Class of 2024 Nursing Admissions

@LGmomof2 Did you visit U of Portland? My son and I did a tour of the school, we liked what we saw.

@mmagnu Has your daughter heard back from UC Irvine?

@LGmomof2 - anything specific you want to know? Direct admit so your nursing spot is guaranteed as long as your take the required courses and get required gpa (2.5 I think?). Biggest thing to understand I think is the difference between the 2 cohorts, traditional and accelerated. This starts Jr year. Accelerated takes their nursing courses/sim labs in Greenville ( Clemson runs a shuttle) and they have courses in the summer after Jr year and graduate in Dec their senior year. You get to select a cohort preference but not guaranteed your first choice. Clinical hours are all over ( from Anderson to Spartanburg) and locations are not dependent on your cohort. All the other stuff was pretty similar to what we learned at other schools. Pretty packed curriculum with very little wiggle room. They do not recommend that nursing majors do a minor.

D20 only looked at schools in the SE so I’m not familiar with the programs at your other accepted schools. Just shout out if there are any other questions I can answer!

My daughter and I ‘attended’ the Creighton virtual admitted day yesterday. We have never been to Nebraska so not being able to visit is a big deal, but I thought they did a really good job of sharing information and giving my daughter a feel for the students who attend there and the values of the college. There was a great nursing session with 2 nursing students from sophomore and senior year and a panel of four nursing faculty. She also met more students later during a virtual college campus tour. She definitely came away with a good feeling about the students who attend Creighton.

Creighton is definitely set up for students who are travelling from out of state and they emphasized that most students will be the only one attending from their high school, so they have great supports in place , socially and academically, to help freshmen cope with the challenge of being far away from home. This was very reassuring.

I would really recommend signing up for virtual admitted days. We are following this up with a one on one talk with our admissions counselor later this week. also planning on attending the Seattle University day next week.

Review NCLEX pass rates. (96% at Creighton). Review curriculum and courses typically required. Are some faith courses acceptable? Note that Jesuit universities although not what I would consider “churchy” may require some service learning or volunteering as part of their courses. Would she be interested in study abroad? They have a possible RN/med school prep option as well.

@2bigkids Not yet. She just checked her portal, and the status is still “pending.” Do you know if UC Irvine has started to release nursing decisions?

@mmagu: UCI released some decisions last Friday and some decisions have just posted. Check the portal.

@mebmama, Did Clemson say anything about the retention rate from Freshman to Junior year? I am a bit concerned they weed students out Freshman and Sophomore year.

My daughter is wait-listed for UCI…but I don’t think they waitlist for the nursing school so that might just be for the school and then you have to reapply in November. I can’t find any good information and I can’t reach anyone at the school.

But, she just got her acceptance to Cal State Fullerton…yay!!! After the rejections from UCLA and San Diego State, this is great news :slight_smile:

Congrats on her acceptance to Cal State Fullerton!! :slight_smile: My son got rejected at both UCLA and UCI, but that was expected. Both school have acceptance rate of about 2%…


They didn’t and it wasn’t something that was asked about during our session either. But I bet you could email and ask? As a direct admit program their clinicals spot is guaranteed (assuming they get a C in all nursing courses and have a 2.5 gpa overall - both of which seem on the low side to me!). I got the impression that they are so selective with admissions because of that. They are basically invested in you as a nursing student from day one.

Has anyone applied to Umiami or Uhawaii @ manoa ? If so what were your stats.

@elledd I remember someone on the thread applied to UHawaii so maybe they will answer your question. We visited UMiami last May but my daughter decided not to apply because she didn’t like the overall school. But the Nursing building still remains one of her favorites. Its a multi floor simulation hospital with large hospital style elevators to transport hospital beds. It looks exactly like you are in a hospital. I know that our neighbor applied there 2 years ago for Nursing. She had a 4.2 GPA and 33 ACT and was denied. It’s incredibly competitive (and really expensive). She was accepted to Clemson so decided to go there instead and loves it. Take a look at Clemson if you are interested in the South. I can’t remember if Clemson was on your list from the other thread. For Direct Admit Nursing programs, you’ll likely need to be above the avg stats for the overall school. Most of the Direct Admit Nursing programs are going to be be more competitive than the reg school stats. Download the app “College Hunch” if you haven’t already and start looking at all the schools you are applying to. It has great info and you’ll be able to see the avg stats on main page so you can start comparing. Be sure your list is balanced. (Reach, Target, and Safety schools) I think I remember seeing a lot of Reach schools on your original list (but I could also not be remembering correctly!). Good luck!

