Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

No, they don’t post that info.

But, from a prior post here on CC from a UMich insider, about 50% of the acceptances are released in December. Then the overwhelming majority of the first two RD waves here on CC are acceptances with the final wave mostly WL and rejections.

So, while there are acceptances still yet to be released on or about 3/27, I think the bulk of those 15,000 acceptances (the last two years have been about a total of 14,9xx) are out already.

@adownztogo. Many legacy get accepted like my son and many do not even instate. Not sure how much that really helps. Please continue to give to the school /alumni associations since they are doing great work but to think that might help in anyway… Not really.

MSU is a great school. It gets overlooked in Michigan.

My S got into CoE on 02.28.2020. We are out of state from Texas. I noticed a few people were saying there are not many people who reported getting in. Happy to share stats if need be.

is it true that this next wave is most likely rejection/waitlist? that is a rumor going around and it is really bumming me out. i applied RD on 1/26 OOS, and i really hope i still have a chance. can someone offer some clarity? the waves seemed kind of small on the forums, but to be fair, only a small percentage of people are on the forums anyway… just want some hope : (

@momver. Congrats on your son acceptance. Please give the stats since they are being tracked. Thx.

@adownztogo I felt the same way two years ago when DD applied early, deferred then waitlisted. And she was double-double and then some legacy (UG and grad for parents plus 3/4 grandparents etc). She got disgusted and declined the waitlist. She was a competitive (though out of state) applicant. Hope you have better luck in the end. DS was deferred and then admitted this year with similar stats as DD had.

@enabenna. Here’s your hope ??. There are many students that don’t accept in the next several weeks for many reasons. Yes, students do get accepted in this next wave. Yes, CC is a microcosm of the real world.

But… Start looking and get excited about your other choices. I would say that to anyone. If one school doesn’t work out then you will easily just focus on your other choices.

For others… This is not about you. It’s what the schools are looking for to make their classes. It doesn’t make a lot of sense when comparing stats etc. That’s why asking for or sharing them really doesn’t make sense to some extent.

Get excited about the acceptances you currently have. Go luck.

@Knowsstuff his stats are: 1570 sat super score, no ACT, NMF, national debater has the most TOC bids in LD, did research for 2 summers with professor at a local
University. Teaches middle school debate and tutors kids at high school in math/chemistry. 11 AP’s 9 are 5 and 2 are 4. Is taking 6 AP’s this year.

@Knowsstuff so far I feel like a bit of luck is involved because people with better stats and extensive community involvement do not get in. Then there are other cases where people with lower stats get much better offers in other colleges than my S.

@momver. Nice. But Michigan doesn’t superscore. Do you know his unweighted GPA?

@Knowsstuff apologies had no idea. Then his sat score is 1540.
Ranked 22/697 in Class of 2020 (Top 3.2%)
GPA: 104.018 weighted. Let me know if there is anything else I missed.

@momver. Definitely, luck has something to do with it but the essays count. Knowing the schools mission. Having interests that are diverse. I know they like students that give of themselves like your sons teaching and tutoring. My son taught and tutored in chess and peer math.

They are looking for specific things but remind my kid how lucky he is to be there especially this time of the year. He agrees.

The below is his AP scores however I don’t think colleges put much emphasis on AP scores from what I have seen.

AP: Human Geography (5), World History (5), Biology (5), US History (5), Statistics (5), Psychology (5), Physics (5), Calculus AB (5), Chemistry (4) Language and Composition (4)
*Macro Economics, Government, BC Calculus , Physics 2, Physics C, English Literature and Composition

*Scheduled for May 2020

@momver If given an acceptance today would he hands down commit to Michigan? If no I wouldn’t complain…

@Knowsstuff I am not saying my son should get in BECAUSE he is legacy. I think his stats stand on their own. His ECs, LORs, and essays were all good in addition to his 4.1 and 33 ACT. He only had 2 AP classes and 2 honor classes, so that is the only shortcoming. My question isn’t even why aren’t they letting him in. I would not be so presumptuous as to say they should let him in. They have more qualified candidates than they have spots. My question is really more whether people think there are students they knew already in December that they were going to reject but they string them along until March or even June on the waitlist because they are legacies and they are worried about making the alumni angry if their students are rejected outright. I played this game with my first son until the end of June last time, and if this is what they are do, I don’t like the game and I don’t want to play. So my question isn’t why my son isn’t getting in, but if anyone knows whether this is a practice they engage in with legacies. If they already decided they weren’t going to let my son in December, I would have preferred to know then. Thanks.

@adownztogo. No way. They have one of the largest and most vibrant alumni associations out there. They can raise money at will. No school wants to piss off their alumni.

Michigan only says they will let students know by Early to Mid April regardless of when they applied. Sure it still sucks to wait but their message has always been the same. Totally appreciate the frustration and really hope you get a positive outcome ?.

@Knowsstuff Good to know that maybe we still have a chance. Maybe I’m just being paranoid. I am not expecting special treatment as a legacy. My husband always jokes that he couldn’t get in if he was applying today. I think that’s probably true for a lot of us.

Non of us parents could get into today… Lol ??.

@Knowsstuff I do think essays count however there are some colleges in state not as competitive as Michigan that did not offer him his first choice CoE. That is why I made the comment luck because I have given up on understanding this process.

@Max2020 I do know he applied for 15 colleges and Michigan is top 4. The others he is waiting for he will know by end of month. I do think Michigan is hard to beat right so can only tell you end of the month what his final decision is. We plan on visiting Mar 27 if possible.

What is the overwhelming opinion of how decisions are released? ARE THERE stragglers in between the “waves”?
What has been the experience of others in terms of EA applications that are then deferred in terms of notifications? Specifically, we know from the number of posts that there are EA applicants who were deferred who have since been notified that they were rejected?
It seems as though deferred has become this land of limbo, but then again, I’ve only read posts of those who were accepted after EA deferred.
What was the process like last year in respect to all these things?
Also, is it me, or, does it seem like there aren’t that many Engineering posts.
DS applied EA to COE and was deferred, OOS, great stats/scores, internships, blah blah blah, but, I find myself getting cynical wondering why it is that if rejection is inevitable why are these EA kids having to wait and wait for a decision?