Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

@Knowsstuff I got deferred from the early action applicant pool. I’m a bit confused on the release process… are their decisions rolling? When are the waves? Do the deferred applicants hear back at different times than the regular decision applicants?

You can scour this thread for the release dates but you should think each month has a release date. Then some sprinkles in between. It’s sorta rolling but on the website they say you will know in April as the latest. Check out the admission website for further details or read this thread since it has been posted many times.

Once you are deferred you “Are” in the regular decision pool. There is no difference between deferred and Regular decision. Got that? ?.

So you in theory will hear back at the same time. So some RD might get in before you do and vice versa. It’s not first come, first served per se.?.

So all that Michigan ever has said is that you will find out before like first week in April. Expect that unless you find out earlier. They do waves of decisions so people don’t have to wait that long.

Michigan takes this very seriously. They take a lot of time finding the right people for their classes. Ask yourself this… Do you really want them to “Rush” "through your decision? Let them take as much time as they need to accept you… ?.

Deferred EA…I agree that the further away we get the less your chances. After giving them the additional info they required, we thought the Feb release would be best chance for acceptance. Thankfully my kid has been accepted everywhere else she applied so preparing for another University, it’s all you can do at this point.

The “final ROUGH count” from this wave, was 41 acceptances.

LSA = 36
CoE = 5

That’s it. No kinesiology, nursing, etc.

Last year, the February wave here on CC produced 44 acceptances. The difference, and CC for that matter, is statistically irrelevant IMO.

@snakster I have been encouraging my son to invest himself in his “admit” applications rather than obsess over this one deferral. Isn’t there something to be said for going where you’re wanted?

I’d just like to point out again to those still waiting that the 'March wave" from last year, here on CC, had 44 decisions, 41 accepted and 3 rejections. So, at least here on CC, the acceptance rate remained high. :sunglasses:

@sushiritto yeah, at my school last year the most Michigan acceptances came in March, so I’m just waiting until then. This wait is excruciating though. I am in-state and legacy, so that helps.

so the next wave is in approx 2 weeks?


If you check the 2023 EA Deferred/RD thread from last year, there was NO wave of releases in between the three waves: February 1, March 1 and March 29. At least here on CC. The releases were timed with Ross decision dates.

And of course, there were rejections before April. Just here on CC, there were 3 rejections posted in the March 1st wave. See page 1 for details. Again, CC tends to skew high in terms of stats, so rejections in the “outside world” were likely greater.

February 28th is probably the next wave. But that’s not to say an acceptance or rejection cannot happen in the middle of the month. Judging from CC, those tend to be rare.

Thank you! Do you have any tips for turning deferrals into acceptances?

this is regarding oos engineering deferred. when will those decisions be released or any best educated guesses

Absolutely. But he WANTED to go to Georgia Tech. He just didn’t get accepted there. Michigan is in a group of colleges in a second tier (for him, I am by no means calling Michigan a second tier school). Michigan is not his dream, but he did like it there when he visited and it does check off many boxes, but not all. And it some ways other schools fit better.

If a positive decision had come in EA or this past weekend, it would have gotten some consideration. But it is/was in no way a lock that he would choose to go there. And at this stage, a couple other schools that may be a better overall fit and have demonstrated by direct communication that he is very much wanted, are the ones that are receiving serious consideration.

Again, this is not to cast any shade on Michigan at all. It’s a great school and they have an unenviable task of sorting through tens of thousands of excellent applications. It would be a tremendous honor to be accepted there, but he is not putting things on hold to wait for this decision.

@Knowsstuff @sushiritto my Daughter who’s deferred at LSA just got her Fall grades that she has asked her school to submit to UMich, is it a good idea to also send them to the Umich recruitment coordinator for our state ?

Follow the instructions given. They will get to that person. Think if you were her AO and received hundreds of these… They need to review the applications. Very busy time for them. Don’t give them a reason to reject you. Just follow the instructions given. They want to know you can follow them also… That is my take.

Not sure about UMich, but for Notre Dame you would. For sure. But like @Knowsstuff mentions UMich receives probably 3x as many apps as ND.

My opinion defers slightly than my esteemed colleague. Have you had any previous contact with this person? What’s your relationship with him/her. If there’s some prior contact with this person, then I’d definitely consider it. No prior contact, then no.

I used to say to go for it but they made it clear why they are asking for it to go through the portal. People were just sending them in. Now they have an organized place to do it. They are calling it voluntary also… That to me reads that it’s just not that important to make an impact. It also gives your AO one more thing to do when there are clear rules this year.
Even if all “A” s will they make an impact?

Some schools high school counselors have a relationship with their schools AO. Talk to them. Maybe they will go to bat for you or advise you.

So I was deferred EA and just got in January 31st to LSA (UW GOA: 3.976 at time of applying probably like 3.92 now) (1450 SAT) (In-State). My question was that I did preferred admission to Ross and I was wondering if anyone knows the likelihood of Ross after initial deferral. Any help would be appreciated! I know February 28th is their next wave.

I’m not aware of any statistic that will give you the answer. But I think you have a decent chance. I clearly remember one really nice applicant in the same situation and he/she got the UMich admit in the February wave and then was accepted to Ross in their March wave. Anecdotal as it may be.

Ross posted on their blog. No numbers, but clearly stating deferred people get in. They have been consistent on this.

Hopefully you will be one of those people.

@MOY906 (and everyone else) Apologies. I think I misread (or misinterpreted) the point of the original post.