Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

Let’s hope that those stats are similar to those posting this year!! Although not everyone will post a rejection, but still. Michigan is still my daughters top choice, but agree with others that they drag things out too much for these kids in EA all to save the yield.

I would think most schools would offer kids with better stats and achievements first Crack to go there but if you just look at the wait list the last few years there are many very high stat kids with amazing achievements every year. It’s surprising to me every year who is rejected. Since the stats look pretty much the same. Honestly, with students applying to 10 and more colleges yearly, this is what we get. Just too many amazing candidates. I think if you literally closed your eyes, didn’t read one application and just randomly picked students that applied to Michigan, you would have a great freshman class.

Don’t take any acceptance, denial, wait list or rejection personally. There is a bit of luck to this whole process at any school.

Good Luck.

Count on February 1st. It seemed that they are trying to coordinate what they are doing. Feb 1st is also the day for transfer deadline to Michigan for cross campus transfer. Last year or two I think LSA, Ross and Cross campus transfers found out some information on the same day. They using a new system this year so will be interesting to see what becomes from it.

A bit confused here. February 1st is the deadline to submit the LOCI for the deferred students (from EA). Is this also somehow the date for the first wave of RD decisions?

@ElenaParent Yes @sushiritto has posted stats early on in this thread that many deferred applicants hear around 2/1. Last two years many deferred students even got in without submitting mid year grades and/a LOCI. Note that this is first year of a formal way to submit a LOCI and a new portal for admissions so this could change things completely or they could continue as past years. The LOCI was not mandatory so it could happen again that some will get in without submitting it. I think only the portal has changed but process is the same and deferred students will hear around 2/1. Historically there are no denials on 2/1 and very few RD’s hear, they focus first on their EA pool as they have shown the strongest interest in Michigan.

I was wondering if getting in after being deferred is pretty common? I’m OOS and know that if you get deferred at schools like UPenn and Gtown, that’s basically a rejection. However, I haven’t heard much news/statistics about Michigan regarding an applicant and their chances after being deferred.


Do not send anything extra to your Michigan AO by email this year after postponement. Just mid-term grade report from your counselor (check to be sure they get that out) and the continued interest essay. Nothing else. They are not allowed to use it, Michigan wants everything streamlined this year. AO’s have not been receptive of materials sent via email after postponed decisions.

@schmendy27. Yes, like 1/2 their freshman class get accepted after EA… Stayed tune…

I emailed my AO with an update on my interest and grades and they responded very nicely. It can’t hurt, and may put your name in their head…


After the postponement?
Glad it went well, I have not heard the same from other deferred applicants who tried to update AFTER postponement. Before friendly response, after reminded of the 250 word & grades being the only acceptable expression of continued interest.

Yes, after I had already sent in my grades and LOCI form on Enrollment Connect. The reps response mentioned that they received both and look forward to reviewing them soon. Honestly it probably didn’t help but it definitely didn’t hurt my chances…

This is conventional wisdom for sure. But then a majority of remaining RD (EA deferred plus post 11/1-RD) applicants are likely coming from the EA deferred pool. Post 11/1-RD applicants are a smaller pool of applicants.

Coming from CA and applying to several UC’s, hearing anything from UMich before mid-to-late March seemed like a blessing to us.

I’ll repeat this posting again.

Below are the Ross BBA decision release dates. LSA and CoE seemed to follow along with the Ross BBA dates, for the most part, for their release dates as well.

Ross releases at 5:00 PM EST on Fridays. LSA and CoE have released, in the past, on Friday, 12:01 AM EST. Thursday night for us West Coasters. But we don’t know if that will hold true with Enrollment Connect this year.

@FoxRulz this is very reassuring, thank you!

I thought the same! Feb 1 LOCI due for deferred applicants and at the same time postponed applicants are usually in the Feb 1 pool?!
My son got his in last week. Makes no sense to wait until the deadline especially if borderline. Too good of an opportunity to pass up. I know some will get in w/o, but it may help others!!

Can decisions come out between the 3 waves?

@hmilo394. Yes and they do but sorta like small trickles of acceptances. But remember. These threads are just a microcosm of the real world.

You say it makes no sense to wait. Sometimes there is sense. MY kid applies for a dual program, one part in Engineering, another in Architecture. They have a way of applying to this program when you go for EA with Engineering, and then do portfolio for Architecture by February 1. That’s what my kid did, - applied EA for Engineering, marking that dual program, promising to submit portfolio by Feb 1. After deferral, my kiddo is working on the portfolio, and it seems it makes sense to submit LOCI and portfolio at the same time.

Personally I see no reason to wait in that scenario. If he is waiting on submitting his portfolio Feb 1 then he won’t be read for the Feb 1 first wave anyhow. So it probably doesn’t matter in your situation. Only reason I see where waiting to submit is a benefit is awards announced late Jan that can be updated on the LOCI. Best of luck!

Seems like everyone on the EA thread was deferred or accepted. Anyone know the stats on % rejected? Also anyone have any intel on kinesiology EA admission stats for this yr . (Deferred OOS, kinesiology, no “x” or line item for fall grades)