Class of 2024 Nursing Admissions

Hi- my daughter also got into Seton Hall nursing and we visited campus before the new medical facility was open. We understood that most of the nursing programs would be on the main campus for the first two years, then they would start at the medical facility (about 20 minutes away) in their junior year. This may have changed. I heard the medical campus is amazing though.

The site seems to say that they hold all “MMI interview” candidates until January and evaluate them all at once. But do they hold ALL acceptances until then too? In other words, are there any that have already been accepted (some will be accepted without the interview)? If so, the rest are either going to be/have been invited to interview, and then I assume the rest will be denied at a later date.

@mnjjacobs Re: admissions to UC and overall experience you can check with @bearcatfan . I believe her D is a 2nd year nursing student there.

I wanted to add that UC doesn’t send all nursing applicants the MMI. We didn’t get one a couple years back. My D was accepted at UC and Xavier. UC notified her in Dec about her acceptance but she had to wait until Jan to hear she was in the nursing program and to see what merit she was awarded.

We haven’t visited Seton Hall yet. Actually hoping to pair a visit with a basketball game because Seton Hall men’s basketball is supposed to be great this year and DD is a fan of big sports. I did see that the medical campus is not on the main campus. I’ve heard great things about the university generally and the merit award was great but I don’t know a lot about the strength of the nursing program.

Does anyone know the progression policy OVERALL minimum GPA requirement is for FAU? On their web site, it is not mentioned. It just says the student needs “Successful completion of all nursing courses and required courses in the BSN curriculum is defined as a C or better or a grade of satisfactory (S)” I have emailed with no response.

@Banker1 that’s great info! Thank you!

When my daughter did her MMI at Cincinnati two years ago the dean told us they were moving towards making all candidates do the interviews. Hers was the first year they’d had interviews. That year, at least, there were some who were automatically accepted by admissions (perhaps there was a test score cut-off). Many, many more had interviews and I believe most of them were accepted.

The dean got peppered with questions from parents about the interviews, and I think they really take them seriously as part of the admissions process. It would make sense that they are holding all admission results until the end of January, since they are still interviewing. My daughter didn’t even hear about a UC acceptance of any kind until she was accepted into the nursing program.

My daughter has sat on student panels for the MMIs this year as a student ambassador.

I am an admin for the UC parents facebook page and we had a lot of kids this year who were offered admission to pre-nursing either at main campus or Blue Ash. That is after a fairly nightmarish scenario where they over admitted and only had something like 22 spots open for sophomore year pre-nursing. I think they’ve tightened things up to leave more room for transfers and pre-nursing.

But as good as UC is, I would advise you to not go into pre-nursing. Take a direct admit elsewhere and run.

Does anyone have any experience with Baylor Nursing? My daughter is looking at additional options in TX to apply RD (besides TCU which we keep reminding her is reach). I know that it’s 2 years at the Waco campus (or another accredited university) then 2 years at the Dallas campus. She likes the warmer climate, big city clinical options, and the fact that its closer to home. She looked at Baylor originally but then dismissed it due to the fact that you have to move to finish Nursing school (and that its not Direct Admit). We are going to call the school of Nursing today to find out more info on # of applications, # admitted, etc. But just wondered if anyone has heard any experience on the transition between campuses, the program or any other helpful tidbits. Thank you!

Daughter accepted into Clemson nursing (direct admit) over the Thanksgiving break with scholarship money! (Applied 8/1). She is in-state, top 3% of a class of 315 students, 3.9 unweighted, 5.2 weighted, IB Candidate (full load of 8 AP/IB classes junior and senior year), SAT 1400/ACT 31. Retaking SAT this weekend for more scholarship money. She is thrilled!

@SAD1010 I just noticed your question above regarding FAU and overall GPA requirement. Not sure if you ever heard back from FAU. We’ve only visited FAUs campus but we were unable to attend a Nursing info session there. I can tell you that I asked a similar question when we visited SLU. They do not state a min GPA requirement either. (other than maintaining “C” or better in Nursing courses) SLU told us that there is no specific GPA requirement to continue to progress into the clinical part of the Nursing program. (I do have to assume that students would meet min passing grades required by the University) So I wonder if FAU is the same? Their website says “The first semester freshmen year, students are in Nursing!”

Interestingly enough, I was talking to my husband about something similar last night. I said really I think there are 3 admission categories of Nursing schools:

  1. Non Direct Admit
  2. Direct Admit Hybrid -> admitted as Freshman but must maintain a certain GPA to progress to Clinicals -> EX - 3.0, 3.25 or 3.5 are min thresholds stated at different Nursing programs
  3. Direct Admit -> admitted as Freshman and as long as student is meeting overall university's GPA requirements, they continue in the Nursing program

@arkymommy I would add a fourth category: pre-admit but still must apply. Doesn’t guarantee a spot. That is how University of Kentucky handles it. We loved how the hospital is literally on campus, but still not worth the stress (for my daughter) of not having a direct admit.

