Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

Hopefully this helps some wait list kiddos. My S just declined Wright State, Rider, Montclair State and CCM (WL)

This Board has gone silent. Test. Anyone out there?

I think we have moved onto the next phase!

Or maybe everyone’s out trying to find toilet paper.

Found TP two days ago! and we are still waiting for the last school to let DS know. Waitlists a plenty.

You should see my current senior’s engineering school message boards. I mean like one post a day now.

@jaasklo I have asked for final decision posts at least 4x @NeensMom responded but not many others. and have bumped that thread twice, im not sure where all have gone LOL

Does anyone know whether Pace MT has a priority waitlist? I know some other schools have a priority waitlist.

Pace does.

Waiting for financial aid packages!!! And still haven’t gotten all results yet

Looking to try to find info on the schools (besides what is readily available out there!). This “not able to visit” is a problem nobody thought of

Have had some tremendous help from many of you guys for some of the schools my students are looking at and have passed it on to them!

One school has requested one of my students to decide by April 8. It is getting close to that but he doesn’t want to make that decision to drop or not until all his decisions are back. A little stressful, because that one comes with the best financial aid (so far).

@mamaboyz Thanks. Is the list released by now? So there is a normal waitlist and a priority waitlist?

@NYYFanNowMTdad No final decision for a while in this house. Lots to digest. Can’t help but wonder what is the world gonna look like in this fall.

@Jasklo I know-- wasn’t directing that specifically at you although now that I re read it it seems that way, my bad, just hoping to see SOME final decisions from SOMEONE soon :slight_smile:

I’m not at all surprised to not see final decision posts yet. For many, all results were not completely received until April 1. A student needs all their results in hand usually in order to contemplate a decision. Then, often a student might visit the schools or even revisit the schools or attend accepted student events to aid in their decision making. Obviously, this step can’t happen this year, but many schools are holding virtual accepted student events or tours and information sessions.

Personally, I recall when my oldest daughter got all her acceptances by April 1, and we had already visited all her schools before she applied to any of them, she then narrowed her acceptances down to her three favorites, and we returned to all three campuses for their accepted student events and overnights, held during April. It was only after these events and return visits that she made her final decision and so that was mid-April or a bit later (actually she made it on the campus of Brown, because she was finally ready to get the sweatshirt at the college’s bookstore, and so I knew that one was it!). For my MT kid, she received her final acceptance around April 1. We had visited every school on her list before that, and visited half of them twice. There wasn’t much decision making in her case, because she had gotten into the program she had wanted to go to since age 12 and so we knew. At that point, we did attend the accepted student event at that one school, but already knew she was enrolling.

I think current seniors should take their time in deciding, and do their due diligence in exploring their schools in depth if they have not already, and attend any virtual events they can and talk to current students or alumni. I am a proponent of visiting schools before applying but I realize many wait to do this until they are accepted, and well, this year, that is not going to work out. I see no rush to decide as students have until May 1, the National Reply Date, though some colleges this year pushed their date back to June 1. Obviously, if you are sure you are not going to a particular college, let those schools know promptly. But I don’t expect most students to have made a final decision by April 2 (today’s date), unless they had a clear cut favorite college and they got into it! It’s a huge decision as to where to spend the next four years, and also where to spend oodles of money!

Hey @NYYFanNowMTdad 
wanna start off the final decision posts? LOL!

@jianzhou - from what I understand Pace has a replacement waitlist - so is you are “up next” you are actually waiting for one specific person to decline the offer. I’m not sure if those people know at this point they are replacements - maybe someone can chime in if they are in that position now.

@DivaStageMom No. I asked the question because my daughter was put in Pace waitlist and another school’s priority waitlist. So she wants to know is there a bigger chance to be off the Pace waitlist.

@soozievt I would if I had one. We have 4 waitlist.

yeah, I know your D has waitlists, but generally the protocol is to decide among acceptances in hand and deposit and enroll at one college by May 1. Waitlist movement tends to come after May 1, when schools see their yield. Then, if a waitlist makes an offer, your D can accept it and inform the original school she no longer will attend (losing your deposit of course). Then, like dominos, new waitlist spots open up. Still most of this is after May 1, unless there is a program that accepted the exact number of students for spots in the class and gets someone who declines before May 1. Otherwise, the colleges have to see their final yield on May 1. So, it is best to reach a final decision by the end of April on what you have in hand! If a waitlist comes through later and your kid prefers it over the original deposited school, it’s like a nice surprise or cherry on top!

Upshot, I would have a student put their waitlists aside, after expressing interest in them with the programs themselves, and embrace the birds in the hand, and come to a decision amongst those as if the waitlists may not happen. I would not hold off on the decision making to see what happens with the waitlists. Start on it now, and be ready to deposit at one of the accepted schools before May 1.

@aoozievt. Understood. I’ll post it as soon as I can. I value the final decision posts and will definitely pay it forward.