Class of 2024 Nursing Admissions

@TimeFlies2 my D20 was also accepted to CWRU last night, though they only offered $10K scholarship and since we don’t qualify for any financial aid their calculated yearly price tag after the scholarship was $64K/year, very hard to justify the cost with many other options on the table, feels like I wasted $ on the CSS profile :slight_smile:

We visited the campus during summer and we liked it, though it was not my D’s favorite.

D20’s info

UTK - 15k merit per year
Clemson - merit TBD
U of SC - merit TBD
Appalachian State

Only waiting on UNC-CH and to hear back from on all the honors/ scholarship apps in Feb/March.

WGPA: 4.8
ACT: 30
Lots of activities including Student Council officer, clubs, lacrosse, service, PT job etc.

Feel like she has some good options and we probably need to do another visit or two to help narrow things down.

Is northeastern direct admit nursing for bsn or do you have to take a test junior year/maintain a gpa

I agree that this site has been very helpful, so I also want to share my story (which I think I did earlier in this thread, so bare with me if this is repetitive.). We were very nervous applying to direct admit nursing programs, and really didn’t expect acceptances to any of them. My daughter has very modest stats and zero ECs in the field. However, if a school took the time to dig into her grades, they would see that she excelled in all of her science classes, and has a lot of great qualities that you would want in a nurse (empathetic, listens well, great memory, etc). She applied to four direct admit programs, and was accepted to 3 out of the 4. Her stats: 3.56 (rounded up to a 3.6 for most schools) and a 26 ACT. Works part time, NHS, service hours (school requires to graduate), a few clubs but no leadership positions and one year long varsity sport. She wouldn’t let me edit her essay and I would say it was average. Two of the three schools she met with admissions reps which I believe made a difference, and all the schools touted their process as a holistic review. While they aren’t the “top” schools according to admissions and acceptance rates, they are still very solid and established. SO …my long way of saying, if you are reading this forum and the stats of all these very accomplished students are scaring you, don’t be scared! Really research the options and you will find a spot.

Hi! could you tell me what the 8 direct admit schools are? I want to do some research for the future applications

Ahhh fingers crossed!!!

@hannah0359 Maybe you were asking about someone else’s post quoting 8 direct admit schools but there are a lot more schools that Direct Admit across the country. Check out this forum below. There’s a list there and several have added more. As you are researching the Direct Admit schools, just pay attention to any minimum GPAs that the individual schools require to “keep your seat” so to speak. This varies quite a bit from school to school. They may or may not list it on the website but it can also be easily answered by a phone call to the Nursing school or during a visit to the school / Nursing session.

One stat that appears to be really scary when you read these posts are the number of spots each school has available for Nursing. Just remember even though a school may only have 100 or 150 spots, they will always accept a lot more than that knowing that the yield (or the number of students who actually accept) will be lower. A few of my D schools that have shared their numbers have been in the 25% yield range. (example - if they have 150 spots, they give offers to 600 students knowing that about 25% or 150 will eventually go there)

We will all be happy to share any experiences or answer questions as you move along in the application process. So feel free to post or PM any of us.

Heard back from all schools that D20 applied to except Sacred Heart which won’t be released until the end of January.

SAT: 1250
GPA: 94.4 / 100
Rank: 37 / 486
State Residency: NY
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Applied to all on 10/7

All Direct Admit Nursing – *Except Catholic Univ where students are admitted into the Nursing Exploratory Program. They need to meet min GPA requirements and pass the HESI Entrance exam sophomore year with at least 75%. I was told that they have room and admit ALL students who meet the requirements.

Sacred Heart University CT –
Fairfield University CT – Deferred to RD 12/19
Quinnipiac University CT – Accepted Nursing 12/12 $26,000/yr Trustee Award
Catholic Univ DC* - Accepted Nursing Explor Prog 12/17 $32,000/yr ($27k merit, $1k legacy, $4k parish)
Adelphi University NY – Accepted Nursing 11/25 on-site decision. Still waiting to hear about scholarship $
Molloy College NY – Accepted Nursing 11/4, on-site decision $16,500/yr
Duquesne University PA – Accepted Nursing 10/24, $18,000/yr ($14,000 merit and $4,000 housing)
West Chester University of PA – Accepted Nursing 10/24

It’s fun to read about these acceptances!

My daughter just finished her first semester of sophomore year at the University of Cincinnati (DA). In just one semester, she is thinking like a nurse especially after the great fundamentals class she had. Next semester she is doing her first clinical on a respiratory floor, and is looking forward to it.

