Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

Log into your UMichigan portal. Then, in the link in your browser where it says " ", add to the beginning of the link " view-source: ", so it should look like this:
view-source:https://enrollment… blah blah blah.

Press enter on your new link then scroll all the way to the bottom of the page and see if you can see a bunch of lines with a dollar sign ($) in front of it that are followed by things like (‘#admitreplymodalbody’) or (“#finaltranscriptbutton”)

Honestly, I don’t think it means anything. They probably updated the HTML for the website and are only going to take the functions out of CDATA for people who are admitted.

One thing to note is that when something is contained within CDATA in HTML/XML, it is considered to be physically part of the webpage, but it just isn’t meant to be shown when viewing it.

@saltyolddog Im on a Mac and it says it can’t find the web address

If you pick view source then you are just looking at the code source for the web page. It means nothing. You can do this on any web page… Nice try!!.. Lol ?

I have those codes

@saltyolddog Nevermind. I switched to Chrome and I see that code.

So what is your interpretation of having this is in the code?

@saltyolddog I have the money signs and everything. What do you think that means?

You have to be using Chrome in order for it to work.

You can do it in safari but you’d have to turn on developer preferences by going to the Safari’s tab in the menu bar on the top left of your mac near the apple logo, go to preferences, then to the advanced tab and at the bottom, you’d have to check a box called "Show develop tools in menu bar. There should be a new tab on your Menu Bar called Develop. Then go to the UMichigan portal page and then click the Develop in your menu bar and click show page source. Then there should be something that pops up on the bottom of your screen that looks like code and you can check if you have it there by just CMD+F and searching “admit” and then from there, you can locate the CDATA.

Pretty confusing^^, id just download chrome lol

Honestly, probably nothing. Literally all we’re doing is looking into what the webpage contains. If it means anything we’d need someone not to have the CDATA at the bottom. Almost 100% Michigan just puts it there for everyone and then only uses it for Admits.

Essentially what your looking at is the code Umich uses to display on the webpage when they grant someone admission. Since everyone seems to have the admission CDATA, which you can think of as annotations in a book, it doesn’t mean anything. Unless someone starts seeing an X again.

@saltyolddog Agree, but thinking they will need to add more code for eventual Waitlist and Deny. I haven’t looked yet but know a bit about coding. Afraid no shortcuts to help us while waiting!!??

I have that bottom part with the “#finaltranscriptbutton” also.

Does anybody know if this months big wave just came out? A girl from my school just got in but I haven’t heard about any other acceptances or seen any posts about it on here.

This is just a microcosm of the “real” world. There are many people being accepted as we speak. Between the “big” waves people are still being accepted or rejected in small spurts. Next big wave should be Feb 28th known to some as next Friday. :relaxed:

Isn’t the website to find “finaltranscript” the same for everyone just view-source: ? Becasue even if I log in, this same site comes up, so how is it specific to the applicant?

Speculating here, but if true, the other possibility is that this acceptance, between the waves, could be to one of the smaller schools at UMich, like Kinesiology, Nursing, SMTD, Taubman, Stamps, etc. They have their own schedules.

Can someone explain again how to find the final transcript code?

I just followed instructions in post #980and that’s how I saw the code.

I do not have the CDATA at the bottom of my code

@collegestudent45 so you do not have the “final transcript” and “admit reply” code?

My both DD have these code!