Class of 2026 Undergrad/Class of 2024 Grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Common question. She answered it correctly. She was honest. While 10 may be on the high side, it’s not a bad thing. They will see that she is serious and ambitious. So I don’t think that you should worry at all.

It is a common question to be prepared for. There is no gaming the system. It’s best to just be honest. As said above, they are probable checking out the competition, how serious the candidate is, and maybe what types of schools (big, small etc). They may make comments on it…like all of your schools are LACs except us (big U). So it’s good, prior to the audition, to review the 2 or 3 main points about the school that you like. Size isn’t the only reason to pick a school.

There is nothing wrong with casting a wide net…and auditioning at and “trying on” different types of schools. That’s a fine answer for a young person still figuring it out during auditions.

EDIT: One other weird thing: if you are a high talent at your safety school, and the school is quite sure that you will be accepted elsewhere (after they hear your list of schools…and realize they may be the safety) you can get a reject from your safety school…as they will rightfully assume, you will be accepted elsewhere… and they want first dibs at students that will be excited to their school. This can be a reason for a candidate to be accepted at multiple highly selective schools and be rejected at a safety. That is the problem with using the idea of safety schools for music. The teachers will be aware of your level.

This is probably not a concern for you at this audition…but it’s to point out how this questions can work. And, if an in-state safety is important due to financial reasons…it’s not a bad idea to say so in the interview. I’m really interested in your school bc it’s solid reputation and it’s financially feasible for me…which is my top priority. My comments are always OPINION…but just fyi.


My son’s been asked this at least twice so far. My impression when his brother applied to LACs was that it was in poor taste for schools to ask and it was best to be a little evasive when answering if they did, but it doesn’t seem to be the same situation with music schools. One place that asked WAS his in-state public option, and I was a bit worried that it would seem like he was using them as a safety when he answered honestly (although he has a couple of other schools on his list that are also less reach-y)…but he genuinely DOES like that school a lot and has shown that by visiting twice pre-audition and staying in touch with the clarinet prof…and they just accepted him the other day, so looks like answering truthfully was fine.


I’m glad that you wrote about your S’s acceptance at his safety. I always write a lot…so I just wanted to make the one point about how it can be used. But, yes, if you show strong interest at your “safety”…visit a few times, meet and communicate with a teacher, etc, you certainly can be accepted. However if you show little interest at a safety school (and just audition bc it’s a safety) that is where you can be “surprisingly” rejected…and of course the rejections come first…so that can scare your pants off while you wait a month for your first acceptance at selective schools!

And…congrats on the acceptance!


Thank you all for your thoughts! I appreciate your perspectives. Today’s interview definitely wasn’t at her safety school, so that’s good! She has that interview next weekend, so I’ll suggest to her that if they ask, she should also express her interest and reasons for applying there. Her best friend is there, studying in her desired major, so she can certainly speak to that. Its a strong draw for her.

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Does anyone know if Curtis sends an email if you get rejected at the prescreens? Or do they just not contact you if you don’t advance?

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If they inform the applicants who didn’t pass the pre screening?


Thank you so much! Did you call or email Curtis to get the answer?

No, I’d rather avoid doing that

My Son applied to Curtis Composition program. Today we received an email from Curtis stating that they give prescreen results a month before the interviews which is March 26th. So I guess they will give prescreen results at the end of Feb


that explains a lot, thanks!

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While it looks like you still have time to find out whether or not you have passed prescreens for this discipline, don’t be afraid of calling admissions with a sincere question. You don’t have to identify yourself as more than a BM applicant to a particular program, and can inquire if decisions regarding moving forward have been communicated to applicants. Not to freak you out, but imagine a worse case scenario like there was a problem with your application or a document was misplaced and you didn’t find out until it was too late. Not that you should be a pest, but again, a genuine question is worth asking. Good luck!


Not sure whether we have started a separate acceptance thread, but happy to report acceptances so far for daughter (BM trombone performance) at Univ. of Kentucky and Boston Conservatory. Woo hoo! Some joy in the gloom of winter and audition season!


DS got past second round for Curtis (classical voice, baritone)!!! In-person third round next!


Wow @Mcecere thats great news, very impressive! Best of luck to him!

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Congrats! Did you receive the confirmation email from Curtis yesterday? My S piano, I want to check with them today, no one replied email or answered the phone.

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And all information should come from Admission department’s email , right? Thank you!


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Congratulations Mcecere! I hope you and your son get to see a little of Curtis. It is truly a magical place. My son auditioned there two years ago. Very exciting experience.

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I got the curtis update in an email today 2/1/22.