Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

Hello My son had applied for EA and his decision was postponed. He does not have any X expect this message under the decision postponed tab.
We have decided to postpone making a decision on your application at this time and your application will be moved into our regular decision pool for consideration. Your high school counselor should submit any new Fall-term grades that are available on your behalf through the Common Application/Coalition Application.

Thank you for completing your Expression of Continued Interest form.

All final admissions decisions of admit, deny, or waitlist will be made no later than early April, 2020.

One more question. He completed LOCI on Jan 1st week and guess what last week he has been named as top 300 scholars in Regeneron STS. After checking with his school counselor he emailed AOS at UMISCH with STS update and certificate. I hope it does not hurt his chances because he emailed, any input will be appreciated. Also about the X theory since we donā€™t see any X what does that mean for him?Applied for COE.


No X either and my son just checked again this morning. Does anyone who was postponed w/o an X originally have one now?

Can someone explain to me the X theory for deferred applicants?

@stultussum just go back through the EA discussion board & you will find the link to check. It was accurate for all in EA.

I wrote this in the early action thread but I wanted to see if anyone who applied RD experienced this:

I donā€™t know if this happened to anyone else, but last Thursday my Enrollment Connect changed for a period of about four hours in the morning (around 8-12). It was white and there was a top bar that looked like the wolverineaccess website or the U-M website. After I saw that I checked that checklist link from earlier in this thread (from 12/19) and it was vertical instead of horizontal. But after noon it returned to normal. Iā€™ve been reading this thread for a while and no one has written anything about it. Iā€™m curious to if this has happened to anyone else. I may be thinking too much into this but let me know if anyone had this!

@Southrncrss - I would be curious about those stats as well. My son was also a deferred Kines OOS applicant without an X for fall grades. I was wondering about the lack of an X, but I wonder if that means they donā€™t need updated grades for him or if they are aware that the grades from his school would not be available by the Feb 1st date. His fall term grades are not finalized and distributed until 2/13

Nobody w/o the X on CC was admitted in EA. That doesnā€™t mean it will work for RD or could be too soon to show up? Not sure. Does anybody who was postponed from MI EA now have the X?
That is what we need to know.

@2022soon I guess Iā€™m confused about the X. I know that there was an X for those accepted asking for finalized transcripts, but I thought the X for fall grades was needed by deferred students for further review of their transcript. So, my question I guess isā€“are there two areas for completing (ie the X) or is it specific just for those that were accepted for EA? Therefore, those who are deferred don not have an X for fall grades at all.

This is the link to the checklist that people are referring to. On the day that EA released decisions - students who had an X next to ā€œFinal Transcriptsā€ were all accepted. If you didnā€™t have the X here - you were either deferred or rejected.

If this theory holds on the next wave - regular decision folks who are accepted will see an X appear in their check list asking for FINAL Transcripts.

Good luck all. If anyoneā€™s list changes to include this X please post here.

The question is do the fall grades (with an X) mean anythingā€¦I would surmise that they doā€¦but just a guessā€¦for the record I dont have one LOLā€¦

@LocoTaco There are some who are deferred who have a line that says ā€œFall Gradesā€ with an X in front of them and some who do not have this line. No one thus far has the X and line for Final Transcript but would suspect that will pop up for some when the next wave is close. Or maybe they have caught on LOL.

Does anybody have a screenshot of X for Fall grades? Just curious how it looks?

Just a quick question, how should I send in first-semester grades, and how are people getting responses for them? Do I just put in a request for common app or actually email them in.

Question #2: Is it better to send in mediocre grades that will bring your overall GPA down a little or dont send them in at all? (Not sending them in could make it seem like ones trying to hide bad grades) 4Aā€™s and 2Bā€™s for reference, high rigor.

If my DD is named NMF should she send that? Does NMF automatically send it themselves? This is my first one who will likely be NMF

First talk to your high school counselor to send them in or call admissions at Michigan.

Secondly, if they requested your grades and you donā€™t send them in donā€™t expect to be accepted. Need to follow what they are asking for. Itā€™s not optional if they request it from you. Does that make sense? They are doing things differently this year. Send them what they ask for.

Just do exactly what they say, no more no less and send how they want. For us it was guidance counselor sends grades through common app, and LOCI through their web site. We just sent email Last week to Admissions Counselor for confirmation that they have everything they need.

Thanks. I agree and plan to send them in. Just to clarify, the note under the tab decision postponed where it says that grades should be submitted is their way of asking right? On the website it states that we seem to have an option, but if the notice under the tab is not standardized and specifically implies that they want my grades I will surely send them in.

@chameleon2 yes!

They want your grades. If there is confusion call admissions but they want your grades delivered from your school not sent by you.

I think everyone is over thinking the grades, I doubt that a decision will change if an extra B or two. If ones gpa was on the lower side to start then better grades may help. A decision is not rendered on one data point alone.