Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

I just got my preferred school of information decision yesterday! I was accepted ea tho

Hello. I recently received the May-Walt Science Scholarship for LSA. It is quite a decent amount. Does anyone know what this is about?

anyone know anything about ross waitlist

For your stats

Accepted April 3
33 act
93 gpa (upward trend due to issues in beginning of HS)
No APS (due to same issue)
Have to take 2 summer classes at Michigan before fall term

Stats are low but I have good and unique EC. Shows that anything is possible!!!

Just got accepted off the waitlist. Not a moment too soon. Was going to accept Lehigh today!

D20 accepted LSA yesterday - truly surprised by timing!!! Couldn’t be happier!!
UGPA: 3.86; no WGPA at her school
SAT: 1500
APs: 5 total - 4s and 5s
No SAT subject tests - she refused?
Lots of leadership positions and involvement in clubs
Varsity basketball
Rock Climbing team
Scholastic Writing Competition - multiple national level medals
NASA intern
Solid LORs

After the March waitlist, D20 let AO know that UMich was #1 choice and would attend if accepted.

Good luck to students still on waitlist - this has been a long and stressful ride from EA deferment to waitlist to acceptance yesterday. Keep hope alive!!

Congratulations to all that got accepted off the waitlist!!!

accepted off waitlist
compsci college of engineering


95 wgpa (i think around a 3.9 uw)
34 act (35eng,31math,34readd,36science)
submitted no sat subject tests. took them but bombed bc I was too lazy to study

i think i had an upward trend in grades throughout hs. my senior year grades were my best yet so definitely work hard first semester


founded a club that teaches kids how to program
4 years varsity soccer, track
vice president of philosophy club
self-taught programmer
independent machine learning research
app developer
created mini skateparks around my county
made mountain bike trails at a local mtn
a lot of independent stuff

i think the thing that pushed me over the edge was my loci that i sent to my regional admissions officer after i got waitlisted; i mentioned how i had been a programming software for my own startup company for the past few months and went into that for a bit. i wasn’t able to include it in my applications because i started the company mid-december. also mentioned how i think i’d contribute to the community at Michigan and that i’d enroll if accepted.


i hate reading these accepted posts because all of them come across as super pretentious. but honestly a lot of them put into perspective the things that you should have to get accepted to an elite school, and the kind of people you’re going against. if you’re reading this as a prospective student then just take these kind of posts with a grain of salt. formulate your own opinion and create ur own story in your application.

College isn’t the end of the world, and a lot of the tippy top colleges like the ivies only choose applicants that know or think they know, exactly what they want to do for the rest of their life. This is because these applicants have a very clear goal in their mind for their life that they worked towards through high school. When you, me or anyone has a goal, it is easy to see which steps one has to take in order to achieve a goal. The hard part is having the self-discipline to be determined and perseverant enough to pursue those steps. For someone who completes these steps, their application is drooled over by ivies because they have the perfect EC’s and the perfect grades and a compelling story that shows they have the potential for success or has had past successes–which in turn helps the college’s reputation. For a 17 or 16-year-old kid beginning to apply to college, having a clear goal in mind for the rest of their life is a hard thing to do. For all the smart kids out there that didn’t get into your dream college, don’t sweat it, you probably just don’t have everything figured out yet, and that’s ok.

Just do what you want to do. I like to code, but i did most of my programming in my free time, and it wasn’t something blatantly advertiseable to colleges. In fact, going into senior year, I worked on several projects that were blatantly advertiseable to colleges just to look good on paper. I should mention though that these projects were the culmination of skills that I had accumulated over 8 or so years of teaching myself how to code. Moreover, I have some friends who have done some serious coding internships and were accepted to good schools. These internships consisted of them printing things and delivering coffee because no company would in their right mind hire a high schooler to actually code. However, these internships look great on paper; much better than my freelance programming.

Applying to colleges is a joke. Smart kids get in, dumb kids get in, smart kids get rejected, dumb kids get rejected. I don’t blame the process, its extremely hard to parse exactly who a person is through their application. Clear, precise applications are easy admits because its easy for an admissions officer to read the person through it. However, someone who is intellectually curious, and tries many different things, but never divulges deep enough into them to win some award, has a lesser chance of getting into these elite colleges because they don’t have a clear and concise story to articulate. And in my opinion, I enjoy being around people like the latter applicant more.

A lot of what I said is probably self-evident, and I don’t mean to type a super huge post. Getting accepted into Michigan Engineering felt really good and put the cap on the college process for me. It sucked and I wouldn’t repeat it. thanks, college confidential, for always inducing anxiety in me whenever a wave of decisions rolls out and for always reminding me that somewhere, there are 100 more qualified applicants than I. if you read this far, thanks.

Good luck to those still waiting.

Question to the experts:

I came to know that some universities say that incoming freshman students must NOT take any course in the summer, after they graduate from high school.
if they do so, they become “Transfer student” to the 4-year college 
 .and their Fall-freshman-admission gets jeopardized!!!

Can any experts comment on what is the policy for University of Michigan?

I have sent an email to the Admissions office and College of Engineering 
 but, yet to hear back from them

I would just wait for your answer from Michigan. Get it from the horses mouth instead of good intentioned advice
Maybe they will relax their rules due to covaid.

Son accepted off of the waitlist last week to CoE and could not be happier! Question does U Mich send any kind of welcome/acceptance snail mail after acceptance? Or is everything online?

Congrats. You get a snail mail packet to frame the acceptance and other good information. He will love it. My son just finished his Junior year. BTW-be careful what you wish for
 It’s a tough school. Get ready. Lol.

My son received an email yesterday inviting him to be considered for the Sport Management Immersion Program. This appears to be a new program U of M is launching where students begin in January 2021 and then take an extra Spring semester before joining up with the rest of the class in the Fall of 2021. They will graduate on time in 2024. Confirming interest in this must be done by June 1 and removes him from the wait list for Fall 2020. They will notify students by July 1.

while U of M was his “dream”, he was deferred and then waitlisted. He’s accepted a spot at UMass Amherst with a great scholarship, found a roommate, taken placement exams, etc. Although life is on pause, he feels he has moved forward. He sort of feels like a second class citizen that U of M keeps dragging along and is not sure he’s interested in trying again.

Thoughts? Curious how many students they reached out to for the Sport Management Immersion Program. The email said there are 50 spots. Wondering if they reached out to hundreds, thousands, etc. U of M, like many schools, is hedging the financial loss due to COVID-19 and students, dropping out, deferring, etc.

My daughter received the same opportunity. I did read that until they are accepted into that program, they are still on the waitlist for regular admission in the fall. Here is what the FAQ’s said:
“Yes. If you choose to be considered for the SMI Program, your application will still remain active on the waitlist for Fall 2020 consideration.”

She is in-state and is happy with her second choice at this point but considering that the fall might be a bit crazy this year for all college students, this option might actually be great.

@JenniferLAS @Ehpmom Did both your kids apply to the school of kinesiology before receiving this invitation?

Yes, he had applied to School of Kinesiology Sport Management Major.

Yes- applied regular decision to Sports Mgmt.

So interesting that Michigan is offering a deferred admission start date. Don’t believe I have seen that before.

ANyone from waitlist got off for UMICH or Urbana??

@tenseMom expect for the wave about a week ago, so far I don’t think there has been any acceptances off the waitlist