Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

mine shows the admitreply button and the final transcript thing…does everyone have this?

Hi everyone. I am not sure if this is any help or if it has been debunked but I just decided to check my source code on my portal. Originally, I had no keywords saying anything about admission or a final transcript. Today when I looked after about a month after, I had the 2 source codes called “final transcript button” and “admit reply button”. Not saying this means anything specific as it is just HTML but things are definitely changing. I wanted to know if anyone else has seen a change like this?

I was accepted to Michigan LSA in December! Best of Luck to all of you guys!

saw that as well

sorry if you’ve already covered this but how would i check if those show up on mine?

are there still people waiting for college of engineering? i feel like after being deferred hearing back in the last wave is never a good sign… hopes r not up

PRESS F12 then press ctrl+f, type in words u want to search

@GallardoLP640 I think what we determined last time that everyone had the final transcript, admit reply button etc. Just watch to see if anything changes I guess.

@dpetway I also now have final transcript and admit reply… Does anyone not have that?

@500champ i don’t have either … looks like things are a no for me then?

@zeke3318 i didn’t have it before and there’s others that also don’t have it

is it just 2 links or something on the homepage of the portal once you login? i see no change from how it was a month ago

@musicalpolitics Nobody knows for sure. We’re just speculating.

@musicalpolitics Did you type view-source: in front of enrollment connect? Then search for “admit reply” or “final transcript”

@500champ exactly. we won’t know if this even means anything until decisions are out. my guess is that it means nothing, but i thought i’d share just to see what others thought… i love michigan and it’s my top school and i poured my heart into my essays but my stats are just not high enough. i was rejected from every UC i applied to (sb, sc, berkeley, and davis) so i am praying for umich but it’s not the end of the world if all this code means nothing and i was rejected.

I don’t have that or I don’t know where to find it. I’m fo rKINES though.

@500champ sorry i have no idea what this means can you explain it super dumbed down

@dpetway Same for me. Michigan is my top school and I just want to hear a decision from them. Seems like it’s taking way too long.

@crepeshitake The instructions are on post #980

if you go onto your app status and click command option u it will bring you to the code. From there clicking command f will allow you to search parts of the code for the word you are looking for. This is at least how it works on my mac