Parents - you will be amazed at the difference in your kids once they start learning nursing (as opposed to anatomy, chemistry and the more general classes). Patho/pharm may produce a few tears but my daughter got a hard-earned A. I knew she would be a good nurse, but now that she’s halfway through her program I can actually see it happening and it’s exciting.

Students - you will work your tails off, even more than you think you will. Go to every supplemental instruction session, tutoring, anything you can. Flashcards are your friends, lol. Good nursing students have a hard time having fun because there is always studying to do. Nursing school is too hard to not love it. My daughter has no Plan B for her life, so that has helped get her through tough classes. At least at her school, the faculty is there to produce nurses, and are available for extra help. You just need to ask.

Awesome post, @bearcatfan

@arkymommy thank you so much for the info :slight_smile:

Hello All,

This thread has been awesome to read and CC in general has been an invaluable asset to us!! Best of luck to everybody!

DS 17 Illinois Resident

Accepted: Direct Admit into Nursing
SLU-VP Scholarship 23k/Yr.
TCU-Faculty Scholarship 20k/Yr.
Univ. of Pittsburgh

Univ. of Iowa- National Scholars 10k/Yr.

Decision Pending:
Emory Univ./Oxford College- EDII
Villanova Univ.-EA
Purdue Univ.-EA
Wash U-RD


Mmagnu my daughter was also accepted into Westminster and Xavier. Interested in your thoughts on these schools especially if you have visited them. Thank you .

@dvckennyd Congrats!! If you feel comfortable sharing, could you post your student’s GPA and ACT or SAT and any other relevant ECs? I always found this helpful in reading thru acceptances and trying to get a gauge of what it might take to get into each college.

Hey arkymommy… No problem!!
17 yo Son
SAT 1390
GPA 4.2 (weighted) 3.96 Non-Weighted
AP Courses: US Hist,Chemistry,Biology, and US Govt
Honors Courses: Chemistry and Anatomy and Physiology
Dual Enrollment class at local Community College- BNAT Basic Nurse Assistant Training
Summer Scholar Program at Washington Univ. in St.Louis( Anatomy&Physiology 5 Credit Hr w/ Lab and Lecture, A-)
EC"s: Marching Band,Pep Band, Advanced Symphonic Band, and member of some clubs(Amplify Christian Youth Group, Mu Alpha Theta,Friendship Connection, Med. Club)
NHS Member
Illinois State Scholar-Sr. Year
Volunteer at Local Hospital-Community Service

While the grades and overall academic numbers are competitive(and light years better than I ever achieved in HS lol…), the biggest “hook” I believe his applications have all had IMO, are the Dual Enrollment program and WashU Scholars Program Course he took this past Summer. Having an Official Transcript from a school like WashU to add to all of his admission files has really been beneficial for him.

More updates on the colleges I’ve heard from! I’m so excited!


  • UMass Amherst nursing (the favorite so far), honors invitation and $2000 dean scholarship
  • UMass Boston nursing, honors invitation and $10,000
  • Fairfield nursing, honors invitation and Magi Scholarship ($25,000)

Previously I also was accepted into Quinnipiac and UMass Lowell (I also posted abt this earlier on this thread).

And here are my stats again just so people don’t have to scroll all the way back if they want to take a look:

3.7 UW / 4.2 W
1530 SAT
MA Resident

  • Commended volunteer at local hospital
  • President of volunteer club
  • EIC yearbook
  • Founder of non-profit that is related to helping the homeless population
  • HOSA (future health leaders) member, won my category for the state last year and went to the international leadership conference
  • National Hispanic Scholar
  • NHS

And I want to be a nurse because of my own experience with a congenital disability and that’s what my common app essay was about.

I’m still waiting on:
Boston College

@dvckennyd, Thank you for sharing stats. Any other advice? Interested in Iowa. What Thanks

@hawkeye3030 What would you like to know about Iowa? They do have a direct admit program. My D20 is still waiting. The notification date for early admission is 2/1 I believe. I’d post stats, but they aren’t too relevant until D20 has been admitted. :smile:

@bigmacbeth I saw that @dvckennyd posted admitted to Iowa already. I was curious about the admission process and how they were notified already.

Did you get a chance to visit? Just looking to learn more or any tips. It is a top choice. Where else did your student apply?

@bearcatfan Sorry if I missed it. Do you know the general stats for students who are accepted direct admit. I saw the minimum but I know most schools are more competitive than their minimum. Also, what is the campus like etc? My daughter has been looking at the maps etc. She has been hearing a lot of good things about it. The Children’s Hospital is a big draw.