Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

My daughter has both words. Not sure if it means anything. It would be interesting to see if someone doesn’t have it. It is clear they are getting to release some kind of decision - good or bad.

After typing view-source you have to then put a colon (:slight_smile:

They are definitely getting ready to release. It is just source code until proven otherwise.

Good Luck!

I wonder if it says (“#paymentbutton”) for anyone, that it may mean there is an enrollment payment need to be paid? Or maybe it’s from the application fee?

mine has it

It does say #paymentbutton - but not sure if it is the original application fee or an enrollment deposit. They are definitely getting ready to release something.

Hopefully we all have the best of luck tomorrow. Going to sleep. What time tomorrow? 12 noon EST or 3 P.M. EST?

Probably 3 P.M. EST

There’s a separate code for the app fee, but who knows!

I have the final transcript, admit reply and payment, but I’m def getting rejected so I don’t think it means anything lol. Although, I would very much like it to mean something, since everyone has it, it’s doubtful it does. I would doubt Michigan to be so unsophisticated that they would accidentally release the decisions early. But good luck to all, although I need some of the luck for myself!

I thought there were people that didn’t have them? I just have no idea why everyone would have a final transcript code when some people don’t need to submit one. There was a speculation back in the EA wave of December that turned out to be true, so idk!

Is tomorrow mainly waitlists and rejections or are there acceptances?

There are acceptances, but just fewer of them. Spots should have opened up because of Ivy day acceptances.

My friend told me about this way to check if you got accepted or not before it comes out - if you click on this link and it says Enrollment Deposit then apparently you got in? I clicked on that link and it’s just a blank white page - does this mean I didn’t get in?

Edit: My friend also used this link and it had that Enrollment Deposit thing and it was a clickable link and so he payed his deposit and got an email that he’s in or something like that btw, that’s why I’m nervous that if you have a blank page it means you didn’t get in…?

blank page for me too :((((

Maybe they didnt upload our decisions onto our portals yet - does anyone know how that works when they upload decisions onto portals before they actually come out??

Yeah that’s probably the deal breaker right there. Mine was blank, so pretty good chances that means I was rejected.

How do you know it’s real for sure? Maybe they only uploaded some people’s decisions onto the portals? Or maybe it was a glitch somehow? I only know him as one person that got that

Dang based on that link I am getting rejected from my dream school.

GUYS!! Don’t assume anything based on that link I sent I was just curious!!! Just wait until 5 pm tomorrow, PLEASE DO NOT be discouraged over that link because I have no clue if that is credible!!! I just posted it here because I was wondering if anyone knew anything about it!!! I applied RD to LSA on 11/31 and have been waiting since so I am also extremely scared but don’t trust backdoor methods like these unless someone can actually confirm it’s trustworthy!!!

I’m not saying that’s for sure, but it seems real enough to be true. Knowing that the last wave is mostly waitlists and rejections, I don’t imagine a lot of people have that payment option. I only know one person with that option, though. But also, by now, I’m sure U of M knows that students can figure these things out before decisions are released, which I can’t imagine they want happening. But again, it’s all speculation!

I have the final transcript code/payment button etc on the original link that was going around and also was able to see an option to pay a $300 enrollment fee on the new link so I’m really hoping for good news tomorrow