Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

Cost is not an issue although merit aid from Ohio is a lovely bonus. Deferred from U-M and right now son is favoring Wisconsin over Ohio. Even if admitted to U-M will it really matter in a STEM major when grad school is in the plan? In fact couldn’t a lower GPA from U-M prevent getting admitted to a grad program? I know U-M is super strong - is it fair to say degrees from all 3 schools travel well?

@whatamom. This is the Michigan thread so what do you think I will say… Lol?.

You won’t get Merit at Michigan but can get OOS grants if you have the need (but they don’t meet need).

Ohio does give good merit.

I would also favor Wisconsin over Ohio. I like the campus feel and the lake is very nice. Wisconsin reminds me of a cross between Michigan and Northwestern. That’s a compliment. Plus you can get New Glarus beer only in Wisconsin and it’s worth it just for that alone ?

Wisconsin has a great stem program. I also don’t think a lower GPA at Michigan will hurt at all as long as it’s in range. The companies know how difficult Michigan can be and the culture of the academics. That is why their students are in such high demand. It is instilled in them to go Beyond. Can’t really describe that. I have seen big changes in my son and all for the better. It’s a complete national brand. My son did an engineering internship in Israel last summer after his study abroad in France (talk about a great summer). The company was Chegg Inc. They knew all about Michigan and actually hired a Michigan Grad while he was there. I hear these types of stories all the time. In Chicago where I live Michigan grads are everywhere…

I think there may me more of a chance to deferred OOS because the number of internationals that will attend in the fall with, well, fall.
I don’t think the IS numbers will be much effected.

@MickeyEarwax. What is the reason for IS number will fall this Fall?

IS will stay the same because they are set…and people will want to stay closer to home. OOS numbers will go up, especially the closer states. International will go down.

A few factors that were important to us OOS’ers (CA).

Student-Faculty ratio:

Looking for a job in Silicon Valley? UMich is #11 on this list. OSU and Wisco aren’t in the top 25.

Lastly, the endowments of each school:

Are people expecting the next wave of acceptances for deferred early action to be this Friday (3/20) or next Friday (3/27) or neither? I still haven’t heard back (I know the probability of acceptance gets lower as we get closer to April), I just want a definitive answer, even if it’s no…

They have their hands full right now so I don’t believe it will be before 3/27…

Does Michigan usually release decisions after Ivy Day? I thought that was the finale.

3/27/2020 should be the release day.

I think there is no way Michigan will release prior to 3/27, the current health crisis will have a huge impact on yield which will make it harder for admissions to gauge numbers at a larger institution. I think their in-state yield will be up, but International drastically down. I believe the deposit/commitment day will be moved to June 1 rather than May 1, as has already been done by many schools already.

If I was the director of admissions I would also be searching through my pile of applications for OOS full-pay qualified applicants, knowing

so many International applicants that are full-pay will not arrive to Michigan in the fall, so I would up my OOS and decrease my International acceptances.

I am not saying Michigan will do this, they have a huge endowment to weather the storm that will be this pandemic, but from a business standpoint it would be prudent. So the extra time could be helpful in making adjustments to admission offers. Accepting more from the wait list this year could also buy time until they see how this all shakes out. Plus taking large numbers from a wait list, like Vandy does, can greatly improve yield to off-set International students unable to accept offers already out there.

I agree with a lot of what you say. There are very strict rules on what percentage of the endowment a college can access (the percentage is very low) and how it can be used. I would be shocked if colleges/universities are looking to the endowments. A waitlist makes more sense.

[quote=“sushiritto, post:1546, topic:2073119”]

A few factors that were important to us OOS’ers (CA).

Student-Faculty ratio:

Looking for a job in Silicon Valley? UMich is #11 on this list. OSU and Wisco aren’t in the top 25.

Lastly, the endowments of each school:

Yes. One of the top endowments in the country, top faculty, top researchers. There’s a reason Michigan is quoted in the newspaper every other day. Still, trying to be excited over son’s second choice. UW Madison is well thought of in the midwest, no? by employers and grad schools. Afterall, they did have the first college Superbowl advertisement this year (thanks to the generous donor) :0

@whatamom My D20 is in your same boat, deferred by Michigan EA and anxiously waiting for decision. If she gets in, she’d likely attend. But also getting excited for UW-Madison if next Friday’s (?) results are not great. Unfortunately, we haven’t visited Madison yet. Had a trip planned for next week and had to cancel. Trying to get a feel for the school and town through “day in the life” vlogs, social media, and YouTube videos of the downtown area. She’d be a math/data science major.

when are decisions coming out?

If things don’t change next Friday

@JCAmine My daughter is in same boat, deferred by Michigan EA, second choice is UW Madison. We were able to visit Madison and I can tell you my daughter LOVED it! A lot more than she expected to like it. I loved it as well and coming from Colorado, there are cheep flights into the Madison airport which is small and 5 miles from campus!
Michigan has been her dream school for 5 years and after visiting Madison she was conflicted. She wants to study molecular biology and was accepted into the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. She found the dorm she liked in the quieter area of campus. We live in Colorado and her last choice is CU Boulder. A wonderful school that myself, my husband and her sister all attended. She was also accepted into Purdue Engineering but we were not able to visit before everything was cancelled.

Rankings by total R&D Expenditures (2017):

2 Michigan -- $1.53B

6 Wisconsin -- $1.19B

22 Ohio State -- $0.86B

Wishing you good luck! It’s hard when you grow up in Michigan and dream about this from childhood. I sure hope you get good news soon!

Is there an accepted students group chat?