Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@ElizaDoolittle thanks for that prompt update and CONGRATS!!!

Thank you, @NYYFanNowMTdad!

@ElizaDoolittle Congrats! That’s awesome.

@ElizaDoolittle That’s awesome! Congrats!

@ElizaDoolittle Congrats!!!

@ElizaDoolittle Congrats!!

Ball State making calls tonight. My S just got in MT BFA.

Congrats @TheatreDad69 !

My D received two exciting phone calls today but I’ve decided to hold off on posting real time acceptances. Remember guys
 One person’s acceptance may come in February, another’s in April, and if your kid hasn’t been rejected they are still in the running. Knowing that acceptances have been sent, but your kid didn’t get one, can be anxiety provoking. It doesn’t necessarily mean your kid isn’t getting an offer, only that they haven’t gotten it yet. I’ve decided to wait and share acceptance dates at the end of this process. I will share the “no’s” and waitlists as they come in.

@SingerDancerMom I respect your decision but I actually find it really helpful to know when acceptance calls start going out! I’m personally thankful to those posting real time acceptances. :slight_smile:

I agree, it is helpful to see acceptances and rejections. This entire process is like a crazy roller coaster ride
 it’s helpful to see when the next hill is coming.

I get it, honestly I do, I’ve been scouring this site for any crumb of information so it feels hypocritical to make this statement, but now that we’re in this situation it just seems so wrong to do this to people that haven’t gotten good news. It doesn’t speed up the process for anyone else or change the outcome and it doesn’t mean the decisions are over for everyone. It feels a lot like showing off and it just creates anxiety. I’m really torn on this.

@TheatreDad69 and @SingerDancerMom Congrats!!!

So who else besides Ball state started making phone calls already?

@ElizaDoolittle and @TheatreDad69 Congrats on the Ball State acceptance!!! That’s fantastic news!!!

Congratulations to everyone who got happy news yesterday!!!

@SingerDancerMom, please understand that “showing off” was never my intention. I appreciated knowing when others were hearing and wanted to return that favor. I will admit it was an exciting moment and I wanted to share it with others who would understand what it meant (few in our circle of friends get it). My sense is that this is a group that celebrates the victories of its members while simultaneously providing support for those who are still waiting for those victories.

I feel for everyone who is still waiting on that “yes.” Please know that I am rooting for everyone here to get that yes as soon as possible.

@SingerDancerMom and @ElizaDoolittle , I have also been on the fence about posting acceptances but I know that I have scoured previous years’ posts to just have some idea about timing and knowing what to expect. So that being said, it seems that in past years Ithaca had a portal that would go down before notifications and I think that particular portal no longer exists. So for people wondering if Ithaca acceptances have started, my son did receive an acceptance on Friday via an email telling him there was a portal change.
And in the true up and down nature of this process, he got his no from CCM two hours later. As you said Elizadoolittle, I am rooting for everyone to get their yes and to get it soon.

I for one am happy to hear when other people get good news even if it’s news my own child would love to be getting. But I also understand the hesitancy to post information that might be upsetting for some. It’s hard to say “look what we got that you didn’t get.” But that’s the business, isn’t it? When our kids go out there and are (hopefully) working they need to learn how to be genuinely happy for their friends when they get roles because more often than not it is going to be someone else getting the role. And when it is their turn they are going to be so appreciative of the people who are genuinely happy for them! So we have no yeses (but some waitlists) but don’t hesitate to post your yeses on our account. We are ready to celebrate with you!

The other aspect of sharing acceptances is possible connections to finding out more about the schools. So many of those unified auditions were only 10-15 minutes, and a lot of what we know about the programs is limited to school websites. If a kid comes off the wait list in April it can be helpful to see who else was accepted in March, because they have had more time to research or even visit the school.