Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

@swall02 If you click on f12 on the link what does your code say next to div class =“progress_box” style=…

I am having a blank page on the new link, so I guess it is a no for me then :slight_smile:

i have the place to submit a deposit, but THIS DOES NOT MEAN ANYTHING, DO NOT DRIVE YOURSELF CRAZY OVER THIS

Mine doesn’t even have that progress thing.

Yeah I don’t have the progress thing either

Mine is just completely blank white page…

It probably means you got in why would they ask for deposit money if you did not get in.

I have the blank page too, but can see the “div class=“progress_box”” thing

@sam2341 I’m pretty sure it’s the exact opposite, the deposit money/enrollment deposit (I think Michigan is $300) is to secure your spot in the class

Ik why would you need to secure your spot in the class if you did not get into Michigan? If you can deposit the money, you are probably in.

Do you see this once you click on the inspect tab?

@MM6785 yeah, just click f12/inspect element and it was a couple rows down. After progessbox, mine says something like “visibility: hidden”

okay, thank you for the help! Mine says the exact same thing. If this deposit theory is true, however, I don’t think this means anything for me except a rejection/waitlist because I have the blank page before I select the inspect element.

So has it been just about confirmed that having “admitreplybutton” and “final transcriptbutton” is irrelevant? Is there anyone that doesn’t have it?

For the enrollment link it seems to be split between people who have the option to pay, people who are blank but have progress box, and people who don’t have the progress box at all.

There were people posting earlier saying that they did not have either of those codes. I have the progress box (as well as final transcript and admit reply), but I’m not sure what that even means.

It’s a blank screen for me but when I go into inspect element I see the line at the very bottom that says

. I probably got rejected… :disappointed:

@dpetway same for me. it’s just pure sadness…

is the progress box mean we got waitlisted?

Weird Question: Does anyone know if the waitlist applies to your highschool only? Hypothetically, if several kids from my high school were to get accepted into Umich, but decide to commit elsewhere, will that raise my chances of being accepted off the waitlist?

Thanks for any answers you all might have, I’m currently wide awake at 5am due to nervous energy. Michigan has been my top school since I was a child and I really hope I somehow manage to get in. Regardless, I wish all of you luck, even if it’s not my day tomorrow, I’m sure for some of you it’s going to be the best day ever!

Good luck to all of you guys, we are all in this together :slight_smile:

hey guys so I looked into the website source and script code and unfortunately I don’t think it means anything because there is a lot of code there that makes it seem like they have not made anything visible.

also, the progress box is hidden in the regular application part. In addition, there is no way to tell if you got in if they haven’t uploaded yet because this is a frontend(inspect element). Back end pushes the data to the frontend do not give up hope