Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@throwingestaways Thank you for your insight!

That’s not accurate. Chicago auditions have received acceptance calls from UofArizona.

@MTSthistime When we were in this a couple of years ago, they just released a bunch of decisions each week. Of course most were no’s. Some yesses. I suspect that they just get through as many as they can each week and give out decisions as they get through them on a weekly basis
could be yes no or WL. It just seemed to happen every Friday. So
if you got through the week without an answer, you were still in the running. Who knows how they do the decision process, but I envision this very small yes pile, a fair sized no pile,And a very large maybe pile that they are going through and trying to weed down to their class. While we were waiting week after week, I imagined DS’s headshot in that very large maybe pile waiting to be moved to the yes or the no pile.

I don’t have new news to post, but we did get some decisions in the last few weeks (unfortunately mostly No’s) that aren’t reflected in the big list in terms of timing
 maybe because people who get No’s are less likely to post? I know we needed a bit of a break before getting back on CC

D auditioned for 4 schools at NY Unifieds, plus NYU the same weekend. Almost all said they would notify in March after all auditions were completed–except for Shenandoah, which said they would make some cuts sooner. As it turned out, D heard from all 4 of her Unified audition schools within about 10 days–3 No’s and one “still in the running.” Ironically, the still-in-the-running school wasn’t ShenCo! So I think the notification plans for some of these schools don’t go as advertised
 We definitely did NOT think that D would be getting so many results before she was even done auditioning!

Dates for us were:

Ithaca & Rider–1/22
ShenCo & Montclair–1/28, 1/29

I suppose that means possibly good news for those who haven’t heard yet? Keeping fingers crossed for all your kids who are waiting for decisions!

Thanks @speezagmom , you were exactly right, he was moved to the no pile today. Next!

@toystorymom that was a really selfless post, purely intended to help others. I’m sorry for your kid’s (and your) heartache. This part is brutal. :frowning: I hope her “still in the running” school becomes a “YES!”

As some experienced posters on here said would likely be happening every Friday
 CCM cut down their “maybe” pile again and sent out “no’s”. My D got one, and talked to a few friends that did as well. The email to check the portal showed up around 5pm. I THINK that was around the same time last week. So just a heads up if you’re still in the running for CCM.

My daughter got her no from CCM about a week after her audition in Chicago. I’m quite grateful that they (and Ithaca and Penn State) let us know so quickly. The waiting is so agonizing that it’s nice to put some behind us. Fingers crossed for those who are still waiting to hear those schools (and so many others).

I agree - it is hard to get No’s but my D also got quite a few quickly - OTterbein, Rider, Montclair - and it helps to narrow things and let you see a little more clearly I think! I personally was grateful for the Elon NO to a prescreen because it gave us a free weekend!

User_ 752736 Yes. My D auditioned for LIU in Chicago and got an email acceptance last night.

@ToyStorymom That was a very selfless post. No one really posts about the rejections. My daughter auditioned for Montclair (1/25), Rider (January), Hartt (December), Elon (December), Missouri State (NYC Unifieds) and she received rejections all within two weeks. If you haven’t hear from these schools, I’m thinking you are still in the “being considered” pile. Good luck to you.

My D auditioned for Michigan last Thursday on campus . Really nice students and Staff . They only Asked my D to sing 2 songs and 1 monologue . Asked her one question and that was it . She felt she did good but I felt if they really liked her they would have communicated with her more . They actually went to lunch right after she was finished. Lol . Who knows but they did say you get answers pretty quick within 2 weeks . Best of luck to you !

@toystorymom My daughter received a Penn State rejection so quickly that I swear they mailed the envelope before she even left the room. The fast nos hurt but if it’s going to be a no I suppose a fast no is better than a drawn out no. Good luck to you guys!

@BloomingGirl I feel the exact same way about my daughter at Texas state. I think they looked at her picture and just sent the rejection. She did not even get a chance to audition. Guess you just don’t know what they’re looking for. I know it’s important that it’s the right fit for our kids but I also realize it’s important for them to select the right students for their program. I wouldn’t want my daughter to be in a program where there were three others that were just like her. I‘m I’m sure there are many factors that play into their decisions. Best of luck to your daughter

I rarely post here but was reading this thread today and was surprised to see almost zero discussion on Missouri State. My D is still pinching herself for applying last year and being accepted (it wasn’t initially on her radar. For perspective, she passed 19/25 prescreens and received 14 acceptances. She was absolutely charmed by Bob Westenberg & Lisa Brescia last year in NY and visited MSU very last. It is amazing and such a bargain! They are very selective, but the program is beyond wonderful. Don’t overlook it.

Wow! Your D must be incredibly talented. My D has a high school
classmate who is in your D’s class. He is INSANELY talented!

Missouri was on my D’s dream school list, and she was asked to come interview for the Presidential Scholarship, but unfortunately she had already been cut from the program.

She grew up watching Robert Westenberg, so she actually fangirled a bit when she met him, and It took all of her willpower to NOT bring in DVDs for him to sign, LOL!!! She did come out a little weak-kneed, saying how stunningly gorgeous he STILL is!

And, the price of the school is so amazing, even without the Pres. scholarship.

Congrats to your D for landing at such a great program!

@WDWMom Thank you! I still shudder to think she almost overlooked it. Her other top choices were easily 4-5 times more expensive, and she is so darn happy! Your D is obviously a smart cookie and will end up somewhere perfect ?

My D auditioned for Missouri State in Chicago - waiting. Insanely competitive, but what a beautiful area, great program 
 and affordable! Fingers crossed!

I heard that Syracuse released some decisions yesterday. Has anyone else heard that?

Has anyone who auditioned for Marymount Manhattan for MT via video received a decision? We submitted my D’s video audition at the end of December and are still waiting.