Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@rickle1 My D was placed in a regular ol’ waitlist for Molloy, so your D’s priority waitlist must mean something good.

@chrismill18 we got the same NYU email

@chrismill18 My D received the same email from NYU

@speezagmom Thanks for the advice! Will do. We were prepared for heartache today and when she saw the email, so was so happy. Yes, she would be ecstatic to be a yes & congratulations to all those students. But she is happy to still be in the game. She may be on the bench, but she’s not cut from the team yet!

And congratulations @rickle1 priorty waitlist sounds even better!!

About Northwestern- It’s definitely not rolling admissions, sorry if that was unclear. I’ll try to clarify.

–The Director of the Communications Department (where theatre is housed) said that there are a certain number of spots in the theatre major and once it is full they won’t accept any more theatre majors. They cap the major. So if 150 theatre majors get in ED then it’s done. I don’t know how likely that is to happen, but it’s what he said. He also said that if you have any interest in theatre you should state theatre as your desired major when you apply, ED or RD. (I believe this was directed at people who might think they aren’t sure what they want to major in, so they figure they’ll declare later.)

–He also told us there is definitely an advantage to applying ED to NW. He broke down admissions percentages to show us you are more likely to be admitted ED and encouraged people to apply ED.

–He also said attending Cherubs in the summer could help you get in, though he pointed out that there is absolutely no guarantee and plenty of people attend Cherubs and don’t get in. Also, he said the teachers at Cherubs aren’t necessarily NW professors.

–The art supplement you can submit is like any other extra-curricular activity- they may see you more favorably as an applicant or they may not, but it isn’t required nor is it a major factor in admissions. One parent asked how they built a top Theatre program without auditions of any kind and he told us that their view was that the audition could be the best minute of a kid’s life so they don’t want to accept someone on that basis. He said they believe that intelligent people can make good theatre, so they’re looking for intelligent people.

We essentially stopped investigating NW after that, since it didn’t seem like the program my kid was looking for.

Congratulations to @NeensMom @MTDad2024 @IStressSoDWont on your Molloy Waitlists!! My D got Waitlisted too. Of course she wanted the “yes”, but we are thrilled that she is still in consideration!! @rickle1 congratulations on the Priority Waitlist!! That’s awesome!!

@AnxiousNovice I wrote my reply then had to step away before I posted it, so I didn’t read yours before I posted mine, but my understanding of the admissions process at NW is exactly the same as yours. They do not base decisions about admission into the theatre major on talent. In this way it is unlike Boston University or NYU where academic stats and artistic assessment are both factored into the admissions decision.

Also, congratulations on all the Molloy waitlists!

@PNWdrama Here’s a little bit on University of Wisconsin Stevens Point:

@MTdreamin How long between when you got the waitlist letter and then the acceptance letter last year?

Rereading some threads. Sorry if I sounded anything other than grateful about the Priority Waitlist. Certainly didn’t mean to. Was just curious if that was really a thing. Good luck to everyone

This process makes you crazy. Last week we got 5 "no"s (UNCSA, CCM Acting, CCM MT, Ithaca and Hartt) and the market tanked. Today’s the start of a better week.

@legitmt The last two years, I have known at least one kid to make it in off waitlist. One girl and one boy. Both of them happened in April or May, I think? (Seems like the girl was after May 1). I would reach out to them and let them know you are very interested in the program and it is your first choice. I think they have one more audition date this weekend, so it may be they are holding some spots for that audition and that may open things up after.

@upstaged Thank you for the link for UWSP! I was certainly surprised that they only take around 16 students…didn’t realize they were that small and selective.

@chrismill18 - Yes, NYU sends that every year to everyone. :slight_smile:

RE: the discussion on Northwestern: while they do not audition and the theater/MT supplemental material may not make a large difference in acceptance to the program, I do think it’s important to note that they DO look at the student’s extracurriculars and that MAY factor into their acceptance. For example, a student with great scores and GPA who was also president of the drama club, involved in charitable work via performing, possibly had professional experience, or otherwise was involved heavily in the arts would probably be accepted ahead of a student with the same scores/GPA with none of that extracurricular involvement. It’s not just academics they are looking for.

NW was one of my D’s top two schools, and we had NO idea how large their pool of ED acceptances was. When she got the WL letter and it stated that of the the projected class of ~2K freshmen, over 1K had been admitted ED already, we were flabbergasted. We didn’t know if that meant that half the theater admits were ED as well, but it definitely limited the amount of RD theater admits!

Congrats on all the Molloy waitlists. Quite a few kids including my D came off last year. I heard they got a lot more applications this year so fingers crossed for movement. If it’s your D or S’s top choice have them keep in close contact with Rebecca!

@rickle1 @NYKaren has a son at Nazareth and can likely answer any questions. Congrats. My D was waitlisted at Naz but committed to Molloy before she came off the waitlist. It seemed like a great nurturing school!

@NYkaren @NYYFanNowMTdad Yes! I remember NYKaren and Naz from last year. Accepted early on and peace out, boom, DONE!! That was so awesome!

@MaineMamaRed Last year my D received a waitlist email from Rebecca at Cap 21/Molloy on 3/1. (It didn’t say priority waitlist, just waitlist). My D responded by email and got a personal email back from Rebecca thanking her for responding and telling her she was a strong candidate. On 4/13 she received an email from Rebecca asking if she was still interested in remaining on the waitlist, which she again answered with an email “Yes.” On 4/17 she got an email acceptance into the program. Hope this helps with the timeline and congrats to you @MaineMamaRed , @IStressSoDWont , @MTDad2024 , @NeensMom , @rickle1 , @MTMamoo and @Lilybird4 on the waitlist emails! Also, there are awesome parents here on the Cap 21/Molloy school thread. They were very helpful last year in answering questions when my D was deciding on schools.

While we’re on the topic of waitlist, anyone know if there is movement on the OCU one?

Molloy - D - Also Waitlist – was anyone accepted?