Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

Has anyone auditioned for Manhattanville Musical Theatre? Smaller program, but they do offer a BFA in M/T and located near the city. My D submitted a video audition, haven’t heard anything yet.

@ElizaDoolittle Which portal? Ours hasn’t changed, it still says
University Div Pre-CollArts&Sc
Musical Theatre BFA

on my daughter’s application status portal. We heard back in the fall that she had been accepted academically there.

@Dance3Looks3, the IU portal. We never looked at it before the audition and after her academic acceptance so we weren’t sure of the program being listed meant an acceptance to MT. Guess not. Let the waiting continue…

When you’re searching for any little tiny thing that predicts the answers we won’t get for awhile yet, you can drive yourself crazy! My daughter’s live audition video just got added to her list of files from her prescreen portfolio for Michigan. Look at that page enough times and you do notice when something changes on it!!

Now to talk myself down from reading anything into it.

@Dance3Looks3 wonder if that means they’re getting ready to start reviewing them… the 21st is the last audition date. They said after 3/1 at D’s audition, but friend went last weekend and they said 3/15

It’s just a new file at the bottom of the portfolio that has her name and the date she auditioned. She has her last audition this weekend and we just have to put everything out of our heads.

MyD’s did as well. Here’s the scoop on that:

1). I didn’t even know they videoed her.

2). I didn’t know that portal existed until you wrote this!


@WDWMom not a fail! I call that the ultimate in winning! Ignorance is bliss/sanity!!

@Trinimom My son auditioned on Saturday and got the email from CCM that he got in on Monday.

Well now I’m freaking out because my daughter’s live audition videos were NOT added to her UMich portal. Uggghh!!! :frowning: this stinks

@Dance3Looks3 Where will you be this weekend?

@SingerDancerMom, the videos might be added in waves. Videos addition might also be a sign that application is closed. No definitive answer either way.

@SingerDancerMom see, I’m convinced the appearance of her video is a bad sign, not a good one! #stepawayfromtheportals

Thanks @Ashermom, and congrats to your son!!

@Dance3Looks3 and @SingerDancerMom I’m not even going to look or ask my D to look LOL. I think the kids knew they videoed the audition - I know my D told me they recorded hers. It makes a lot of sense to me that they would - they’ve all got to start to run together after a while, so I can completely understand why they’d want to be able to go back a review everything once they sit down to start making the final decisions.

@Dance3Looks3 ? Good advice! Thankfully looking forward to weekend of auditions to distract from all of this W…A…I…T…I…N…G. !!!

I know … the waiting is crazy-making. Just tell us what our options are so we can move on the the next step!

I looked again and it’s there now. WHEW!!..or not… who the heck knows!

@Ashermom, congratulations! Is your son acting or MT?

I auditioned for Michigan two weeks ago and my video audition is not in the portal. Does anyone know anything about this? It’s weird that they would upload some people’s videos and not others