Class of 2024 Nursing Admissions

@netpro I think the situation has more to do with corruption in politics and bad management in IL. I don’t think you can make any sort of blanket statement. Alabama has an even higher tax rate and they seem to do OK handing out merit. Also, lots of flagships that don’t need to hand out merit, don’t. And, you’re right about UIUC (our flagship), neither of my D even applied, and both will be at Big 10 schools for less $.

@bigmacbeth My Purdue student is studying engineering. No car and currently in Germany for 7 months. My SDSU Nursing D has a car for her hospital volunteering, volleyball tourneys, work, etc.

Hi everyone - very disappointed to learn today that my D was not accepted at SDSU. 4.15 GPA and 31 ACT…it has gotten beyond competitive to get in there. I’ll be curious to find out the stats/eligibility index of other students who are accepted. She still has a lot of other choices, but we live in San Diego and thought she would at least make the waitlist.

She did make it to the interview round at Cal State Fullerton…has anyone done the Kira interview before?

For West Coast, what have people heard about Seattle University versus Gonzaga or University of San Francisco direct entry BSN programs?

My son was accepted by SDSU. 4.0ish GPA and 35 ACT. Not sure about eligibility index.

Best of luck to your D on her Cal State Fullerton interview!

My son and I had toured USF. We like that the campus setting. It’s right next to the heart of the city, but the area is quiet and nice. Class size is small, and my son visited the sim lab and said it’s quite decent. They have an honors program, but I believe the deadline to apply is already past. We also like their emphasis on community service.

Sorry I don’t know much about Gonzaga and Seattle University, so cannot comment on them. However, another school in Oregon with very good nursing program is University of Portland.

Thank you for the info and congrats on the acceptance :slight_smile: 35 ACT is awesome!

@SA4465 I am sorry to hear about SD . We live in the Bay Area and many of the students in my daughter’s ROP nursing program go onto USF. Her teacher speaks very highly off it. We ruled it out because of cost and too close to home. I would check on the accommodation situation after freshman year. I don’t believe they guarantee more than one year of housing. Also in addition to ( and because of) the very high rents there is very sadly a real homeless crisis in the city. I would want to walk round the area quite extensively to see if your daughter feels comfortable.
Best of luck with interview at Fullerton.

I agree on the cost…it’s $10k per year more than other options and we are having a hard time justifying that. I think it’s going to come down to ASU or maybe Xavier if none of the CA state schools come through.

SA4465 I think Seattle’s school has a good nursing school and great clinicals. And Gonzaga also has a great reputation and NCLEX pass rate. Tough on weather front for a girl from San Diego maybe? You will know at ASU you need to maintain a 3.5 GPA to stay in.
For my d when narrowing down her choices, I think she will decide on quality of nursing program ( NCLEX pass rate, retention rate, clinical opportunities and how they are awarded etc) and then look at school and location . I think your daughter has some great choices!

Thank you - that’s a great way to approach it!

@SA4465 My daughter was also rejected at SDSU - 4.17 CSU GPA, 32 ACT, and 4782 EI. I can only guess that it was a very competitive applicant pool.
SDSU was her first choice, but now Seattle University is the top contender (location, program, and price). The complication with SU is that she hasn’t visited the campus, and our April 5 trip to Admitted Students Day may be jeopardized by COVID-19 (SU moved all of its courses online for the remainder of their quarter). We’d love to hear from anyone with any knowledge/experience about Seattle University and its nursing program.
My daughter is also still waiting to hear from UC Irvine.
Best of luck to your daughter in her interview at Fullerton!

@mmagnu and @SA4465 Seattle University is holding events for admitted students in CA this month - there are two near us on 22 and 23 March. I know they have an event in San Diego around same time. Not same as a school visit but better than nothing since very little about school or nursing program on CC. I am also planning to reach out to CA admissions counselor to ask him to answer some specific questions. I did see NCLEX rate is a bit low at only 84.5 percent for 2019 with 125 out of 148 passing. The year before was higher at 92.5.

Excited to share that the admitted students day yesterday sealed the deal and D20 will be going to Clemson next year. The honors college reception was very informative and she definitely wants to live in those dorms if she can get a spot. We just paid the deposit and she also finalized her roommate today so it’s feeling very real now!

Hello, I have a 4.08 CSU/3.8 UW/4.44 W GPA and a 1400 SAT score. Out of the nursing programs I have applied to, I had gotten accepted by MSMU, USF, APU, SPU, Biola, and CSUSM/LA/LB (pre-nursing). I got waitlisted at SDSU and currently have an interview for CSUF. As of now, I am going to APU; they have a very reputable program alongside with a very small class size and cohort system.

@kuyanoah Congrats on all the great options. Are you a So Cal resident?

Any NorthEast admitted students having trouble deciding? My D trying to decided between U of Delaware, UNH, Fairfield and St A’s. All direct admit. UNH and ST A’s have 100% NCLEX pass rates and preceptorships in Boston (but she did not want to apply to any Boston schools bc its so close to home) Fairfield and UD have 96% and still great programs. after merit Fairfield most expensive at 44k and St As is 34K. Anyone have any insight of UD nursing as she loved the campus and big college town feel. We are from MA and I think she would like to get out of New England for awhile. We do know it makes sense to stay near Boston if thats where she wants to end up, but understand why she wants a change of scenery too. Help?

Just replied to you on the parents’ forum! Prob makes more sense to discuss here.

@mebmama, my D was also accepted to Clemson Nursing, but the Future Tiger Day was canceled. Any insights you can provide would be greatly appreciated! Her other top choices are TCU, Creighton, and U of Portland. Thanks!

Did anyone hear yet from UC Irvine?