@bearcatfan So there are some admitted to “pre-nursing” and not direct admit? I feel like I’m missing something here. We haven’t heard one word about her application. Any advice?
She visited Xavier Monday and LOVED it, but still thinks she wants a big school with football experience if given the choice…

@mnjjacobs Per the Cincinnati website, it appears that some students are admitted to a pre-nursing or undeclared major:

Application Deadlines

The early acceptance deadline is Dec. 1 of high school students’ senior year. Applications are not accepted beyond that date. As a recommendation, students who want to be considered only for a nursing degree track should choose, “Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies - Nursing Preparation” as their second choice for a major and “Exploratory Studies” as their third choice.

And every direct admit school acts as a school with pre-nursing for those who don’t get in directly from high school. They are basically ‘deferred’ to their sophomore year where they can try again. At least, I’m not aware of any schools that only have direct admit.

@bigmacbeth Marquette is direct admit only - if you don’t get as direct admit / freshman you cannot apply later. (And if you apply to nursing and don’t get in you are also outright rejected instead of getting accepted to the school’s general population).

@mnjjacobs Cincinnati is a hybrid - most students are admitted as direct admits freshmen year, while others are pre-nursing. They save spots for sophomore year for students to either transfer in from other schools or apply from pre-nursing.

You’d have to call the school to find out the numbers. As I mentioned earlier, they grossly miscalculated the numbers for this sophomore year. Several kids my daughter knows either changed their majors or transferred.

FWIW, when she applied my daughter had no backup major and picked nursing two or three times every place she was asked on the UC application, lol. As she said to me last week, she has no Plan B for her life other than nursing.

I understand Xavier has a new health sciences building that houses nursing - that was just being built when she toured. Xavier doesn’t have football, but they always have a pretty good basketball team. If she goes there, she will probably do clinicals at a lot of the same places the UC students do them.

In terms of advice, I would have a strong second choice and be happy with it. My daughter was prepared to go to another school - and really liked it, to the point of putting down a housing deposit and applying to their honors program - until UC came through. You might get good news, you might not. I’ll hope you get good news!

I’m a senior who just applied to 8 nursing schools early action in September (UConn, Penn State, Fairfield U, UMass Amherst, URI, U of South Carolina, UNH, and UDel). I am a CT resident. My first pick is UConn, but I don’t hear back until March because they don’t have EA. Ugh. Anyway, here are my stats:

SAT: 1410
GPA: 4.14
All honors, 4 AP, heavy on sciences including AP Bio, H Chem, Anatomy and Physiology, Advanced Health, Physics
Extracurricular: Volleyball Captain, Lacrosse, NHS, 90 hour Internship at Cancer Institute, NHS, Camp Counselor and babysitter, 3 clubs involving volunteer work

So far I have only heard from UDel and was accepted int their nursing program. The others should be released soon. Good luck to everyone!

Ok, what I meant by hybrid was probably not the best term. I reworded and added @Finalthree suggestions of pre-admit. My goal in outlining these is so that a parent or student looking thru the forums next year, might find this helpful in navigating the application process. If there are other options, feel free to add.

  1. Non Direct Admit
  2. Direct Admit w Specific Requirements -> admitted as Freshman but must maintain a certain GPA to progress to Clinicals -> EX - 3.0, 3.25 or 3.5 GPA thresholds stated at different Nursing programs -> EX - ASU 3.5 min GPA, Univ Cincy 3.0 min GPA
  3. Direct Admit -> admitted as Freshman and as long as student is meeting overall university's GPA requirements, they continue in the Nursing program
  4. Pre-Admit w Specific Requirements and Reapplications -> EX - Univ of KY maintain 3.6 GPA and then apply to Nursing (but guaranteed a spot)


This is the reply I got from Justin Viegeljn, Director of Recruitment, Univ Cincinnati, College of Nursing when I inquired this summer. Don’t give up hope as it sounds like some applicants are admitted without interview.

"The University of Cincinnati College of Nursing is a direct admission BSN program for incoming freshmen. The UC Admissions Office conducts a holistic review of all our applicants, which means that instead of strictly looking at quantitative data, we are also looking at qualitative data. GPA and test scores are always very important, however the College of Nursing will also consider the students’: personal statement, essay, nursing essay, co-curriculars, recommendation letters, awards/accolades, work/volunteer experience, and a possible interview.

To be admitted into the BSN program as a freshman, we recommend applicants have at least a 23 ACT (or 1070 SAT) and at least a 3.0 high school GPA, and then the qualitative information will be looked at to further determine if the student receives direct admission status or not. We will be looking at well-written essays, letters of recommendation, leadership and involvement in co-curriculars, and proof that they’ve “researched” the health field. …We do not release our admissions decisions until mid-January. "

D20 was admitted to FAU and Towson (pre nursing) waiting on several more… Any input on FAU?