Class of 2024 Nursing Admissions

Currently in high school and trying to decide now between the schools I have gotten accepted to. Is a direct admit really worth It if I didn’t love the school? The school I am dreaming of is MSU and I haven’t heard back about the nursing scholars program yet. Any advice is much appreciated! Thanks!

user_779237 Maybe you saw my comment above. My D was recently admitted to the MSU Nurse Scholar program. I couldn’t find any timeline for announcements, so I would give it some more time. I think a direct admit is pretty important, overall, but you have to decide what is more important to you: The school or an admit to nursing. The MSU program sounds great. There’s no pressure to make a decision yet, so wait a little while for a decision from MSU. My D20 wants a big school experience, so luckily 3 of the Big Ten schools have direct admit programs. Good luck with MSU. If your stats are good, you have a chance.

@bbb4856 My D20 applied to a lot of the same schools as you. She was accepted to UDel which was her first choice most of last year. I thought she’d be so excited, and she kind of was, but now she says she thinks UConn is first choice. I’m interested to know what makes UConn your #1? Thanks!

@arkymommy I have applied to SUNY Binghamton and Stony Brook. Got accepted to Stony Brook (but don’t know if they allowed me to do Pre-Nursing since I changed my major after I sent in application). I got in SBU b/c of an interview process at my school. As for Bing, I waiting for RD decisions.

We have the same questions regarding Baylor and the transition to the medical campus in the junior year.

Update: I was accepted into Quinnipiac today with a $26,000 a year Trustee scholarship! I’ll keep updating once I hear back from my other schools! ?

@futurenurse1224 Congrats!

Hi there! I am in-state in CT, so UConn being the cheapest surely helps for me. I definitely like that they are a direct admit program as well. They are also connected through UConn health and many of the hospitals in Hartford, so there are limitless opportunities for internships and hands on work. They’re also generally close to campus so traveling to hospitals isn’t a very far trip which is nice. My cousin is a current senior in the nursing program and she loves it there. My mom has a friend who is a nursing professor and she said they receive about 2500 applicants and they have room for 100, but I’m assuming this is similar to most of the big state schools that have nursing programs. I hope this helps and good luck to your daughter! :slight_smile:

Are you OOS?

Recently accepted into UDel, UMass Amherst, U of South Carolina, and URI

hi these are the nursing schools i have been accepted to :

  • university of alabama (20k)
  • umass lowell (honors + half in state tuition)
  • quinnipiac (28k + invitation to apply to honors)
  • uvm (17k presidential) -umaine (in state tuition ? i’m not sure) -unh (not sure yet)

waiting on

  • umichigan
  • uw madison
  • umass amherst
  • fairfield
  • st. a’s
  • uconn
  • villanova
  • salem state
  • emory
  • unc @ chapel hill
  • boston college
  • clemson
  • pennstate

thank god for these forums or else i would have no place to be anxious. just remember we are all going through this together. and we will end up where we are supposed to be!!! and we will be in college having fun and getting a nursing degree anywhere we go. good luck to everyone who has applied!! and congrats on everyone who has gotten accepted!!!

Great list! Do you mind sharing stats?

3.85 UGPA
1400 SAT
770 english subject test
740 math
5 APS (AP BIO, AP Physics, AP Stats, AP lang and comp, and AP literature)all other classes honors
200 + hospital volunteer hours w presidential award
Spanish Club + Spanish exchange trip
4 year lacrosse
4 year track
3 year field hockey w captainship
internship at aquarium (cleaning up beaches)
waitressing job for a year
art awards + classes
thats about it!

also deferred from umichigan nursing, sadly, although i think it was because i had a very poor first quarter grade in my stats class, which was not normal for me, but now i have an A+, so maybe i can get in next round, hopefully, maybe :slight_smile:

Your stats are awesome though you definitely have many acceptances on the way don’t worry!!! What’s your top pick?

@bnursing55 thank you!! probably between uconn, umass amherst, and boston college. wbu?

Uconn as well!! I know they get around 2500 applicants and have room for around 100. How many do you think they would accept!? Admissions for nursing is always tough though!!

@bnursing55 when i toured i’m pretty sure they said 205. i think it’s v similar to umass. hope we both get in!!

I read somewhere that UMass Amherst has 69 seats for their program. So to those accepted -big time high five!

BC has 110 or so. Approx. A nice feature is all Connell school of nursing students receive 4 years guaranteed on campus vs 3. This is only reserved for a fraction of the scholarship athletes, the top 10 percent of admitted students, as well as the 15 Gabelli scholars. It’s a big benefit. 6 to 1 clinical ratio. Looks great to me.

So many great choices, you only need one.

Best of luck to all.

D20 was accepted to CWRU Nursing today. We are all in shock tonight, here in our house. This was a reach.

She’ll sign up for ASD and check it out. Visited once before, more than a year ago, but it didn’t feel real at the time and she didn’t do thorough due diligence.

She got a small scholarship. It’s still very expensive and far away (we are in MA) but she’s rather excited. And scared.

This site has been very helpful, so I’m hoping that our information can help others.

My D20’s stats:

GPA - 3.93 UW, 4.51 W
ACT - 32
APs - Calculus, Biology, Chemistry
Decent extracurriculars
Volunteer at family practice clinic
Bilingual Spanish/English
California resident

Westminster (Salt Lake City) - unknown merit
Xavier - $28,000 + books
Seattle University - $28,300
Regis University (Denver) - $19,000

University of Portland
UC Irvine
San Diego State