@elledd - My DD is freshman at U Miami Nursing. She had very strong stats and great choice of schools. She loved U Miami more than any other nursing program - as @arkymommy states, the building is incredible and right on campus. She is loving the school and couldn’t be happier. It is super competitive - I think her class is only 45? Here are her stats:
ACT: 34
GPA: 3.8
Rank: N/A
Gender: F
APs 5
Extra Curricular: State qualified EMT

@lass71 , thanks for the feedback on Creighton. I wish we had visited, but we put it off to March to avoid the cold weather! We are doing the virtual ASD Monday. She is worried about leaving Northern CA for the cold! we did visit Seattle U last summer, but my D did not like the campus, felt it was too compact. I feel for these Seniors who have to make a choice without visiting some of the school they were admitted too, because I think the visit gives them an opportunity to see if it is a good fit.

@LGmomof2 I hope she finds the virtual day helpful. The presentations emailed are good as well. We also had a talk with the CA counselor separately via zoom. For a small school, they are at the heart of the Omaha community - 18,000 attend their basketball games. They are also very set up for kids from out of state and who don’t have anyone else attending from their high school.

I applied to 6 schools and heard back so I just wanted to update this thread with my decisions so far (I’m from MA)! My stats are 1500 SAT and 4.2 W GPA.


  • UMass Boston (honors and full tuition scholarship)
  • Fairfield ($20k/yr)
  • Northeastern ($20k/yr)
  • UMass Amherst (honors and ~$4k/yr)
  • BC


  • UPenn

Right now my top choices are UMass Amherst and Northeastern. I love NEU’s location / clinicals in Boston but I’d get around $80k debt (even with the $ I’d earn during co-ops) and I don’t want that hanging over my head as a nurse, especially since I want to go to grad school someday… If I go to Amherst I won’t have debt and I love their campus and small nursing program, but I’m kind of concerned about job opportunities after graduation because I’d be doing clinical in rural western MA. NEU has a better “name” but I’m not sure that matters as much when it comes to nursing (?) Does anyone have advice?

You will find a job no matter what college you go to. I highly recommend you go to the school that will give you the least amount of debt.

@nursing20 my husband and I are both experienced RNs. My best advice to you is to go where you will graduate with no or little debt. Undergraduate school prestige is practically meaningless in the nursing world. Hospitals generally don’t care where you went to school–they care about the BSN. In our 30+ years combined experienced, where we went to school has never mattered in either of our careers.

How much will Amherst end up costing you? I would most likely encourage my own daughter to attend Boston for the full tuition.

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@nursing20 The major Boston hospitals like to hire new nurses “seamlessly” meaning they prefer to hire them as aids in the summers, keep them for shifts in the winter and then hire them when they graduate. That’s the easiest way to get hired. If you go to Umass Amherst you can still work on getting a Boston summer job. If your parents live in the area you can then commit for the shifts during the year even if you live in Amherst. I do not remember now the exact amount of shifts but my daughter looked at it and it is doable (it is less than a shift a month and you can arrange the dates), Other ways to keep your presence in Boston is junior and/or senior year to get some type of internship in the Boston area. I know one of the Umass students got an internship at Lahey hospital during the year and it was doable because uperclass-students do not have classes every day. Anyway you can go to Umass Amherst and enjoy all that a flagship has to offer (the honors colleges, the interdisciplinary seminars, research, the consortium etc) and also find ways to connect with the Boston hospitals. On the other hand if you go to Umass Boston you will be able to get part time jobs early on and work while you study. Much easier to do this there. Depends on what you are looking for. There are always compromises. If you are a serious student that take advantage of the opportunities you will be successful in both cases.