D is a rockstar - with all those acceptances OMG - they should be throwing $$ at you! I have a feeling if you reach out they will come up with more - good luck!

@TheatreDad69 - That stinks - but your son got into some great programs - it will work out for him!

@NeensMom - thanks for the note about UArts. We did a video audition there as well, but D was rejected. Itā€™s all good. My D has been going theater / MT for less than 2 years, so while sheā€™s very talented, sheā€™s still very raw compared to many of the other kids on here that have refined their craft over the years. I know her ceiling is high. Just need time and the right environment to flourish.