Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@NYYFanNowMTdad …Oh, I know you will pay it forward. No rush though!

PS, earlier I was trying to make a joke when you said nobody had posted final decisions yet, and so I was joking that you could feel free to start it off!

We’re still waiting to hear from the last school – UNCSA (interview on 3/20). D was told “in a couple of weeks,” which is tomorrow, so fingers crossed.

She also wants to appeal to a couple of the more expensive options for more $$. I don’t expect that to change the lay of the land drastically, but you never know.

At least one Virtual Accepted Students’ Day she is planning to “attend” is this Saturday, so I’m excited to see what the school does for that. :slight_smile:

I just posted ours to the final decision board. Still new to this forum so hope I did it right!!


Finger and toes crossed that your d gets an offer from UNCSA today.

Question: I know in poking around on here through the past few weeks that I saw a thread that was about waitlist movement last year - when the WL was offered, and when people found out if it was a yes/no. Does anyone know where that thread is? I have scoured through every search I can think of but can’t find it. Thanks!!

@jianzhou - so the answer to your question is yes, Pace has a Priority waitlist - it’s their replacement waitlist and I believe the people who are on it know - at least they did last year. Although maybe things are working differently this year ??

FEELING THE PRESSURE… anyone else???

I agree with @soozievt regarding the wisdom of waiting to make the decisions, but this pandemic seems to be having the opposite effect. Many of our kids seem to be making their final decisions faster because they can’t visit so they are ruling out schools quicker that they might have fallen in love with if they had visited. I’ve also noticed some program heads pressuring the kids to make their decisions ASAP, which didn’t happen with my older daughter four years ago. For example, ECU emailed my daughter yesterday and said “We have 8 unclaimed offers, the first 2 to accept get the spots.” WHAT THE HECK?!! They JUST made the offer less than a week ago!!! And are they seriously going to turn down kids they already accepted if they take their time evaluating their choices?
Next week we were supposed to visit 3 of my daughter’s accepted schools.

But instead her decision has already been made.
She’s excited!
But I’m having trouble getting past the “What If’s”.

@SingerDancerMom yes the whole thing is stressing me out! It is so tough making a final decision without visiting the school and getting a real feel for it. My D has been joining the Zoom meetings and chat groups but is still struggling. It is going to be a long April for us. That is great that your D is excited about one of her choices. That is crazy about ECU. As if we don’t have enough stress in our lives right now…

Thank you, @anastasiasmom – she did! :smiley:

@SingerDancerMom I was struggling with the what if’s too. D and I both had it in our minds that no matter what her top choice was she would visit all schools and now that it was off the table she quickly made her decision. I loved the things I heard about Viterbo and the constant communication and offers of assistance they gave her, but they weren’t her first choice and we have never even been anywhere near Wisconsin so the uncertainty of all that made her not even consider it. While I know in the end she still would have chosen the school she did, it would have been nice to at least visit. It was very hard to tell them no, but another parent told me not to feel bad telling the other school no, to think of it as opening up a spot for another kid that is waiting. So now I feel that at least we helped in some small way for the people waiting on the schools we let go early. I can’t believe a school tried to rush you, all of D’s schools extended the decision date and were very reassuring that she had time.

Taking a sabbatical was mentioned in the parent talk.

@closemama Is this the thread you were looking for from last year?

Started a discussion under Musical
Theatre Major for WLs called-
Waitlists, Movement, Chances, Questions Head over there and hopefully we can keep each other in the loop!

@DramaLlama18 That wasn’t the one I had seen, but still helpful! Thanks! The one I saw was a list format like our notification/acceptance ones, except it was like Date WL was offered, Date off the WL (accept or denied), that sort of thing. Thanks for checking!

@NYYFanNowMTdad Didn’t take it that way. :slight_smile: Financial reality of this pandemic hitting hard and fast.

@closemama Has your D heard anything from UCO yet? My daughter got an email asking if she was still interested and it said offers should be out by April 12.

@msco313 Nope, and I know 2 others who are also still waiting. It’s the last decision we are waiting on!

Waiting for UCO here, too.

@allfour1 We were so impressed with the program at UCO. We saw one of their shows in the historic Mitchell Hall Theatre and it felt like we were in a Broadway theatre. Those kids- talk about triple threats!! Their vocalists were AMAZING!! And the price just can’t be beat. The program director there is one of our favorites of this entire audition season too- he really cares about the kids and pushes them to audition, audition, audition especially their senior year. On their Instagram stories, a few of the current students were featured this past winter while auditioning in an open call in NYC- so cool!

@MadameT thank you so much for this info; we never got to visit because of, well, things being as they are. I didn’t know about Mitchell Hall and just pulled it up to have a look. Thank you!